Monday, May 10, 2010


Hmm not as big of a gap.

Well it’s a Monday, and I’m having a better day than last Monday. I dunno last Monday was just a REAL MONDAY! I had a fantastic weekend. If you’re looking for a big party story you’ve come to the wrong blog. Nope my weekend involved a lot of sleeping, drinking coffee, reading, googling, cooking, watching movies in PJ’s and writing, and that was a great weekend for me. A crazy busy weekend that requires recovery? Yup I have em but I love low key weekends too, and they’re few and far between. Unfortunately if you noticed, cleaning was not on that list, so yeah guess what I do have to do during the week…:S. I did spend the majority of it with my Fiancé so there was good company.

My reading was a book that was actually dedicated to Oprah, so yeah if you know me that is extremely out of character, I don’t want to say I’m and anti Oprah, but I’m not major fan. Thus far it’s a pretty good read. I have put my paranormal romance on hold for now. On down time I do like being crafty, so I was checking out blogs this weekend finding stuff I’d like to try, perfect timing too, I’m on Vacation next week. Yup I have a week off, perhaps there will be a blog or two mostly because I’ll start missing my listeners and see it as a way for me to attempt staying connected. I visit to the old stomping grounds is in order, and I think I might do a major clean of the pad too (if I feel the drive, if not it will be a basic one). Other than that I figure it will be hobbies consuming my time. My other half will be working so I’ll likely be a solo act. Hoping for some nice weather so I can hit up rockwood park.

I know this blog is riveting right? See this is what happens when you don’t get large gaps! You notice my obscurity. One day you can catch me blaring some rock music and playing air guitar, the next? I’m knitting (I’ve actually only ever completed one knitting project but you get the idea). Another day I’m “shopping my closet” the next, planning my next hike. I’m all over the map, but I like being that way. I think I’d get bored otherwise.

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