Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hoping my audio clip loaded properly! For those of you who missed it a few months back Steph called Jay a Trekkie, and I came out as a Starwoid. The Audio clip is actually where I drew the line in the sand...

On that note, I guess Lucas is re releasing all the Star Wars movies AGAIN, in 3D. This is kind of epic for us Starwoids, but really? How many times will it be re released? Well we probably won't see a new batch for another 6-7 years, because I guess the plan is they'll start with Phantom Menace this year and then do them in order around the same time each year...So I likely won't shell out the cash for it for about 3 years...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gone too far

So I've been surfing the web today, and a theme was coming to my attention. One I thought WHOA I definitely have a blog topic. Bullying. Do I sound like a bleeding hear here? I was bullied a little when I was growing up. I stood 3ft tall until grade 4...but bullying has evolved. I'll be waiting for you by the swings after school has changed to kids using weapons and it's gone too far. I definitely credit it to the culture they're being raised in, far more violent and volatile than even when I was in school,I graduated in 2004...

What triggered this? There were two stories actually. One was about an 11 year old boy. He joined the cheer leading team at school and was bullied, to the extent one of these kids broke his arm. who exactly is he hurting? Not to mention I would think a male cheerleader would be an asset for throws and flips. These kid didn't break his spirit, he's going to keep going, but really, why?

The other story actually had NOTHING to do with kids. I'm sure most of us know who Gordon Ramsay is. Well stories are surfacing that past contestants from Hell's Kitchen have committed suicide. I've seen the show and think most people would agree...he's a huge bully. His claim is this is how he was taught... does that make it right? The way he talks and treats people is disgusting. I don't frequent the show. Last I checked North America has laws against this stuff...and it's on TV for entertainment?

I don't expect my rant to change the world, or even change anything. I simply hope to open the eyes of one person...then it's accomplished something...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Plans from a mad Planner

Okay, so I get to come on here and talk about what's on my mind. I suppose I could start off with how very content I am with my summer. You know how you always make all these great plans for the summer and then when the fall comes, there's barely a dent in your list? Well I can't say my list was huge but I had an eventful and happy summer with some great friends. Looking forward, I hope to do the same with Fall and yes even Winter. I have hauled out a bunch of cook books and started planning my projects. Also need to get in my craft room, yes I have a craft room, and get it livable, I have a bunch of projects on the go already in there that kind of collected dust over the summer. Also have some plans for canning, and some other things. I've ALSO started my Christmas shopping...I feel like I should duck, I could get shot for that one. I have the Wishbook and I have gotten sooooo many ideas from there. I HATE being rushed in a crowd, so it is much better for me to have everything done nice and early. I'm a huge planner so I'm psyched out of my mind just posting all of this! Also started looking into tracking the big man in red again this year...we'll see how that works out. One more thing, one of my FAVE stores just opened it's doors again, today. Christmas Discounters is back at East Point. Got some things I'll be picking up soon lemme tell you.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Recap!

Look guys look!!! A NEW BLOG POST! YAY there wasn't a 2 month gap! SO it's Monday and feeling very mondayee. That's probably why I just downed a small bag of chips, and have one waiting in the wings. I read somewhere once, that when you're a little blue, that's when you crave a salty treats, figures I packed a kiwi with my lunch :P. It's a very Mondayee day, BUT I had a pretty good weekend, which contributes to the Monday Blues. Today is actually my friend's Birthday, Happy Birthday Josh! So on Saturday we went to our friend Amanda's house (Josh's GF) BTW Epic round of applause for Amanda she made the cake, AND had never made boiled frosting before and did it successfully...I think...I'd never had it before Saturday. Gotta tell you a little story, for my Fiance's birthday Amanda and Josh made him a t-shirt, so we stuck with the theme and made Josh one for his Birthday, have a look at both of the shirts at the top! So we stayed there for a bit BUT Saturday night was also my FIRST TIME going to Canterbury lounge. It was pretty Epic! I was the Robin to Dj Fire's Batman, and we had a LOT of fun. Jay also popped in on us so that was Tres awesome, he was playing the role of my big brother checkin up on me at my first live to air :). So going into it I was telling everyone to be there and man, you want to be there! REALLY nice club man, and this is coming from a girl who's first experiences with bars were the ones in Halifax...YEAH THAT nice! SO if you didn't get out there for any of the live to airs yet, DO IT! BUT do it early! I guess they're hitting capacity every Saturday! I believe it, it was pretty packed, and pretty awesome, make sure you get down some time soon, so much fun man! My Sunday was uneventful, but Saturday made up for it being jam packed :). I'd say this is a good length blog, more to come soon :)

Friday, September 17, 2010


Wow okay so I've been really bad for blogging and what's worse, procrastinating my return to it. Yeeeeaaah messed up logic. What kind of sucks is now I have to try and get you up to speed on what's new in my insane world. Summer has come and yeah gone, I'm reporting a risk of frost...Had a GREAT one though. Great camping trips with friends and co-workers, bon fires with some of my fave people in SJ, and just all around fun. Still looking at my tent sitting in my hallway (I was camping last weekend) So I suppose it's time to pack it all away in the closet for another year, the final hoorah camping trip has past. One of my awesome friends is celebrating a b-day next week so we're doing a little celebrating this weekend. ALSO I'll be doing my first Live to Air at Canterbury lounge, if you're able come hang out, would love to see you. I plan on doing canning for the first time ever this weekend! Pickles are my fave food on the planet so it seems right. Anyway really should be getting ready for tonight's countdown!