Well if you're actually reading this you might actually care about what is going on with me, if you're really not that interested it's cool for you to bail now, I'll never know :P. What's new with me? Well I haven't actually blogged in a while so there are a few things.
Right now I'm actually sick, if you've tuned in to me this evening, you might find my voice is deeper than usual. What sucks is it's my first cold of the season, but I'm following everything I said in my previous blog except the rest part, really don't have a choice I'm at work :P.
You guys have been fantastic with the Requesta Fiesta, it's to a level I never dreamed of when we first started it in August. And that is all you guys so thanks very much. I'm also really excited about where we are with the Hot 7 @ 7, and on that note, I'd like to remind you, it's not MY countdown. It's YOUR countdown, so let me know what song you wanna hear @ #1. Basically when I put the countdown together, I take into consideration the songs you request during the requesta fiesta, so yeah when you request a song, you give that song an added boost. For a hyper boost though, VOTE. via FB you can vote at any time. you can do it on the k100 group, or if you even wanted find me in the admins and message me, totally fine. Also remember between 4&6 I'm looking for your votes and in that time frame you can call 658-5000 yo!
Also I've been having a blast with you guys on fb. A bunch of listeners have added me to fb and we have a blast talking via fb during my show. I love it, it reminds me you guys are listening, and I also don't feel as lonely as I could when I'm here @ the station so late :(.
Hmmm what else? oh yeah one little thing, I'M ENGAGED! LOL yup, Friday morning I celebrated my 4 year anniversary with my bf, who I met in college, and he proposed by Lily Lake :). Really beyond excited. I know how lucky I am to have such a fantastic, supportive, caring, and every other positive adjective I an think of, guy in my life and ready to share the rest of our lives. Since Friday that's been the BIG thing in my life, got some stuff together for the wedding but not a lot.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thank You Feldman

So by now I think everyone on the planet has heard about the tragic lose of Corey Haim. I did my blog on that yesterday, but I waited until Corey Feldman's words on the death of his best friend were heard. You could be thinking Nancy why did you wait? So many celebrities were commenting, some that are more "relevant" in their industries these days. In these days? Perhaps. This situation? In no way shape or form. Anyone who was a Haim Fan, had to at least LIKE Feldman, the two of them were beyond close. It's Michael Jackson syndrome. The world made jokes at his expense, talked about how sick he was, but as soon as he died, he became a legend! People had forgotten about Haim, and when they talked about him they talked about his struggle with drugs, or made fun of the add he put out a couple years ago to get back out there as an actor. Now he's dead and those same people are "so sad" and "mourning a great lose". ANYWAY, I'd like to point out that closer to the end of the blog I said that he's now getting the publicity he hungered for when he was alive (not a direct quote, but it was along those lines). Apparently Feldman agrees with me. He was on Larry King Live and said this:
"At the end of the day, Larry, where were all these people the last 10 years, the last 15 years of Corey's life? Where were all these people to lend a hand out, to reach out to him and say, you know, you're a legend, you're – you're an amazingly talented, wonderful person who's really never gone out of his way to hurt anybody other than himself? You see these people making great statements and that's wonderful and I hope they're all there for the memorial and I hope they're all there for the funeral. But where were they during his life?"
One more thing, one of those people who made fun of Haim for the ad, is now "so sad" commented on the interview saying Feldman should hold off on the interviews and mourn for his friend in Private. Why, because he called you out?
Aren't we past this yet?!
Be warned the following topic is one I have strong feelings on, and I will do my best to avoid strong language.
First I'll give you a little background info on me and this topic. When I was in High School, my school had a Gay/Straight Alliance, and in my grade 12 year, I was Vice President. Before you ask, no I'm not Gay, I'm days away from celebrating my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend. I do however have a handful of people I know who are gay, and 2 that have been very important to me, still are important to me, and always will be important to me, and actually have had a hand in shaping me into the young woman I am today. Also as I grew up my father instilled many values in my growth, one was that no one is better than anyone else, no person is more important, and we're all equal. Sincerely glad my father did this, because society sure as hell didn't.
When I was in High School a gay friend of mine, if I remember correctly had to ask special permission to bring his bf with him to prom. I think this was a year or two after the whole Marc Hall thing, so obviously a High School that was getting enough bad press as it was wanted to avoid a huge scene like that. While I'm glad to say my High School did give him permission, I personally don't feel like he should have needed to ask for it but I digress.
What Brought this blog on? I was doing my typical daily sweep of the internet pre show, when I came across a story that turned my stomach. A School in Northern Mississippi has apparently canceled their prom, basically because a lesbian student wanted to take her gf to prom. This High School apparently sent out the criteria for students to attend the dance, one was that each student MUST bring a date of the opposite sex. The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi heard about this, and said they had to change their policy. This resulted in the School Board canceling the prom all together.
So this young girls rights were violated, and no her prom was taken away. You can't tell me this hasn't made for her taking some heat from her fellow students who just lost their prom, and it's not her fault, it's the narrow-minded school board.
As I mentioned, this is a school in the states. VERY proud to be a Canadian today, Canada still has a long way to go, but we're more evolved than the states as far as this topic is concerned.
First I'll give you a little background info on me and this topic. When I was in High School, my school had a Gay/Straight Alliance, and in my grade 12 year, I was Vice President. Before you ask, no I'm not Gay, I'm days away from celebrating my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend. I do however have a handful of people I know who are gay, and 2 that have been very important to me, still are important to me, and always will be important to me, and actually have had a hand in shaping me into the young woman I am today. Also as I grew up my father instilled many values in my growth, one was that no one is better than anyone else, no person is more important, and we're all equal. Sincerely glad my father did this, because society sure as hell didn't.
When I was in High School a gay friend of mine, if I remember correctly had to ask special permission to bring his bf with him to prom. I think this was a year or two after the whole Marc Hall thing, so obviously a High School that was getting enough bad press as it was wanted to avoid a huge scene like that. While I'm glad to say my High School did give him permission, I personally don't feel like he should have needed to ask for it but I digress.
What Brought this blog on? I was doing my typical daily sweep of the internet pre show, when I came across a story that turned my stomach. A School in Northern Mississippi has apparently canceled their prom, basically because a lesbian student wanted to take her gf to prom. This High School apparently sent out the criteria for students to attend the dance, one was that each student MUST bring a date of the opposite sex. The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi heard about this, and said they had to change their policy. This resulted in the School Board canceling the prom all together.
So this young girls rights were violated, and no her prom was taken away. You can't tell me this hasn't made for her taking some heat from her fellow students who just lost their prom, and it's not her fault, it's the narrow-minded school board.
As I mentioned, this is a school in the states. VERY proud to be a Canadian today, Canada still has a long way to go, but we're more evolved than the states as far as this topic is concerned.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Bloggin Dry spell ends due to Tragedy

Okay, Okay I've been slack in my blogging. In my defense I have had nothing to say, And me talking when I have nothing to say...it's just scary. The thing that has brought me back to my blogging, I wish had never happened. I have something to talk about because of the tragic death of Corey Haim. Not sure I'm supposed to know who he is because one of his biggest movies came out the year after I was born, but I can honestly say I am/was a fan or Corey. If you ever watched the TV show "The two Corey's" on A&E, you learned of some of his demons. Corey Haim was another Casualty of teen stardom. He came out more publicly with his drug addiction in the last few years, and truly wished to get back into acting. Most of what I'm going by is from the TV show, but none the less, when I watched him try and try and always, I don't want to say fail, because that doesn't seem like the right word, but get discouraged, I felt sorry for the guy. There was a lot of things in his past that haunted him, some that he had no control over and others he was just exposed to far too young. Well today as I typically do, when I got into the station I looked online for what's up with celebrities, and I was greeted by this. I was sad, but not shocked. Corey Feldman's public statement was released about 40min ago. I've seen the "tweets" from celebrities posted in a lot of forums, but really the Feldman statement was what I was waiting for, these two were best friends and pretty much brothers, sharing in similar ups and downs through their teen star days. Seems like Corey Haim is everywhere today, getting the publicity he was so hungry for when he was alive...Rest in Peace Corey Haim.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Another Movie night last night this time it was a new movie
Okay so Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief. Yup I saw it last night. I wanted to see this movie because they say if you liked Harry Potter, you'll like this too. So Maybe 20min into the movie, I'm sitting there thinking, I think I might have seen this movie before...yeah I had, the Harry Potter movies. It wasn't long after I actually cried out "Second Harry Potter Book"! Then the rest of the movie, I basically called what was gonna happen...before it did. And I wad dead on. I liked the movie, I'll be honest...but I liked it the first time I saw them too.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Watched an 80's Classic Last Night!
Does this seem like an overly interesting topic, well to me. I was going to put how I felt about the movie in my status on facebook, but I ran out of room and just made it short and sweet. But I'm bursting to talk about it, thus why I take to the Blog. Okay so this was and 80's classic movie and I typically love 80's movies, like I own Breakfast Club, Fast times at Ridgemont high, and Pretty in Pink. So It was high time I finally saw Lost Boys. Some HUGE names in that, either in general or of the day. I liked the movie, the Corey's weren't great. Haim I could stomach, Feldman, who I usually prefer, I continued to roll my eyes at him, so for him I'll still go to Goonies, or Ninja Turtles. I have no idea what the actor's name is but the one who played Bill in the Bill and Ted Movies (The one who wasn't Keanu Reeves) I was happy to see he did something other than Bill and Ted, though I love Bill and Ted. And he also kinda played the Lame giggly Vampire...but w/e. Kiefer! He's a good villain he looks like he could seriously do some damage to you, and he'd already pulled this off well in Stand By me anyway. The One who played Michael, I know him from somewhere, still can't place him, but of all of the Vampires in the move, the hottest one by far...but sorry kids not a movie for the people who fall in love with Vampires...they'd eat you plain and simple. The Mom? I love her as an actress but she's seriously been type casted, it's the same character she played in Footloose. The Girl not quite Vampire, I've only seen her in one other thing, still standing, but I'm told she was in Ally McBeil... Anyway I'm not Ebert or anything, but yeah I saw it I dug it and am looking for the next mandatory movie, and hopefully I can find it on Youtube too :P
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Okay tonight during the requesta fiesta I felt like I was playing Jerry Springer. I had 3 young teens calling in and requesting songs but telling me about a drama that is going on in their lives. I'm not going to go into details, but what it all came down to is 2 girls fighting over boys. Now I'm not sure either of the boys knew what was going on in this, and there were 2 involved, but I only heard from one and I seriously think he was innocent and just got dragged into a bad situation. GIRLS, STOP FIGHTING OVER BOYS IT'S NOT WORTH IT! I hope I'm still cool enough that I can share a story and not sound all "lame like a parent" (sorry parents but I don't need to tell you, they don't listen to you). 2 of my best friends when I was in Jr High were my friends Lisa, and Melissa. This story has NOTHING to do with Lisa just getting her her shout out :P.
Nope this story is about Melissa. When we were younger we liked a bunch of the same guys. Most of the time they'd like Melissa and not me. So I've step aside, Melissa would date them, break up with them and the cycle would continue. I can think of one time that a boy chose me and it still seemed to backfire, but anyway. Melissa backed off at that time. Now like I said this was all back in the day so where are all of these guys now? I couldn't tell you. Where is Melissa? She lives in Oromucto, with her husband and son. And guess who was maid of honor at her wedding. The moral of the story is FRIENDS FIRST ladies
Nope this story is about Melissa. When we were younger we liked a bunch of the same guys. Most of the time they'd like Melissa and not me. So I've step aside, Melissa would date them, break up with them and the cycle would continue. I can think of one time that a boy chose me and it still seemed to backfire, but anyway. Melissa backed off at that time. Now like I said this was all back in the day so where are all of these guys now? I couldn't tell you. Where is Melissa? She lives in Oromucto, with her husband and son. And guess who was maid of honor at her wedding. The moral of the story is FRIENDS FIRST ladies
More Grossed out Than Quagmire when he saw Peter's mom at that singles gathering...

Random title? Agreed, but it got your attention. Okay so I'm not anti second hand stores. As a matter of fact they're some of my favorite stores, where else can you go and get jeans that are typically $100 for $6? Yeah I like those stores, but there are some more personal items that I won't buy there because I prefer them to not just be "new to you" but NEW PERIOD! On that note I discovered a story today that would suggest some people may be buying presumably new items that turn out to be "new to you", but they're paying the full price. Now this was American so I don't know how much it effects us but I feel like I'd like to share the story none the less. Good Morning America has a segment on right now called Secret filth exposed .Well I have caught one edition of this and was pretty grossed out by it. I won't name company names but some companies that sell personal items of clothing are not only taking returns on products with hygienic guards removed, but they're promptly re-tagged and put back on the sales floor...Alright you might be sitting there thinking, okay well any idiot can tell if something like that is worn, I would think that too, but they actually interviewed some one who worked for 3 different locations of one of the stores under the microscope and yeah apparently they were aware. She claimed that when a product was returned with an Oder they'd hang it up over night to air it out then return it to the sales floor...EEEEEEEWWWW! It gets worse. Good Morning America actually did and experiment where they purchased products, and stained them with baby oil. So these products are not only stripped of things to guard from Germs BUT clearly stained. They STILL found them back on the sales floor. In a time where protecting yourself from STI's and STD's is such a high priority, how is some one to protect themselves when they're unaware of a danger, I mean seriously when you buy "Brand NEW" clothes do you expect some one else to have slathered their germs all over it? As I said before this is an AMERICAN Report. I'm not aware of anywhere that would let you return personal items for ANY reason. I actually worked in a clothing store a couple of years ago, it carried higher end clothing, and I remember having an incident where some one tried to return a bikini. I was on the management team so when this woman started ranting and raving, I was called into action. She'd paid $80, which I'll agree, that's a lot of money, but it was against policy to return it. I have a stubborn streak, so she could've argued with me until she passed out, there was NO WAY she was returning that product. After she left I had a CUSTOMER come up to me and tell me she didn't know of any business that would've taken it, and if we had, she would've stopped shopping with us. So I can shop with confidence at one place of business for sure. I sincerely think that everywhere I shop has enough integrity to do the same, but one thing is sure, I'll be looking a little closer when I'm buying personal items from now on, and doing a little more research on the companies, and the companies affiliated with the ones caught red handed.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Round 2 Lily VS Courtney...and I'm already sick of it!
Okay so if you missed my blog on Friday there was an interesting rant on the recent feud between Lily Allen and Courtney Love. The total lack of maturity on Lily's part astounded me. Seriously Preschool antics. Well I expected no...sorry I just got distracted by some one driving down the wrong side of the road here on Union. I would expect no less from Courtney, she took to her Twitter and went on and on and on....and on about how she felt sorry for Lily and how it was sad she didn't feel relevant. She also said at one point, okay I'm done...however like 11 more tweets came up bashing Lily...Most of which I couldn't make heads or tales of simply because it was a REALLY bad job of typing. There were some errors that were like a misplaced letters like if put lcearly you'd know what I mean right? But some were just like...did she pass out on the keyboard? Anyway at the end of it all there was a tweet from Lily Allen, basically apologizing to Courtney. So now I guess the big question is is Courtney gonna back off or publicly laugh at her because she sure can talk smack but apparently backs down when some one says stuff to her...
The Second Christmas for Canada!
Yup it's back Rrroll up the Rrrim! seriously one of my favorite times of year. Last year was my worst year ever! I got to like 22 without a win. This year? comin out of the Gate..BOOYA! I'm drinking #2 right now, and guess what...I won it. Best I've ever won was a tims card, but seriously how pumped do we get for a coffee?
Thinkin I might get some people mad on this one, but I need to vent...
I think I've mentioned before, either here on my Blog OR on-air. The high profile celebrity gossip? The stuff that has a new update like daily? I find it gets old fast and if I'm sick of it, and it's my job, you the listener are likely sick of it too, so I stop reporting on it unless something BIG pops up. Well the Gosslins, I'm not sure I've mentioned them on air in a loooong time. I was a regular watcher of Jon and Kate Plus 8, until it imploded on itself. Once Kate and Jon couldn't speak to each other without a lawyer I was out. I guess that I'm weird because didn't ratings go nuts after that? The last episode I watched was the sextuplets 5th birthday, and I was okay watching it until one of the girls walked up to Jon and said "Daddy I don't like it when you go away". I think that's when I realized that it's now a show about a crumbling family. My thoughts on the whole thing? Kate drove Jon to the end of his rope, and he needed out. If you watch the way she spoke to him? It was boarder line abuse. Jon needed to get out. His method was cowardly, but he got out. Since then Kate has become a single mom who resembles Britney Spears...and no one sees this as a bad thing? Not the best role model but I digress. Kate has become infatuated with the spotlight, you hear about her weekly now. Well it's Monday guess who I've already read about today...yup. Kate is apparently going to be on the upcoming season of dancing with the stars! Nothing like cashing in on the destruction of your family. Here is my question right now? How are the kids these days?
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