Logo Credit To Nate Williams
Ok, I’m doing a rant post for the Anti-Bully Blog today! One that REALLY bugs me, and the fact that I bring it up ALL the time bugs my husband, so it’s your turn. There is something prompting it to be honest. I CONSTANTLY see it on FB, but I had a straw that broke the camel’s back. When people use the word “gay” in a negative context. Sounds like a small thing? Why because it’s done EVERY DAY! It’s so common, you may not even realize when you see it, or when you say it! The #1 most POPULAR Youtuber Ray William Johnson? One of his well known lines is “Fake and Gay”. In the case of “the straw that broke the camel’s back”, the person asked me a question ( won’t say the name because I ALWAYS keep any name confidential unless given permission and I didn’t seek it in this case). I told them the answer and their response was “Gay”, to which my response was “I FREAKIN hate that”! Now this person, not sure she even realized what she did, but I explained “You just used the word Gay in a negative sense, like it’s a bad thing”. This was a young person, and unfortunately they’re some of the WORST offenders, but in their case, I’m not sure they even realize how hurtful what they say is. I’m not about to act holier than thou and claim I was never guilty of it as a kid, but as an adult, I’m more aware of it.
You may be saying, “
A Guy I was tight with (to the extent he’s marrying one of my best friends this summer) his best friend was gay. We were in a class together, and he and I ended up being friends too. The issue was the REST of the class, and I LITERALLY mean EVERYONE ELSE would harass him. He literally dealt with this on a daily basis. This guy IS a good guy, a little eccentric at times, but a REALLY great guy. And like 27 people shunned him because he’s gay. Am I the ONLY person who realizes how pathetic that is?! My challenge to you, if you’ve used this word in this context, try and eliminate it from your vocab…unless it’s in the proper context of course. MY new thing I’m going to do when people use it in the context I’m bitching about, I’m going to reply, “It’s SO STRAIGHT that you would respond like that”. People don’t use Straight in a negative context, so I’m trying to level the playing field here…What? Feel free to join me on that one too.
Remember if you’ve got something you think you could contribute to the Anti-Bully Blog, AWESOME, get a hold of me! Via FB or e-mail! nancy.wood@mbsradio.com everyone has a story!
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