Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cheap and Easy, Edition #3 Sausage Spinach Soup

Logo Credit: Nate Williams

THE BIG REVEAL. So this week's recipe is soup. I make soup A LOT, I've even called Sunday's "Souper Sunday". My PREFERRED way to make soup is without the purchase of broth, I love making it myself in my slow cooker with leftovers. Preferred, but not always POSSIBLE. So real quick once again, the ingredients:

1lb Sausages. That's all I put, but the BEAUTY of this recipe is it will be to taste, you grab your FAVE flavor and go nuts

1 Onion

3 cups Spinach, sounds like a lot, but uncooked it's REALLY not

3 boxes of chicken broth

2 cups small pasta

To reduce clean up (You're liking this recipe already aren't you) get out your large soup pot and use in place of frying pan to cook sausages. I prefer to cook the sausages FIRST because you'll need to cut them up later, and I personally find I can cut the meat better after it's cooked because it's more firm. After they're cooked, do just that, cut up the sausage into smaller pieces ( quartered my sausage and then sliced em). Set those to the side and get the broth in the pot, bring it to a boil.

Meanwhile chop up that onion...please don't cry!

Once you're boiling, add EVERYTHING into the pot. It's done when your pasta is cooked, your onions are transparent and your spinach is wilted!

Total Cost for this recipe: 11.24

Cost per serving @ 6 servings: 1.87

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