Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Positive Change

So by now we've all seen the suicides in the media, brought on by bullying. Most celebrities are making "It gets better" videos and posting them as a source of comfort for these kids. I personally think it's fantastic. The videos,the suicides are horrific, and my heart goes out to the families left behind. When tragedies like these happen, it's hard to see a silver lining, but even in these dark circumstances there are some. Before I get into the thing that inspired this blog I'd like to mention something related to these stories that is a victory in the fight against suicide. I guess T.I was in Atlanta, when he got wind of a potential "jumper". T.I decided he wanted to go to the scene and talk to this person. The person who was ready to kill himself, came down because T.I wanted to talk to them. He saved their life. And when you think about it, that's all people want, is to know they matter, and that some one cares. Well Done T.I. Now what actually prompted this blog is Perez Hilton. This string of suicides has been something he's felt strongly about, and he's been pushing, anti bullying. He's had to look himself in the mirror, and realize, it's time to practice what you preach. He's come to the realization that he, himself, is a a bully, and are teaching people who visit his site to be a bully. Last night the final post on was this:!

In a nutshell he's owning up to what he's done in the past and looking to be better in the future. Believe him or not, it's up to you, I know I've recently seen a difference in his reports. What this video did (and the appearance on Ellen)have done to me is make me look at myself...could I be a kinder person? Probably, I think most people could really. But if Perez comes through or not, at this point it doesn't matter to me. I don't think I'm an awful person, but it's pushed me to want to be BETTER. I remember growing up, I'd hear people say "I've done my good deed for the day" you were supposed to do one everyday, and as a child, I tried to do one a day, these days, no one seems to have that mentality it seems. So I think I'd like to get back to that child like state, where I try and do something to brighten some one else's day. If you've taken the time to read this, maybe it's something you'll think about too. :)

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