Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well a BEAUTIFUL day today, and for some reason it prompted me to go to my blog. Will I get BETTER at my blog, well 1 blog post is better than 0 so yeah there's already an improvement. :P. So on a FAB day like today it's freakin sweet when we realize we're ACTUALLY less than 2 weeks from Spring. It makes me think of the AWESOME outdoor stuff I can do in the coming weeks! Hiking, Camping, of course my upcoming nuptials, and the END OF THE WINTER DRY SPOTS! You know what I'm talking about. Those areas of skin that it DOESN'T matter how much you moisturize, you're going to have em. The Thermostat, your woolly winter wear, and of course the negative temps coupled with the windchill, they've done a number on many of us. My 2 spots are my right hand, and it's only in my ring, and pink finger oddly enough, my assumption is it's due to the fact I take a lot of notes in my job and when I write those are the fingers that rub on the paper. Then my other spot is right above my nose, between my brows. I've been sticking to good old vaseline for the hands. As for the face this winter, I opted for the Avon, Anew line. Believe me my skin would be MUCH worse otherwise. Odd that this would cross my mind on a day that is so spring like, my winter skin. It's very Charlie Sheen of me. BUT what is on my mind at the moment is what to do to remedy this winter skin. I'm partial to home remedies. A) I have Sensitive skin and then I know ALL the ingredients, and B)Odds are I'll find the stuff in my cupboard. I had a pretty good moisturizing scrub that I used last year, but at the moment I don't have ALL the ingredients in my house. SO I plan on googleing it today and try some stuff out. As I said, upcoming nuptials, I need Winter skin GONE! For all of you who are suffering from the dry spots, I'll let you know how it goes. PS To remedy winter feet, and get em ready for the flippeh floppies, there was a product called Desinex I believe? Back in the day ( I was like 7) I used to get messed up feet in the winter, this stuff in spray form used to fix me up...if it's still out there...I'm just sayin

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