Well I can't say I go to the movies often, but this past weekend was hubs b-day and we went and saw the Avengers. My last movie review was the Lucky one...and I was COMPLETELY out of my element...because though I AM a chick flick...I DO NOT like Chick Flicks. THIS however is back in my realm. For starters, they screwed up... How? Because this is supposed to be the ORIGIN of the Avengers....the founding members were not those depicted in the movie...There were 5 to start and they only had Iron man, Thor, and the Hulk...the comic series started in 1963, and Cap Joined in 64, Hawkeye in 65, Black Widow wasn't even until 1973. Speaking as a Comic book fan, I would have prefered to see Scarlet Witch in the place of Black Widow. She joined in 65...though it may have been a little cliché to Scarlet play the Scarlet Witch. So I can actually forgive ALL of this, simply because the way they played out the story the NEEDED Cap! Really, would not have worked out without Capitan America. While I would have PREFERRED Scarlet Witch...she would have been a little out there for this story too. The combo choice of members, was ACTUALLY really good...just not accurate.
Lets start with the actual characters. Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark/ Iron man. When I saw the FIRST Iron man movie, I thought RDJ ROCKED the Role...the second...it got a little meh...BUT the Awesomeness of Tony was brought BACK in this movie. Tony had his MUCH needed comedic lines, his cocky attitude, and while Pepper Pots wasn't a MAJOR role in this one...we still saw Tony's softer side. Not going further in that one, or we're going to have some spoilers
Chris Evans as Captain America/ Steve Rogers. I'm not going to lie...I didn't see Captain America. WHY? Because I was still pretty pissed about the way the Fantastic Four was butchered...and then impaled on a stick with the second movie... Chris Evans played The Human Torch/ Johnny Storm. I haven't forgiven this one... That being said I'll likely check it out now...I've never really been a Cap fan though. In this Role though I have forgiven Chris Evans. Cap is really the polar opposite of Johnny. While Johnny is a Show Boater, and more like...well...Tony, Cap is about doing what is right, no matter what. SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN'T SEE CAPTAIN AMERICA, He's still struggling to adapt to the modern day, he's very much old fashioned, but not SO much so it's painful.
Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner...I'm not putting the slash because he didn't play the Hulk, he was computer animated, and fun fact my hubs told me...Lou Ferrigno, is the ONLY person who has ever voiced the Hulk. Mark was my FAVORITE Bruce Banner...from the movies (you can't compare him the the orig...just sayin) Hulk is probably the background story I know the best. I think of ALL the members of the group I've read the most comics of his. NOT to mention I love the Hulk, I want to hug him (yes I know that's a bad idea). The Character of Bruce Banner is...yeah this is an over used Comic description...Mild Mannered. Mark NAILED it. He was able to the mild mannered thing, but he was able to do that transition to the Hulk role too, and it was GREAT! I thought when Eric Bana did it, he wasn't Mild Mannered enough...a trait that served him well when he was in the Star Trek Movie but I digress. It's something for me to put him about Edward Norton though, because I think he's such a GREAT actor, but I'm not a fan of Liv Tyler...so that may have actually played a part in that.
Chris Hemsworth as Thor. No I didn't see Thor...and I'm thinking because I hadn't when I do FINALLY (which I do) it won't be as good now because, SPOILER ALERT, We've got some more Loki in this one. So my husband told me HE thought his acting sucked...however...I....sorry...I was just thinking of Chris Hemsworth in the Role of Thor...and forgot what I was talking about. I think I've read one or two Thor Comics, so no, I don't know A LOT about Thor. I know he is supposed to have a bit of Arrogance to him, because, well he is a God. There was a little bit of that in the movie...but I think I probably would have seen a little more of that development if I SAW Thor. I thought he was good in the Role, I really couldn't see anyone else playing it.
Scar Joe as the Black Widow. She would not have been my first choice in the role...I'm not a Scar Jo fan. PS watch ANY movie with her in it, and see that signature, hurt, and shocked face she makes...it's in this one...however it's the first time I've seen her play it off well! Would she have been my first choice? No, but she was decent... I think in her FIRST scene she could have been a little more arrogant...I'm actually serious about that.
Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye...Thank GOD they didn't stick to the old costume with that one! So the style did resemble some of the evolution of the costume, but it wasn't bright purple...I'm just sayin. Jeremy stole my heart as this character right off the bat...I kid you not, and it just grew, through the movie. While he wasn't one of the in your face characters, he was pretty freakin cool in the role.
Tom Hiddleston as Loki. For Starters, swear this is my last character evaluation! Background info, Loki is the envious, power hungry "brother" of Thor. Tom, was what he was supposed to be! Arrogant because of the fact that he is a god, while he was powerful he still came off as weaker than Thor, he was petty, and down right evil! If you look up the mythology Loki is the God of mischief...that is an understatement . Tom had the playful Mischief were needed, the kind of creepy knowing evil smile was achieved. The Ruthless evil Villain was totally there. Loki was captured by this actor
If you want to see the movie and want to know LITERALLY nothing about the story...stop reading NOW!
You kept going, there will be no more SPOILER ALERT comments...however I won't give away anything that I think could ruin the movie for you...so this likely won't take long.
So in this there is an Alien Race that wants to attack earth, and they assume we're little ants you can step on with your boot (I chose those words on purpose, you'll need to see the movie though to understand). Loki meanwhile wants to RULE earth, and teams up with these aliens. Loki comes back Via Shield experiments, all hell breaks loose. Personalities clash where you would expect, there's a possible love story in there, and we learn the real strength of some of the Avengers in more ways than one. They make you actually nervous for the Hulk to appear. That for me was much like with the Star Trek Movie and Waiting for Scotty to arrive...it took too long. Both only for my love of the character...ok for Star Trek it was the Actor! The Fight scene is AWESOME! I loved it...and I'm sorry you KNEW there was a Fight scene.
Over all, I enjoyed the movie...Marvel still has a LOT of making up to do for some movies we've suffered through, but this is definitely doing that! The LAST movie I saw in theatres I predicted and got bored with...This one had my FULL attention! I'm waiting for it to hit DVD AND the next one....on that note...STAY TO THE END OF THE CREDITS! The important part is actually part way through them, and I saw that...but I was informed I missed a Laugh at the end...:(
Avengers gets an 8.6 from me, dead on with IMDB