Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Anti-Bullying Blog Series Edition # 31

logo credit Nate Williams

    Alright well I have another week where this will read like more of a news letter as opposed to one stand alone post. SO as I mentioned last week about the movie didn't open here. While I used my blog in an attempt to spread awareness on the issue, a friend of mine...took action. So remember back when I mentioned the Anti-Bully Group I'd been made an admin in? Well the Founder Shawn Lynch...he wasn't ok with this movie NOT being shown here, and started sending e-mails to try and remedy this. Apparently...he wasn't alone either. He actually shared the correspondence on the page, so you can go have a look at Anti Bullies Unite . Shawn has had a hand in this blog on MORE than one occasion, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind me sharing his progress....and if he does...I give him permission to yell at me. Looks like while the movie IS a limited release, there is opportunity for private screenings...this is a MAJOR jump from not having it here at all! Well done Shawn!

   Something else, coming up on Sunday is the Walk for Kids Help Phone! So considering I do and anti bully blog...yes, I'm aware of the awesomeness that is kids help phone. They were a fantastic resource when I was a kid and they've come even further today. It's really a vital service and needs to continue, so we need you to get involved. hit up! I'll be the Emcee for this so I hope to see you out there!

 That's pretty much it for this week. Remember I'm always looking for a hand in the anti-bully blog you can FB me or e-mail me @!

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