Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Anti-bully Blog Series Edition #33

Logo Credit to Nate Williams

YA HUH! Ok yes it's been a few weeks but the Anti-bully Blog is back! So how much did the shirter work week screw with my head last week? By the time I realize last week that it was Wednesday...not TUESDAY, it was too late for me to get out a post. I never wanna do a BAD job of this blog, so if I can't ROCK it, I'd rather not do it. So I tend to think that if you're in a position where you have the attention of people, use it for good. I'm not like a celebrity or anything like that, but some people know my name...more people than before I was on the air. SO I use my blog...hoping it might help some people. Some people know my name...but y'know who people pay MORE attention to? CBC. I came across something they did recently...I've always said use my soapbox. ANY time you think you have something you think you could contribute to the blog, contact me. When I first started the blog series, I had people's personal Stories, and if they wanted to remain anonymous, that was fine too. While that STILL stands, CBC brought it to the kids. I guess the concept was they left a booth in a school and let kids go in, and say what they wanted about bullying. While they didn't have the option of remaining anonymous, they did have a variety of stories! Some, it greatly effected their entire life, there were some who were bullies, there was a teacher who told HIS story, and some shared the stories of their physical scars! Kudos CBC for this idea! And Kudos to the kids who were brave enough (and the teacher) to go in and share their stories! It's DEFINITELY worth a look! And this isn't the ONLY thing in the posting, not there are other resources there as well. You can check it out here

As I've said already in this post! If you have something to contribute to the blog contact me! Via FB or E-mail

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

So no, this is not this week's Cheap and easy recipe. In fact...there hasn't been a new one in a bit...the last SUCCESSFUL one was the pulled pork recipe. Between my short week last week and not being able to remember what day it was, combine that with covering the insanity that IS the morning show the week Blog has seemed a little sad and abandoned. Don't shed a tear little one, I 'm back to share a recipe. So I'm like crazy super amped for my supper tonight, so I thought I'd share what it is I'm up to today for supper. ALSO I've never made this, this is an experimental recipe. Unlike my Cheap and easy recipes that I test and post only AFTER I'm satisfied with the recipe, this is total "seat of my pants, no idea how this will go, but oh boy I'm excited" Recipe. I'm making Shrimp Salsa and nachos for supper! Seafood haters, just turned away! I know (if she's reading) Michelle just went "Blech". K so I'm a maritimer...and I'm half Newf (on my mom's side, and she actually hated Seafood) So I'm pretty true to my roots, I've never met a seafood I DON'T like! So I came across this recipe on Pinterest...It had the whole thing, how to make the salsa and EVERYTHING! One problem...I've never met a home-made salsa I DO like...So there's some Tweeking here.

So hubs had to get the nachos...because I forgot them...I'm sick and it was PRE coffee.

We went to Superstore and grabbed Shrimp (cooked and peeled 5.99), Cream cheese (2.99 you can also use sour cream but I prefer Cream cheese with nachos) Cheddar (2.99 for a little thingy) And Salsa (Old Elpaso 2.99). I also have banana Pepper Rings, a tomato, onion and garlic at home I will be using.  Like I said I'm sick, so I'm basically using Onion and Garlic in EVERYTHING! So the plan is, over med-high heat, I'm going to get a skillet going with some EVOO, and add the chopped Onion, garlic, tomatoes, and I'll probably make the shrimp a little smaller too. Do them up until the tomato is soft, the onion is transparent and the garlic is aromatic (shrimp is already cooked, this is just heating it up). Then I'll remove it from the heat, and dump the Salsa in there and combine it all. To serve, you need the microwave! get your plate, and put a layer of the cream cheese (or sour cream) on the plate. Spoon on a layer of  the Salsa mixture, and top it with shredded cheese. Nuke it for 30sec-1min, and OM NOM NOM it with your nacho chips! Man...when do I get to eat this?!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition # 13 Ingredients

Logo Credit Nate Williams

IT'S FRIDAY! What a fantastic end to an otherwise soggy week! So yesterday I was torn, I wasn't sure what recipe I wanted to go with this week! SO I posted a Poll on my fan comes the shameless shelf page is RIGHT HERE ! SO you guys ruled, you wanted another slow cooker recipe! If you weren't aware of this, I don't post a recipe without TRYING it first. So quite literally what I typically do is take one I made from the week before OR one I'm making this week. That's why I was torn, there were two GREAT recipes there! BUT you wanted the slow cooker, and here is your shopping list:

Onion-3lb-3.49 @ Superstore .99/lb @ Sobeys
Peppers (3 your choice) 3pk-4.99 @ Superstore
1 1/2lb Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts-3.97/lb @ Superstore  4.99/lb@ Sobeys
Chicken Broth
Chilli Powder
Lime Juice
Tortillas-3.49 @ Superstore

Your preference of:
Cheese-3.97 @ No Frills
guacamole-3.99 @ Superstore
sour cream
tomato-.99/lb @ No Frills .99/lb @Sobeys

ALL of THOSE are optional, and to your own taste :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Anti-Bullying Blog Series Edition #32

Logo Credit Nate Williams

So if you've been waiting for some wicked awesome came to the right place! Kind of expect this to be a shorter post, but an AWESOME ONE!  SO remember the group I told you about I was an admin in? Anti Bullies Unite? Well I was made an Admin because of this blog. I helped name it (hmmmI sure got original huh), but the FOUNDER has an insane amount of dedication to the cause. I have the dedication, but in my position, I have to have dedication to more than one cause. While this IS the one I took upon myself, no one made me make this blog...I have other things through work I have to jump on board with (it's really part of my job). Shawn though, the founder...I'm not sure how he does HALF of the stuff he does! So I think we've seen SEVERAL of my posts pertaining to the movie Bully, more recently my disappointment that it's not being screened here in SJ. Well, I wasn't alone. NOT ONLY Did Shawn agree with me, but he did something about it. He sent several e-mails and after having done that, looks like Saint John WILL have a screening! If you hadn't noticed I hyperlinked the Anti Bullies unite group above...go there for more details! SO important to get the kids out there for this one! Get all the details and get in on the SJ screening folks!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition #12

Logo Credit To Nate Williams

Ok so this is quite possibly the EASIEST Recipe I've ever done! The Recipe is for pulled pork! If you're looking for the

Place your Pork loin in your slow cooker, and add the root beer. Cook on low for 6-7 hours

Drain off the Root Beer, then shred the meat. Easiest way I found was with 2 forks it fell apart nicely

Add the BBQ sauce and serve on buns, makes about 8 Sandwiches

*I put my own mark on it too and sauted garlic and onion. If you have things you do to add your touch, go nuts :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition # 12 Ingredients!

Logo Credit Nate Williams

Two slow cooker weeks in a ROW?! YUP! SO this week's recipe, I've never had it before. I'm planning to make it tomorrow for supper...but this will be an easy one, only a couple ingredients! SO Here is your grocery list!

2lb pork tenderloin- No Frills- 2.97/lb Superstore- 3.99/lb Sobeys 5.99/lb
1 can on 12fl oz Root Beer (YES Rootbeer) No Frills-24pk Cans coca-cola soft drinks 6.97 Super Store- Bottle PC Brand .89 (weekend only) Sobeys-2l 4/5
1 bottle of BBQ sauce- Superstore-1.50
Hamburger Buns- Superstore- 1.99 (weekend only) Sobeys -2/5

That's literally IT! Recipe comes Tuesday!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Anti-Bullying Blog Series Edition # 31

logo credit Nate Williams

    Alright well I have another week where this will read like more of a news letter as opposed to one stand alone post. SO as I mentioned last week about the movie didn't open here. While I used my blog in an attempt to spread awareness on the issue, a friend of mine...took action. So remember back when I mentioned the Anti-Bully Group I'd been made an admin in? Well the Founder Shawn Lynch...he wasn't ok with this movie NOT being shown here, and started sending e-mails to try and remedy this. Apparently...he wasn't alone either. He actually shared the correspondence on the page, so you can go have a look at Anti Bullies Unite . Shawn has had a hand in this blog on MORE than one occasion, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind me sharing his progress....and if he does...I give him permission to yell at me. Looks like while the movie IS a limited release, there is opportunity for private screenings...this is a MAJOR jump from not having it here at all! Well done Shawn!

   Something else, coming up on Sunday is the Walk for Kids Help Phone! So considering I do and anti bully blog...yes, I'm aware of the awesomeness that is kids help phone. They were a fantastic resource when I was a kid and they've come even further today. It's really a vital service and needs to continue, so we need you to get involved. hit up! I'll be the Emcee for this so I hope to see you out there!

 That's pretty much it for this week. Remember I'm always looking for a hand in the anti-bully blog you can FB me or e-mail me @!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition #11

logo credit Nate Williams 

So if you went out and got your ingredients it's time to tell you this is for Jambalaya! 

K so here are your ingredients again 

5 fully cooked sausages- 2.99/lb no Frills, Johnsonville 3.99 at Superstore for a pack 4.49 Schniders @ sobeys
2 Cups Chicken Broth
1/2 cup white wine (optional, I usually get a cheaper dry white wine I keep in the house, but I don't have any now so I'll be omitting it)
1 cup brown rice- Min rice 2.97 @ No Frills
1 can stewed tomatoes -Aylmer 1 @ Superstore, Hunts 2/1 @ Sobeys
1 can black beans or kidney beans drained and rinsed  (I wasn't a fan of the black they were a little overwhelming so I'm going Kidney next time. IF you hate beans these are also optional) .77 @ No Frills 1 @ Superstore
1/2 an onion chopped 3lb onion 1.50@ No Frills  2lb .99 @ Chocran's
1/2 head garlic chopped (or pressed)
3 Celery ribs chopped .99 @ Chocran's
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 Can corn .67 No Frills
2 cups peeled shrimp-3.99 @ No Frills (only need 1 pk)

Pour broth, and wine (optional) into the slow cooker) pour in the rice and combine

Add the chopped Veg, corn, and garlic and combine

Add the beans (optional)

Add the chopped sausage

Cook on low for 8-10 hours or low for 6

One hour before serving add your shrimp

This serves 8, with GOOD sized portions! This doesn't last long in my house!