Thursday, March 11, 2010

Aren't we past this yet?!

Be warned the following topic is one I have strong feelings on, and I will do my best to avoid strong language.

First I'll give you a little background info on me and this topic. When I was in High School, my school had a Gay/Straight Alliance, and in my grade 12 year, I was Vice President. Before you ask, no I'm not Gay, I'm days away from celebrating my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend. I do however have a handful of people I know who are gay, and 2 that have been very important to me, still are important to me, and always will be important to me, and actually have had a hand in shaping me into the young woman I am today. Also as I grew up my father instilled many values in my growth, one was that no one is better than anyone else, no person is more important, and we're all equal. Sincerely glad my father did this, because society sure as hell didn't.

When I was in High School a gay friend of mine, if I remember correctly had to ask special permission to bring his bf with him to prom. I think this was a year or two after the whole Marc Hall thing, so obviously a High School that was getting enough bad press as it was wanted to avoid a huge scene like that. While I'm glad to say my High School did give him permission, I personally don't feel like he should have needed to ask for it but I digress.

What Brought this blog on? I was doing my typical daily sweep of the internet pre show, when I came across a story that turned my stomach. A School in Northern Mississippi has apparently canceled their prom, basically because a lesbian student wanted to take her gf to prom. This High School apparently sent out the criteria for students to attend the dance, one was that each student MUST bring a date of the opposite sex. The American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi heard about this, and said they had to change their policy. This resulted in the School Board canceling the prom all together.

So this young girls rights were violated, and no her prom was taken away. You can't tell me this hasn't made for her taking some heat from her fellow students who just lost their prom, and it's not her fault, it's the narrow-minded school board.

As I mentioned, this is a school in the states. VERY proud to be a Canadian today, Canada still has a long way to go, but we're more evolved than the states as far as this topic is concerned.

1 comment:

  1. I think if I lived in that comunity, I would arrange a prom for these students (especially this girl who, yes, will receive a lot of blame from narrow minded *****) with a very specific theme. I think your dads words of "no one is better than anyone else" would be great.
