Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Anti-bully Blog series Edition #15

Logo Credit to Nate Williams

I’m not even SURE where to begin with THIS weeks blog! I’m doing an editorial type piece and typically speaking, I stick to what listeners have to say, and then a follow up. THAT is usually my editorial piece! However the Mother Hubbard syndrome continues, I have a lack of listener material, so I’m on my own.

SO I was VERY lucky to come across another blog like mine BUT in a different style a couple weeks ago. My last post was highlighting it. It was refreshing to see teachers in a position where they were doing something about the bullying because in FAR too many of our posts, teachers and faculty FAILED the victims of Bullying.

WELL PREPARE for an EPIC Fail! A story made it’s way to me, it’s a couple weeks old but it’s STILL worth sharing. It’s one thing when teachers turn a blind eye to bullying, it’s QUITE another when the Teacher is the Bully. This was the case in a New Jersey School. A 15 year old was bullied by his teacher. Most of the time when some one is being bullied we try and get them to talk to some one about it. Well this boy did….and no one believed him. SO thanks to modern Technology, he caught him in the act. Check this Video out

Did you watch it? Did your stomach TURN? Mine did. THIS is supposed to be some one that student should feel SAFE turning to…not scared to be in the same room with. The video seems to get worse and worse as it progresses, to the point where he’s IN the students face and threatening him. What pisses ME off is actually AFTER the video…this teacher is on paid leave because of it…soooo VACATION?! NO! You have PHYSICAL EVIDENCE this has happened…fine if you need to do an investigation do it, but don’t reward this guy with PAID TIME OFF! Speaking to ANYONE like this is NOT acceptable but a CHILD?! This is also a guy who is in a Role Model position…can you say BREEDING ground for bullies? This is a Story I’m PRETTY heated on, but I also want YOUR feedback. I’d love to hear what you have to say about it. PLEASE feel free to share your comments here!

DON’T forget I’m ALWAYS looking for Material for the Anti-Bully Blog, and yours would be fantastic! If you have questions or something I could use on an up coming edition you can FB me or e-mail me

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