Friday, January 13, 2012

Cheap and Easy, Edition #1 Ingredients

Logo credit Nate Williams

Ok well for my FIRST recipe for “Cheap and Easy” I’ll be doing a greek tuna bake. I’m revealing the ingredients today so that if you want to make it yourself, you can go and pick up the ingredients so you’re set to go AND you can grab some of the deals that are on RIGHT NOW! I went grocery shopping this morning…and go me…left my receipts at home…SO since I’m sitting in the studio right now, and I PROMISED I’d post today, like my father before me I will NOT break a promise. So while I KNOW the ingredients are correct, I’m doing my best to remember prices. SO here are your ingredients :

1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup

2 Cans of Tuna (flaked is best)

1 Cup of Milk (whatever you have on hand)

¾ cup Rice

½ cup each Celery and Red onion

1tsp Lemon Juice

1tsp Oregano

1&1/2 cup Broccoli

1 cup Cherry Tomatoes

½ cup Feta cheese

Black Pepper

Ok, lets break it down. The cream of mushroom soup, you can get for less than a buck, I got no name brand at No Frills today for like 79 cents. If you MUST use name brand, it’s a buck there too. The canned tuna, IF you HAVE TO HAVE brand name Chunk Clover Leaf is 88 cents at giant tiger right now. If to you tuna is tuna, Walmart has it for less at their regular price. Milk, I’m not counting in the price, why? Because for starters most people have it on hand, and secondly it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to price since different sizes are different prices. I buy it in bags and when I actually DO the recipe I will factor it in. With Milk unless some one has a bangin sale on, it’s pretty standard pricing across the board. Rice, again odds are you have it on hand. I WILL be adding it in on the price here, it’s a kitchen staple in MY house anyway. I get a family sized box either when I see it on sale, or when I’m at the bottom of my box. A large box is about $5, and will last you LONG after this recipe. If you’re CRAZY STRAPPED for cash, I might go for like a rice “Sidekick” or something. Pick one that you think would go well with a greek flavor. Short term it’s cost effective (not so much long term) and it would be a kind of cool way to change up the flavor a bit (I’m thinking next time I make this I’ll have to do it that way now for something different). The Celery and Red onion. The MOST expensive I’ve EVER seen celery, $2, and I think it may be less at on the vine (sorry it was already in my fridge) SAME story for red onion (I hit the jackpot one time I bought a bag of onions and there was a random red one…I felt the need to share that). Another option use regular onion (a lot of times you can get 2lb bags for the price of a red onion). This WILL make the onion flavor a little stronger, Red Onions are more mild, my husband is NOT a fan of onions, but he WILL eat red onions, or Green. Lemon Juice, this is again ALWAYS in my fridge, so I already have it BUT I DID happen to see Lemon juice for less than $2 at On the vine today. Oregano, ok I cheated here. The ORIGINAL recipe asks for fresh, if you go fresh it’s 1 TABLESPOON instead of 1tsp of the dry. I’ve literally ALWAYS used dry for this recipe, and it turns out fine. I don’t want to bring in the price for it on the ACTUAL recipe, because it will be damn near impossible AND it’s a versatile spice so I would HOPE people already have it. IF you don’t I say hit up the bulk barn, you get to pick your price that way, OR you can get it in a bag for around $2. Broccoli, Ok I cheated! I have a 2 person household, and therefore wasted food is an issue and happens EASILY in my house. SO I bought Frozen @ Walmart (I actually got it on my way in to work today because I forgot it ) it was about $3 and it won’t ALL get used in this recipe. Cherry Tomatoes, I cheated again, I got grape (because I have yet to discover the difference) and they’re 2/5 at On the Vine. Feta, cheese will GENERALLY be the most expensive part of a recipe for you and it’s no exception here. HOWEVER, it’s on sale for $4 @ Superstore right now. Pepper? 100% refuse to add this for you! If you have NO OTHER spices in your house you have Salt and Pepper! SO the tally of your shopping trip MAXIMUM :

About $25

Before you say “Nancy you’re full of crap, this isn’t cheap”! This is the ingredients, and they will ALL last you longer than this recipe except the soup and tuna. Not to mention I lied, I added the milk in, and assumed you bought $6 bags! AND I put the $5 box of rice in (there are several ways to cut corners here). It’s LEGIT if you have NOTHING in your house except the pepper…NOW if I don’t factor in the ingredients I called staples or I cut corners ( like subbing in regular onion for red) The MINIMUM cost will be:

About $12…Still hate me?

Also what I actually spent today (because I had some of it already) 14.69, that’s without cutting corners.

This is ALSO the ingredient list, not the recipe yet! THAT comes Tuesday! I’ll be making THIS recipe when I get home tonight! YES….at midnight….don’t you make supper when you get home from work? Also, if you know of better prices than the ones I listed here, please post to share the wealth… that works because it would be a savings! I’ll post the recipe Tuesday! J

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