Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So if you've been following the Anti-bully Blog Series, you've noticed recently there haven't been any posts. Well some have chalked it up to the fact I've had A LOT of time off (earned I swear)lately. The Reality is that I've run out of material. HOW can some one POSSIBLY run out of material on a subject such as bullying. I've told ALL of my stories, and stores of several others (thanks again to all of you). But the well has run dry. It is still a project I have a lot of passion for, I just need the resources. This is where you come in. Unfortunately most of us have been bullied, witness bullying or have BEEN a bully. I'd LOVE to have some one who WAS a bully come forward with a piece, not to discourage ANYONE from sending me a piece or requesting an interview. When you do a piece I'll ask you if you require the piece to remain anonymous. If you do I will send you a notice that states if your identity is revealed or your piece is used for gain, be it personal OR financial it will be removed. I do this for the peace of mind for ANYONE who helps me with the blog. I would LOVE to get it going again, and I REALLY need your help. You can FB me to get in contact OR e-mail me nancy.wood@mbsradio.com .I don't want to seem like I'm begging, but I can't do this with out your help. Once I hit 10 entries the series will return :)Kids, adults, anti bullying groups, All are welcome. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon :)

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