Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Review of Glass House

    So I'm PRETTY sure it's no Secret, I'm a fan of Big Brother. I've gone so far in previous years to go on air chatting about it, and leaving the floor open to discussion...PS I have EVERY intention of doing this again this year! If you didn't hear, CBS and ABC went to court over ABC's NEW TV show Glass House. So the idea is REALLY similar to Big Brother, and for that reason CBS said they were ripping off their idea. The Judge Ruled in favour of ABC. Prior to all of this I knew NOTHING of this Glass House show, and I likely would have seen the promo for it and said..."so a rip off of Big Brother?" and that would have been the end. But we humans....we're an interesting breed, with all the attention it got I was curious. I watched the first episode, and I feel the need to give it a review.

   So This group of 14 people living in a glass house (transparent and such). They come in (and out) on something that reminds me over Star Wars when Han is lowered into the thing that put him in Carbonite. SO you know how with Big Brother you vote for what the "Have not's" eat, or who gets special powers and stuff? Well that seems to be the concept on this show except it's for EVERY little thing. Last night they had a pool party (voted by viewers) where they got to drink (voted by viewers) and eat sushi (voted by viewers).

  SOME people are standing out more than others. Case in point? ALEX! This guy is under the delusion he's awesome...BB fans...remember Ronnie from season 11? He kind of reminds me of that...but if Ronnie were a Jock. He also looks like the older brother from the Wonder years. So on THIS show they're allowed to tweet and stuff, so I'm not sure if they asked these questions BEFORE they went in the house, or they tweeted them, but they'd all asked these questions that were yes or now questions, and they were...VOTED ON BY VIEWERS. Well this Alex guy (who btw has this whole nick name persona thing that just makes him look like MORE of a tool) asks,  "Should I become the most Epic Villain of all time?"...Um...WHAT?! FIRST episode? REALLY? Gee...how could THAT be a bad move? So here comes another BB reference...Remember in season 8, where Dick INTENTIONALLY put a target on his back and started being a jerk? Well it was kind of like that...if Dick had been about 8! He just basically went around to everyone in the house and decided to verbally abuse them as best he could without being kicked off the show. What's MORE the jabs were petty and Childish...he did however make ONE person cry...the girl he said he "wanted to get to know" because "she's hot"...yeah dude...good luck with that.

  But Alex wasn't a TOTAL idiot...no no that title went to Jacob. THESE two hit it off RIGHT off the bat, there was some rather primitive grunting and chest pounding between these two. SO the house was divided into teams for the FIRST competition (that part was kind of like survivor). AS VOTED BY VIEWERS (are you getting the pattern yet?) it was decided that the teams would be separated, West and East (depending on where they were from). Jacob, wasn't sure what team he was supposed to be on (ps he's from Oregon). Oh Happy Day! He was with his grunt brother Alex. Now UNLIKE Big Brother, the viewers vote for who stays and who goes out of the two placed on the chopping block. In this competition, each team had to select a team captain, the captain of the losing team would be on the chopping block, along with one of his team mates as voted by the house. Jacob volunteered for this because "I know we're going to win". As for the opposing team, no one was stepping forward, but in the end Jeffrey made the call that HE would be the team captain. THIS was not necessarily a BAD call on his part, he'd been making fast friends.

 Jeffrey's team won the competition, so Jacob was on the chopping block or in THIS house "limbo". GUESS who was put on the block with him...DUR! Alex! When the members of the house are put in "Limbo" they are separated from the rest of the house while viewers vote for who will return. The go out the same way they come in and while they left Alex told them all he'd be back. NOW for SOME reason...Jacob decided to bail on the whole show...yes...first episode. I DO like that they're still letting viewers vote about Alex though.

 SO my overall feelings on this show? Well I guess the BIG thing that sets it apart from BB is that it's FAR more interactive with viewers...maybe a little TOO much. With Big Brother I like how they are COMPLETELY cut off from the world, so when some one is HOH it's pretty special they get something from home. These guys are on Twitter. I also think that these guys are kind of like puppets in the house...So viewers can make them do things...Big brother, there's viewer interaction, but the house guests playing the way the want to THAT is part of the entertainment value. OMG that being said though, one guy on Glass house has to have chosen the STUPIDEST strategy I've EVER seen! We're talking making Shelly's playing both sides of the house looking GENIUS! Apollo, wants to play an HONEST game (ok so kind of the total opposite of Shelly) he has brought in a deck of cards, and got everyone to pick a card. So when it comes time for him to vote WHO to put on the chopping block...sorry...in limbo... he'll pick one of the cards and that's who he'll vote for...yup...that's his plan...To wrap this all up...Big Brother is going into season 14...I don't see Glass house making it THAT far...

OH sorry one more thing...Alex...the most EPIC Villain of all time IS and always WILL be EVEL DICK!

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