Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Anti Bully Blog Edition #35

So today before I get into our actual topic I wanted to give a heads up. Since we're getting into the Summer months, it is the time of year when people go on Vacation. In the next couple weeks I will be taking a week for my Friend's wedding. So at that time, I will be putting the blog on hold. THAT is the only way it's going on hold, Vacation, no other reason will hold me back...just so you know. 

Well last week I said something about not having had some one send me THEIR story in a while, and when that happened...a listener of course made me eat my words...they were medium rare with a side of slaw...ha ha...
Now after further conversing with this listener they said they had more than one story, but would prefer not to use their name. Now I got confused, I wasn't sure if they meant on JUST that story or this one, so when in doubt, I leave it out. 

I had a couple stories that have caught my attention, that reminds me, bullies come in all sizes...and so do their targets. One story I saw was posted on the Anti-bullies Unite page...and I believe my exact words were "are you FREAKIN kidding me"?!

This Anti-bully's Story, didn't make headlines, but I had a similar reaction to it. Here is her Story:

When my Daughter was 3, My kids and I were standing and waiting for the bus. My youngest daughter had Speech Appraxia, which meant she didn't speak her first words until she was about 4. Regardless she did express herself differently than most, and she had a hearing problem as well. At the bus stop was a well dressed woman, and my daughter decided she would make friends with this woman. Well the woman got really annoyed and turned to me very sarcastically and said "What's wrong with her? There has to be something wrong with her". I didn't feel it necessary to explain my daughter's problems, so I simply said "She is 3, and she is a kid, that's what is wrong with her". My other two children were Mortified that an adult could be like this. I had to Simply explain to them that people are usually the way they are from they life they have lived, so don't blame her, just forgive her. But my point is bullying is something that has no age limits.   

For starters, thanks SO much for sharing your story. That was a pretty horrible thing to do or say. REALLY, who DOES that?! However a Good lesson was taught there. Her kids were taught what is the typical reasoning behind such behaviour. And what's more they were taught forgiveness. 

Make NO mistake about it, Adults can be bullies. We see it every day, just adults have enough life experience to attempt to cover it up in one way or another, or be VERY tricky about it. Kids bullying is obvious, when you see know it. While this adult happened to be right out there, and I suppose Child like, because it was pretty obvious, adults should maybe stop and think...are kids picking up on what I'm doing? Really, you might be very subtle...but kids aren't stupid. So I suppose the moral of the story here, adults, have a look at yourself. Kids learn from us. 

Remember if you have something to contribute to the Anti-bully blog you can facebook me 

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