Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #7

This is an example of being bullied as an adult. This person has opted to remain anonymous, as a matter of fact I don't even know this person, it was passed on through a mutual friend of ours. I did censor this post slightly. I could have opted for a disclaimer or censorship, but in this case the story is still relevant with the censoring, while the other would not have been. This person obviously also did not do the interview format, because well then they would have had to be in contact with me. Instead they did up a piece themselves, and here it is:
Well, I've gotten bullied allot both as a kid and as an adult due to being disabled and in a wheelchair. I usually fight it, however, I was with a woman who I ended up having to leave over her doing it and getting me to believe what she'd said.

I met the woman online and we had a long distance relationship. It started off alright, however, after about two months she started taking frustrations from home out on me. She came out the first time and, without going into to much detail, started telling me I needed Viagra while she was drinking and pissed off. I chalked it up to her having a bad day when she said 'sorry, I was just drunk.' That continued and then she started throwing other things in. She knew I wanted children, however, she already had two and didn't want any more. I told her ok, then she started rubbing it in my face.

She'd give my female friends 'evidence' of me talking about them, then come consol me when those friends left over it. If she saw me talking to a female I would get comments about kids or any number of different things. This went on for 3 years. I finally got tired of it and broke it off. It took me 6 months to finally get out of bed after and two very real attempts to take my own life. What stopped me is either family would suddenly call or friends would. She had me to the point where I didn't feel myself worthy of anyone and comments are still in the back of my mind if I try to approach women.

Big thanks to this individual for doing up this piece for me, and for the blog series. Remember if you'd like to get involved in the Anti-bully Blog series, or even just get more info, you can e-mail me

Logo credit To Nate

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