Friday, March 5, 2010

Watched an 80's Classic Last Night!

Does this seem like an overly interesting topic, well to me. I was going to put how I felt about the movie in my status on facebook, but I ran out of room and just made it short and sweet. But I'm bursting to talk about it, thus why I take to the Blog. Okay so this was and 80's classic movie and I typically love 80's movies, like I own Breakfast Club, Fast times at Ridgemont high, and Pretty in Pink. So It was high time I finally saw Lost Boys. Some HUGE names in that, either in general or of the day. I liked the movie, the Corey's weren't great. Haim I could stomach, Feldman, who I usually prefer, I continued to roll my eyes at him, so for him I'll still go to Goonies, or Ninja Turtles. I have no idea what the actor's name is but the one who played Bill in the Bill and Ted Movies (The one who wasn't Keanu Reeves) I was happy to see he did something other than Bill and Ted, though I love Bill and Ted. And he also kinda played the Lame giggly Vampire...but w/e. Kiefer! He's a good villain he looks like he could seriously do some damage to you, and he'd already pulled this off well in Stand By me anyway. The One who played Michael, I know him from somewhere, still can't place him, but of all of the Vampires in the move, the hottest one by far...but sorry kids not a movie for the people who fall in love with Vampires...they'd eat you plain and simple. The Mom? I love her as an actress but she's seriously been type casted, it's the same character she played in Footloose. The Girl not quite Vampire, I've only seen her in one other thing, still standing, but I'm told she was in Ally McBeil... Anyway I'm not Ebert or anything, but yeah I saw it I dug it and am looking for the next mandatory movie, and hopefully I can find it on Youtube too :P

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