Thursday, July 8, 2010

No I won't let it happen again...except maybe next week

Yup it's no big secret that I'm not great (understatement) at posting on my blog. Can I make some excuses? TOTALLY! It's summer, and I've had 2 weeks off (and another next week, simply slips my mind, I'm really busy, I just moved so I was preoccupied...which is your favorite. I'd like to tell you I'm going to improve, but that would be just words, instead I'd rather just prove it, so lets see how that works. I also feel obligated to do this one too, because I just started a personal blog too, so while, I'm no mother, it would be bad to neglect the first born just because there's a new baby in the house. Once I see where the personal one goes, I might post it on here. It's a little less "Nancy, behind the scenes" and a little more "Nancy @ home". If you listen to k100 odds are there is a common ground here on this blog, it's our common thread. But my personal one, well may not be as interesting to you, simply because my personal interest may not be the same as yours...Unless you have an interest in the recipe for the Chicken Pot pie Potato bowls I ate the other night (uber yum), or want to see how the quilt I'm making is going (yup I own a sewing machine).

But lets talk about THIS blog, where I get sarcastic and opinionated, I like that I have 2 different outlets :P.

DUDE did you see Eclipse?! If you're sitting there saying, "No Nancy, you didn't give me any tickets to the pre screening", I'll ask you to recall, I wasn't there either, the Hot 7@7 was hosted by yours truly! That's when the movie started. I did see it though. I've been asked in the past, am I team Edward or team Jacob? The answer is I'm team Edward, BUT I'm Team Taylor (humina humina). This movie, just solidified my preference for Edward, but that might be the maturity level. I was a little disappointed with the fight scene, I expected it to be FAR more epic. Instead they were trying to drive home the birth of the Cullen's & Werewolves alliance. So guys, if your girlfriend is trying to sell you on this movie with the fight scene? No dice, sorry Ladies. None the less a good movie, but not my favorite thus far of the summer.

THAT title is held by the A-team. It might have something to do with the personal nostalgia for me, but I think they did a great job on the movie. I was actually there opening weekend for this one, and was surprised that the theater hadn't sold out a single show yet. BUT it was also competing against a movie that had it's own nostalgia, Karate Kid. Still haven't seen it, I plan to, and then I'm sure I'll have an opinion. A-Team TV show fans, if you were debating seeing this in theaters or waiting for DVD (I do this with a lot of movies, you should seeee my DVD collection), I think it's worth the movie ticket IF you go in with the right mind set. Remember, remakes and adaptations can never be exactly like the original, and this TV show was out in 1985, do you think the series could survive in this day and age? Likely not, this movie, would have the staying power. If you're looking for Cameo's they're there. The Original Hannibal is no longer with us but BOTH Face and Murdock appear (stay for the credits). No BA though, Mr. T didn't like the new Direction the movie took, he preferred the light hearted days where the show was never truly over until a car flipped. The lighter undertone was still there, I felt it anyway, but they did beef it up.

Okay well coming into this blog my goal was to complete one, I had NO sweet clue what I was going to talk about BUT I think I recovered from it pretty well. Like I said I'm on vacation next week so if there is a blog, I should get a cookie! I'll be headed to the hometown of Cole Harbour to see my papa bear, brother, and the rest of that crazy fam o mine. So Until next time :)

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