Monday, July 26, 2010

Productivity is up!

Weird title but true story. I've come to discover I am far more productive on weekdays. Weekends I want to do nothing! I REALLY have to push myself. I had a pretty big to do list this weekend as far as house cleaning and such went...didn't get it all done, but you know when I did like 50% of it? THIS MORNING! I accomplished more in the two and a half hours I allotted myself this morning than the 48 I had all weekend. I did one REALLY big job this weekend though. Trimming, bathing and nail clipping my guinea pigs. Sounds like it would be a quick job right? NOPE 4 hours! I have long haired pigs who HATE getting their hair cut, One likes baths, the other doesn't but I have to blow dry them too, and neither of them like nail trims. PS the shake like a dog when they're wet, so I wear old clothes when I bathe them. I did that and unpacked my PS2! YES PS2, IN YOUR FACE XBOX! Today though ON FREAKIN FIRE! I guess I'm in a routine during the week that allows me to be more productive, Weekend I'm all whatev! Hooray for productivity! Now, let me get back to work!

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