Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I tend to rant on a bunch of my blogs and this one is no exception.

The Warm weather is here, and we’re enjoying it! We had a great long weekend and the heat continues even if the sun is hiding at the moment. For anyone who hasn’t seen the station, the top floor is where our studios are, we’re in a big goldfish bowl and I can see pretty much everything going on on the corner of Union and Waterloo. I could tell you stories because everyone knows how wild Uptown can be :P. Well I was a witness today to something that kind of erks me when I see it. I know in elementary school we, the one I went to anyway, there was a bike safety course we took, I think I was in grade 3 or something. Anyway, it taught us the basic rules of the road. Now lets be honest when you’re a kid, your parents are going to make you use the sidewalk, which is good, because who would actually look at a kid on a bike as a vehicle on the road? Once in a while I see an adult using the road on their bike, again this is cool BUT if you’re using the road on your bike shouldn’t you have to follow the rules of the road? What I saw was some one on a motorized bike. It wasn’t like heavy duty enough for me to call it a motor bike, it was a little bigger than a regular bike, and while it wasn’t going as fast as a car this thing totally had a motor. He was following along in traffic just like the car in front of him, but when he hit the lights at the corner, he hit a red. I knew when I was 3 a red light means stop. Well I’m ranting so I’m sure you know he didn’t. He instead went closer to the sidewalk and squeezed past the cars in front of him to continue on his journey. I personally think, if you’re riding your bike and you’re using the sidewalk (I think this was a little too heavy duty for the sidewalk) You follow the same rules as a pedestrian , if you’re on the road, you follow the rules are car would follow. You can’t mix it up to your convenience. Your thoughts?

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