Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #14

Logo Credit to Nate Williams

So It’s Wednesday, and I was feeling rather Mother Hubbardy (I know I’m not the only one who remembers the Nursery Rhyme). I went to look at my Material for today’s blog post. Well my blog usually is Chicken Soup like, I share the stories of others, yeah I do a follow up but it’s FUELED mostly by listeners being brave and kind enough to supply me with material. I get e-mails from Bullying Canada That I keep on hand so I can read the stories and do editorials on them should I ever be in this situation (PS if EVER you see one of these, Bullying Canada WILL Receive FULL credit for the story, we’re aware I LOVE that group). So I popped over to my e-mail and typed in Bullying looking for Material and came across an e-mail that I’d never seen dated like October 25th…Hooray for Modern Technology! The E-mail was from a Woman named Jane, who was thanking me for some of my past posts. Turns out that she was a high school teacher for 31 years and was dead set on having her class room be a SAFE place. If you’ve read older posts, you know how it usually works with the school. If you haven’t let me get you up to speed. A LOT of bullying of course happens at School. TYPICALLY speaking, it would seem that the school FAILS the victims of bullying. So the fact that this person strived to make their classroom a safe place…THAT is HUGE! Jane should be getting an award of some sort for that ALONE! BUT there’s more to the story than that. She and her Husband, who also worked in the School system are now retired. Now what is WONDERFUL is they haven’t given up! They are STILL trying to fight and make Schools a safe place. They have put together a blog you should SO check out! It’s What I like about their page is that it’s a little more official than mine. My blog, like I said, has a Chicken Soup feel to it. I’ve learned a lot from DOING this blog and I hope you have from reading it as well. But no two people are going to have the same blog, and some times a new angle is a wonderful thing. So I DO recommend checking out their blog. I have the home page open right now, and there ALONE it has a post on Warning signs your child may be a victim of Bullying, How a bully works with their group, Tools to deal with Bullying, and even School Faculty being involved in the act of Bullying. I fired back an e-mail to them and Will be book marking this page FOR SURE. Like I said this was the home page alone, so I WILL be digging deeper into their page. Thanks again SO much to Jane for e-mailing me, I hope we can stay in touch.

Remember the Anti Bully Blog Series comes out Wednesdays, and it keeps going because YOU keep it going! Remember if you have questions about the Blog or you have a piece you’d like to do for me you can Facebook me or e-mail me

1 comment:

  1. Nancy- Thanks for the nice shout-out. Together we can do this! Keep working and so will Bill and I.
    Jane B.
