Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My View on the View

Okay here come my claws. I NEVER watch the View. I used to catch it from time to time BUT I can't STAND Elisabeth Hassleback. For me the breaking point was when she drove Rosie off the show. I saw some of the horrific verbal attacks on Rosie, and considering what her job is, there is just no need for those jabs. I think it's okay to disagree with some one, it's okay to passionately disagree with some one, but personal attacks are not cool period, especially to a co-worker.

One thing I really wish Rosie had done was stand her ground (I'm stubborn so odds are I would still be there). I look at it from the animal kingdom point of view, backing down Rosie just let Elisabeth be the alpha dog. Rosie had her own show at one point remember? She came with a level of professionalism in that environment. Elisabeth came from Survivor...reality TV...need I say more?

I know I'm talking about old news, but I am getting to my point, I promise. I don't typically watch the show, because that situation has left a bad taste in my mouth and while the show used to be about the point of view that a few different woman took on a certain topic, now it seems to be the other woman try and summarize what it is they want to say because Elisabeth will be belting out her opinion until the next commercial break.

I spotted a clip online today of the show and well she lived true to what she typically does. She FREAKED on the comments that Kathy Griffin made about some American Politician's daughters being prostitutes (sorry, not up that much on American Politics, doesn't really concern me too much). Elisabeth SCREAMED over the other women when they tried to talk. Do I agree with Kathy? I really can't have an opinion, I don't know who this guy or his kids are. Kathy said it on HER show though, and Whoopie was right when she said that as a comedian they push it some times, and yeah Kathy PUSHES it. Elisabeth kept saying how Kathy was likely loving the attention. Uh yeah, so if you dislike her enough to call her "scum" why are you giving her the attention, and press? Anyway I suppose that's my rant on the state of the view these days, maybe I'll watch again in another 5 years.

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