Friday, September 9, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #10 Follow Up

So wanted to start by thanking Shawn for sharing the story he had. I saw Shawn during the summer at a station event and he told me how much he LOVED the blog series and if it was coming back. So it seemed only fitting to share HIS story as my first listener story after the Hiatus.

I don’t know about you but reading his story it sounded JUST like some thing you’d read in one of the Chicken Soup books, and I think that’s FANTASTIC! You can read those books, but they’re not some one who could live just down the street from you. It BEYOND sucks that Kyle felt that way and I am SO glad that he found his way out in Shawn. If you caught my first post after the break I said “Be a friend to some one who needs it”. Sounds so simple doesn’t it? So small a gesture, and come to realize it COULD save a life. It’s something we were taught at a VERY young age, how to be a friend, so clearly it can’t be terribly difficult, but it can make a WORLD of difference.

I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying “ A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Anyone can be that friend who you go to the fair with, or play video games with, but a TRUE friend is the one who has 4 wheel drive on their truck and picks you up during a snow storm without hesitation. Or the friend you wake up at 2am because you broke up with your significant other and they’re at your house within 5 min, no questions asked. And when you go that extra mile for some one, they’re pretty quick to be that friend right back when you need them, and guess what, one day you’ll need them too.

Do I expect you to like EVERYONE? No, it’s not possible, you’ll always meet people you don’t like but you being a jerk? Really? Do you want that person you don’t like to make you a lesser person. Remember what Thumper said “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”.

I want to thank Shawn for sharing his Incredible story, and allowing me to share it on the Anti-Bully Blog! Shawn you ARE an Anti-Bully! If you’ve got a story you think would make for a GREAT future edition you can e-mail me with any questions or contributions, EVERYONE has a story and I would LOVE to hear yours. Remember ALL posts are kept confidential unless the author gives me permission to share their name, like Shawn did.

Also want to thank Nate, the creator of the Anti-Bully Logo. Keep your eyes peeled for the next edition featuring a girl I grew up with who REALLY went through A LOT!

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