Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #7 Follow UP

Perfect example of a REALLY pathetic excuse for a human being. Am I passing judgment? You’re damn right I am. A blatantly obvious bully is one thing, but to have yourself in a situation like a relationship, where this person is some times referred to as “your better half”? That’s an all new low, and positively disgusting. I don’t know this person myself, they’re a friend of a friend, so this post has a unique angle on it. I’m in a relationship (about to be married thank you very much), and if my fiancé put me in such a situation as this? I don’t know how I would deal with that, I think it would be a very dark situation much like this one became. To actually put myself in this person’s shoes, turns my stomach . On that note, I have to also point out what an incredibly STRONG person this individual has to be. Not only had he put up with being bullied his entire life, when he seeks out what we ALL are looking for (I mean love) he’s faced with probably one of the harshest blows of his life. When you’re in a relationship, you become vulnerable, you hand over your trust and your heart. This person had BOTH spat on. Am I angry about this, I think that’s an understatement. I wouldn’t call this post a wrap up, I’d call it a rant. I say this negative stuff about the person who did this, because I’m angry. But this person HAS to be INCREDIBLY damaged to feel good about doing this to some one. I think I could continue on and on about this, but it would become repetitive and I think maybe hinder the message I am getting across. This is a project I’m passionate about, so I’m bound to get heated about it. Thanks again to this Anti-Bully, and thanks to you for being SO patient with this latest post, both to the reader AND to the person who did the piece for me.

Remember if you'd like to contribute to the Anti-Bully Blog series or wanted to contact me about something with it e-mail me

Logo credit to Nate

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