Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Internet Dangers
Okay so typically my blog is not overly serious, but I have an important topic today. You know how everyone talks about the dangers of online predators for kids? Well adults don't think for a second they're not there for you too. I have my facebook set up specifically for work, and just add everyone because I figure they're a listener. Well for those of you who have me on FB, you may have seen what was going on on my wall. I had a guy, I never met who was aggressively making advances towards me. I didn't want to be rude and tell him to step off, basically because I didn't want listeners to get the idea I'm a huge B!T@#, but it got to a point I had to tell him to back off. I started out nice, but as he ignored my rejections I had to get progressively less friendly. It was to the point he was asking me what would happen to his feelings when I got married, and he told me he was in love with me (never met this guy in my life). I got to the point that I blocked and deleted him from my FB (only person on my block list EVER). So for those of you who think that that would end the issue, well you're wrong. It would seem he has more than one account and is still on my friends list (a different name, similar pics, and he speaks the same way).NOT to mention he had a mutual friend on this account try and add me today (I would assume it's another of his, because again, similar pics). I don't want to delete a listener, that's the only reason this new guy isn't gone yet. I'm sharing this because if you see claws come out on my fb, I feel threatened by this person, and I also want to pass along this lesson to others. When you're online, be careful.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Productivity is up!
Weird title but true story. I've come to discover I am far more productive on weekdays. Weekends I want to do nothing! I REALLY have to push myself. I had a pretty big to do list this weekend as far as house cleaning and such went...didn't get it all done, but you know when I did like 50% of it? THIS MORNING! I accomplished more in the two and a half hours I allotted myself this morning than the 48 I had all weekend. I did one REALLY big job this weekend though. Trimming, bathing and nail clipping my guinea pigs. Sounds like it would be a quick job right? NOPE 4 hours! I have long haired pigs who HATE getting their hair cut, One likes baths, the other doesn't but I have to blow dry them too, and neither of them like nail trims. PS the shake like a dog when they're wet, so I wear old clothes when I bathe them. I did that and unpacked my PS2! YES PS2, IN YOUR FACE XBOX! Today though ON FREAKIN FIRE! I guess I'm in a routine during the week that allows me to be more productive, Weekend I'm all whatev! Hooray for productivity! Now, let me get back to work!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Dear Xbox....

YOU SUCK! Okay I get it, you are one of the "big game consols" right now and you have all the new games.BUT there are a couple gripes I have with you! For starters, WHO makes a game system that BIG? Original nintendo was smaller. I heard there is a new version out, You're noisy! If I accidentally turn you on, I can't hear anything else in the room! I have a high tolerance, I grew up in a house of gamers, but Xbox, you're lame. What is the deal with different sized hard drives? And finally, Xbox the red rings of death? REALLY? Instead of giving it a name, FIX THE DAMN PROBLEM!
If you couldn't tell, the red rings came for a visit to my house today. I would seriously Boycott the problem where the Xbox mine. It's a lot of money to shell out for a product that lasted only 2 years. I purchased it, so yeah I know. Xbox, I strongly dislike you. I have to watch my other half suffer now, until I have the misfortune of you darkening my doorstep again!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My View on the View
Okay here come my claws. I NEVER watch the View. I used to catch it from time to time BUT I can't STAND Elisabeth Hassleback. For me the breaking point was when she drove Rosie off the show. I saw some of the horrific verbal attacks on Rosie, and considering what her job is, there is just no need for those jabs. I think it's okay to disagree with some one, it's okay to passionately disagree with some one, but personal attacks are not cool period, especially to a co-worker.
One thing I really wish Rosie had done was stand her ground (I'm stubborn so odds are I would still be there). I look at it from the animal kingdom point of view, backing down Rosie just let Elisabeth be the alpha dog. Rosie had her own show at one point remember? She came with a level of professionalism in that environment. Elisabeth came from Survivor...reality TV...need I say more?
I know I'm talking about old news, but I am getting to my point, I promise. I don't typically watch the show, because that situation has left a bad taste in my mouth and while the show used to be about the point of view that a few different woman took on a certain topic, now it seems to be the other woman try and summarize what it is they want to say because Elisabeth will be belting out her opinion until the next commercial break.
I spotted a clip online today of the show and well she lived true to what she typically does. She FREAKED on the comments that Kathy Griffin made about some American Politician's daughters being prostitutes (sorry, not up that much on American Politics, doesn't really concern me too much). Elisabeth SCREAMED over the other women when they tried to talk. Do I agree with Kathy? I really can't have an opinion, I don't know who this guy or his kids are. Kathy said it on HER show though, and Whoopie was right when she said that as a comedian they push it some times, and yeah Kathy PUSHES it. Elisabeth kept saying how Kathy was likely loving the attention. Uh yeah, so if you dislike her enough to call her "scum" why are you giving her the attention, and press? Anyway I suppose that's my rant on the state of the view these days, maybe I'll watch again in another 5 years.
One thing I really wish Rosie had done was stand her ground (I'm stubborn so odds are I would still be there). I look at it from the animal kingdom point of view, backing down Rosie just let Elisabeth be the alpha dog. Rosie had her own show at one point remember? She came with a level of professionalism in that environment. Elisabeth came from Survivor...reality TV...need I say more?
I know I'm talking about old news, but I am getting to my point, I promise. I don't typically watch the show, because that situation has left a bad taste in my mouth and while the show used to be about the point of view that a few different woman took on a certain topic, now it seems to be the other woman try and summarize what it is they want to say because Elisabeth will be belting out her opinion until the next commercial break.
I spotted a clip online today of the show and well she lived true to what she typically does. She FREAKED on the comments that Kathy Griffin made about some American Politician's daughters being prostitutes (sorry, not up that much on American Politics, doesn't really concern me too much). Elisabeth SCREAMED over the other women when they tried to talk. Do I agree with Kathy? I really can't have an opinion, I don't know who this guy or his kids are. Kathy said it on HER show though, and Whoopie was right when she said that as a comedian they push it some times, and yeah Kathy PUSHES it. Elisabeth kept saying how Kathy was likely loving the attention. Uh yeah, so if you dislike her enough to call her "scum" why are you giving her the attention, and press? Anyway I suppose that's my rant on the state of the view these days, maybe I'll watch again in another 5 years.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Back From Vacay!
Yup I'm back, you've been warned. Only one coffee into me at this point, promise to have another before show time :). Regardless of the on air banter I want to give a HUGE thanks to Mariel for taking care of my show while I was gone. She made it soooo easy for me to slip back into my routine, I didn't have to take care of any messes as I walked in the door :D. Mare Bear (everyone feel free to start calling her this), glad we're working together again...well actually I can count on one hand how many times we've been together, but we're playing for the same team again :P. Kind of disappointing, I had an awesome pic of the two of us to insert here and it's not working :P.
What did I do on Vacation? A LOT of unpacking, and organizing, also on my personal blog (link possibly coming soon). I went back to NS and got my engagement pics done for those of you who saw on FB. I had a couple coffee stops with my dad, who btw is one of my fave people ever. Got to hang out with my Uncle who is just like a possum...awesome! My brother and his lady (My Maid of Honor) were up the fist couple days which was great, And My grandmother sent me home with as much food as she could convince me to take, and of course stuffed me full when I was there, We had corned beef and cabbage, oh yeah half of my family are Newfs...that makes it easier to understand.
I am back and ready to hit the air on K100...won't get to for another bit, but it's comin! Missed you peoples! I know I'll get a warm welcome back (because you've done it already, even when I'm sick for one day :P)
What did I do on Vacation? A LOT of unpacking, and organizing, also on my personal blog (link possibly coming soon). I went back to NS and got my engagement pics done for those of you who saw on FB. I had a couple coffee stops with my dad, who btw is one of my fave people ever. Got to hang out with my Uncle who is just like a possum...awesome! My brother and his lady (My Maid of Honor) were up the fist couple days which was great, And My grandmother sent me home with as much food as she could convince me to take, and of course stuffed me full when I was there, We had corned beef and cabbage, oh yeah half of my family are Newfs...that makes it easier to understand.
I am back and ready to hit the air on K100...won't get to for another bit, but it's comin! Missed you peoples! I know I'll get a warm welcome back (because you've done it already, even when I'm sick for one day :P)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Big Brother thoughts...
Okay I only caught the last 20min last night but enough to form an opinion. I get it, every season they try and switch things up to keep Big Brother fresh, some are hits (the high school cliques, when the house mates had a connection to some one else in the house) And some are misses (like the couples one, that sucked SO bad), I fear this season may be a miss.
They were saying that there is a Saboteur this year. I thought it was going to be very much like "America's Player" and basically it's similar, but not on such a friendly level (Who didn't like Eric, really). The issue with the way they're playing it is like a horror movie. The lights go out, then a distorted voice booms over the monitor.I think a reality show has already done this, how many seasons did that last.
I say this every season and have been proven wrong ONCE! I don't think anyone this season could de throne my favortie house guest...I was wrong last year, saying no one could ever beat Dick in my eyes...enter stage right Russell. When I start watching each season I do it for the 5 min glimpse of a house guest from the past.
Here is hoping for another Big Brother Summer! And of course the long talks I have with our receptionist after each show...She still loves Jeff! ALSO, may have just brought Steph into it, it will be her first summer, look at Steph all grown up :P
They were saying that there is a Saboteur this year. I thought it was going to be very much like "America's Player" and basically it's similar, but not on such a friendly level (Who didn't like Eric, really). The issue with the way they're playing it is like a horror movie. The lights go out, then a distorted voice booms over the monitor.I think a reality show has already done this, how many seasons did that last.
I say this every season and have been proven wrong ONCE! I don't think anyone this season could de throne my favortie house guest...I was wrong last year, saying no one could ever beat Dick in my eyes...enter stage right Russell. When I start watching each season I do it for the 5 min glimpse of a house guest from the past.
Here is hoping for another Big Brother Summer! And of course the long talks I have with our receptionist after each show...She still loves Jeff! ALSO, may have just brought Steph into it, it will be her first summer, look at Steph all grown up :P
Thursday, July 8, 2010
No I won't let it happen again...except maybe next week
Yup it's no big secret that I'm not great (understatement) at posting on my blog. Can I make some excuses? TOTALLY! It's summer, and I've had 2 weeks off (and another next week, simply slips my mind, I'm really busy, I just moved so I was preoccupied...which is your favorite. I'd like to tell you I'm going to improve, but that would be just words, instead I'd rather just prove it, so lets see how that works. I also feel obligated to do this one too, because I just started a personal blog too, so while, I'm no mother, it would be bad to neglect the first born just because there's a new baby in the house. Once I see where the personal one goes, I might post it on here. It's a little less "Nancy, behind the scenes" and a little more "Nancy @ home". If you listen to k100 odds are there is a common ground here on this blog, it's our common thread. But my personal one, well may not be as interesting to you, simply because my personal interest may not be the same as yours...Unless you have an interest in the recipe for the Chicken Pot pie Potato bowls I ate the other night (uber yum), or want to see how the quilt I'm making is going (yup I own a sewing machine).
But lets talk about THIS blog, where I get sarcastic and opinionated, I like that I have 2 different outlets :P.
DUDE did you see Eclipse?! If you're sitting there saying, "No Nancy, you didn't give me any tickets to the pre screening", I'll ask you to recall, I wasn't there either, the Hot 7@7 was hosted by yours truly! That's when the movie started. I did see it though. I've been asked in the past, am I team Edward or team Jacob? The answer is I'm team Edward, BUT I'm Team Taylor (humina humina). This movie, just solidified my preference for Edward, but that might be the maturity level. I was a little disappointed with the fight scene, I expected it to be FAR more epic. Instead they were trying to drive home the birth of the Cullen's & Werewolves alliance. So guys, if your girlfriend is trying to sell you on this movie with the fight scene? No dice, sorry Ladies. None the less a good movie, but not my favorite thus far of the summer.
THAT title is held by the A-team. It might have something to do with the personal nostalgia for me, but I think they did a great job on the movie. I was actually there opening weekend for this one, and was surprised that the theater hadn't sold out a single show yet. BUT it was also competing against a movie that had it's own nostalgia, Karate Kid. Still haven't seen it, I plan to, and then I'm sure I'll have an opinion. A-Team TV show fans, if you were debating seeing this in theaters or waiting for DVD (I do this with a lot of movies, you should seeee my DVD collection), I think it's worth the movie ticket IF you go in with the right mind set. Remember, remakes and adaptations can never be exactly like the original, and this TV show was out in 1985, do you think the series could survive in this day and age? Likely not, this movie, would have the staying power. If you're looking for Cameo's they're there. The Original Hannibal is no longer with us but BOTH Face and Murdock appear (stay for the credits). No BA though, Mr. T didn't like the new Direction the movie took, he preferred the light hearted days where the show was never truly over until a car flipped. The lighter undertone was still there, I felt it anyway, but they did beef it up.
Okay well coming into this blog my goal was to complete one, I had NO sweet clue what I was going to talk about BUT I think I recovered from it pretty well. Like I said I'm on vacation next week so if there is a blog, I should get a cookie! I'll be headed to the hometown of Cole Harbour to see my papa bear, brother, and the rest of that crazy fam o mine. So Until next time :)
But lets talk about THIS blog, where I get sarcastic and opinionated, I like that I have 2 different outlets :P.
DUDE did you see Eclipse?! If you're sitting there saying, "No Nancy, you didn't give me any tickets to the pre screening", I'll ask you to recall, I wasn't there either, the Hot 7@7 was hosted by yours truly! That's when the movie started. I did see it though. I've been asked in the past, am I team Edward or team Jacob? The answer is I'm team Edward, BUT I'm Team Taylor (humina humina). This movie, just solidified my preference for Edward, but that might be the maturity level. I was a little disappointed with the fight scene, I expected it to be FAR more epic. Instead they were trying to drive home the birth of the Cullen's & Werewolves alliance. So guys, if your girlfriend is trying to sell you on this movie with the fight scene? No dice, sorry Ladies. None the less a good movie, but not my favorite thus far of the summer.
THAT title is held by the A-team. It might have something to do with the personal nostalgia for me, but I think they did a great job on the movie. I was actually there opening weekend for this one, and was surprised that the theater hadn't sold out a single show yet. BUT it was also competing against a movie that had it's own nostalgia, Karate Kid. Still haven't seen it, I plan to, and then I'm sure I'll have an opinion. A-Team TV show fans, if you were debating seeing this in theaters or waiting for DVD (I do this with a lot of movies, you should seeee my DVD collection), I think it's worth the movie ticket IF you go in with the right mind set. Remember, remakes and adaptations can never be exactly like the original, and this TV show was out in 1985, do you think the series could survive in this day and age? Likely not, this movie, would have the staying power. If you're looking for Cameo's they're there. The Original Hannibal is no longer with us but BOTH Face and Murdock appear (stay for the credits). No BA though, Mr. T didn't like the new Direction the movie took, he preferred the light hearted days where the show was never truly over until a car flipped. The lighter undertone was still there, I felt it anyway, but they did beef it up.
Okay well coming into this blog my goal was to complete one, I had NO sweet clue what I was going to talk about BUT I think I recovered from it pretty well. Like I said I'm on vacation next week so if there is a blog, I should get a cookie! I'll be headed to the hometown of Cole Harbour to see my papa bear, brother, and the rest of that crazy fam o mine. So Until next time :)
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