Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Yeah okay I suck!

Since I’ve been told I suck at blogs I felt the need to post one. It was cleared up for me, I don’t so much suck when I post them I just don’t keep them current. I don’t know I just haven’t had anything pop up at me in the last while saying YES THAT LET’S BLOG ABOUT THAT. That or I could fess up and call myself a total slacker.

Hmmmm Blog Topics…Okay well this is the BIG THING in my life lately. I got engaged to my bf of four years, on our 4 year anniversary. So yeah pretty pumped about that. I wasn’t one of those girls who played wedding or had her wedding day planned. Nope I was playing with Spiderman action figures. Yeah true story. So this planning process has been from scratch. So yeah if you car what’s happenin in my life that’s most of it. That and I got new nail clippers for my guinea pigs. Exciting I know right?

I don’t know how many of you remember my blog from January when I was all pumped that I’d lost 10lbs, but I’ve now lost 20. I don’t actually want to lose anymore because I’m happy where I am now. I’d love to tell you the reason I set out to lose weight is because I wanted to be healthy, and if it’s true or not who’s going to believe me?I was in the margin that was considered “over weight” I’m not anymore, and I am at what I’ve come to learn is called the “happy weight” I read an article about a woman who was getting married (yeah I read a lot of those lately) and she was eating healthy and stuff which is great but she never let herself have her little indulgences, and I’m sorry for me I loves my extra butter popcorn with dill pickle flavor. In a nutshell the woman decided she could never enjoy those I guess no-no foods, or eat healthy most of the time and then every now and then grab some cocktails with the girls, or have that piece of cheesecake. Basically that was my goal, be healthier but not alter my entire life. Mission accomplished. Apparently right on time too, I mean how many brides want to drop a few pounds?

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