Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More Grossed out Than Quagmire when he saw Peter's mom at that singles gathering...

Random title? Agreed, but it got your attention. Okay so I'm not anti second hand stores. As a matter of fact they're some of my favorite stores, where else can you go and get jeans that are typically $100 for $6? Yeah I like those stores, but there are some more personal items that I won't buy there because I prefer them to not just be "new to you" but NEW PERIOD! On that note I discovered a story today that would suggest some people may be buying presumably new items that turn out to be "new to you", but they're paying the full price. Now this was American so I don't know how much it effects us but I feel like I'd like to share the story none the less. Good Morning America has a segment on right now called Secret filth exposed .Well I have caught one edition of this and was pretty grossed out by it. I won't name company names but some companies that sell personal items of clothing are not only taking returns on products with hygienic guards removed, but they're promptly re-tagged and put back on the sales floor...Alright you might be sitting there thinking, okay well any idiot can tell if something like that is worn, I would think that too, but they actually interviewed some one who worked for 3 different locations of one of the stores under the microscope and yeah apparently they were aware. She claimed that when a product was returned with an Oder they'd hang it up over night to air it out then return it to the sales floor...EEEEEEEWWWW! It gets worse. Good Morning America actually did and experiment where they purchased products, and stained them with baby oil. So these products are not only stripped of things to guard from Germs BUT clearly stained. They STILL found them back on the sales floor. In a time where protecting yourself from STI's and STD's is such a high priority, how is some one to protect themselves when they're unaware of a danger, I mean seriously when you buy "Brand NEW" clothes do you expect some one else to have slathered their germs all over it? As I said before this is an AMERICAN Report. I'm not aware of anywhere that would let you return personal items for ANY reason. I actually worked in a clothing store a couple of years ago, it carried higher end clothing, and I remember having an incident where some one tried to return a bikini. I was on the management team so when this woman started ranting and raving, I was called into action. She'd paid $80, which I'll agree, that's a lot of money, but it was against policy to return it. I have a stubborn streak, so she could've argued with me until she passed out, there was NO WAY she was returning that product. After she left I had a CUSTOMER come up to me and tell me she didn't know of any business that would've taken it, and if we had, she would've stopped shopping with us. So I can shop with confidence at one place of business for sure. I sincerely think that everywhere I shop has enough integrity to do the same, but one thing is sure, I'll be looking a little closer when I'm buying personal items from now on, and doing a little more research on the companies, and the companies affiliated with the ones caught red handed.

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