Monday, September 5, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, IT'S BACK!

So tomorrow is the big day, Back To School. Some Kids are looking forward to a clean slate, some are looking forward to seeing their friends again and SOME are Absolutely dreading it. Now some of the dreaders just HATE School, and for some they’re about to enter back into the world of being pushed into lockers, called every name in the book, and eating their lunches alone. Going home and crying, and BEGGING their parents “Please don’t make me go to School Today”. Enter stage right the Anti- Bully Blog. This was a Project that I started last Spring, a little something I used on my blog to vent, because though I can’t say I endure it, I hate it! The stories I’ve heard about some of the things that some kids have done to others, and the some times dark and grim results, it’s sickening that people in general do this AT ALL, let alone kids. And THAT is exactly why TODAY the Anti-Bully Blog returns. Back in the Spring I got to make contact with Bullying Canada, and Kids Help Phone, and Both will be helping me with the return of the series. I’ve also over the summer made contact with the Teen Resource Center who I hope to work with soon. I’m still sticking to the old format too where I ask YOU to contribute and have since gotten some response. For the record THAT never ends, Questions and contributions CAN be made via FB or E-mail and should you choose to remain anonymous that will be respected. Unfortunately EVERYONE has a story. If you’re a teacher reading this it would be amazing if you could use the blog as a tool, OR perhaps encourage students to contribute. If you’re a Student, I ask you to be an Anti Bully

Treat people the way you want to be treated

If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all

Be a Friend to some one who could use one

Try and talk bullies down (without putting yourself in harms way)

I’m not telling you you have to be best friends with everyone, that’s not possible. There are always going to be people you don’t like. I’m just saying STOP THE INSANITY! If you don’t like some one don’t talk to them. Bullies SUCK point blank…don’t be one! On that note, enjoy your school year, and keep your eyes peeled for the next edition!

Big thanks to Nate, the creator of the Anti- Bullying Logo! Also remember if you've got questions or contributions e-mail me Everything is confidential unless you give me permission :)

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