Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Internet Dangers

Okay so typically my blog is not overly serious, but I have an important topic today. You know how everyone talks about the dangers of online predators for kids? Well adults don't think for a second they're not there for you too. I have my facebook set up specifically for work, and just add everyone because I figure they're a listener. Well for those of you who have me on FB, you may have seen what was going on on my wall. I had a guy, I never met who was aggressively making advances towards me. I didn't want to be rude and tell him to step off, basically because I didn't want listeners to get the idea I'm a huge B!T@#, but it got to a point I had to tell him to back off. I started out nice, but as he ignored my rejections I had to get progressively less friendly. It was to the point he was asking me what would happen to his feelings when I got married, and he told me he was in love with me (never met this guy in my life). I got to the point that I blocked and deleted him from my FB (only person on my block list EVER). So for those of you who think that that would end the issue, well you're wrong. It would seem he has more than one account and is still on my friends list (a different name, similar pics, and he speaks the same way).NOT to mention he had a mutual friend on this account try and add me today (I would assume it's another of his, because again, similar pics). I don't want to delete a listener, that's the only reason this new guy isn't gone yet. I'm sharing this because if you see claws come out on my fb, I feel threatened by this person, and I also want to pass along this lesson to others. When you're online, be careful.

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