Logo Credit: Nate Williams
Well last week’s edition basically beat out this post. I had gone INTO the week with EVERY intention of talking about this but it turned out that there was a more moressing situation that was REAL and close to home. THOUGH this is said to be based off a true story I went with the story of the girl in
What happened in the movie was she played a 16 year old girl named Haley who was an AWESOME student, and wanted to experience the “in crowd”. She Successfully does and enters into the inner circle. However in the past she’d posted on her FB (I think) that the girls were obnoxious. When the group gets wind of this, not only do the plot revenge, decided to video tape it and post it on youtube. The Girls beat the crap out of her, all the time video taping it, calling her a whore, and hospitalized her. I’m not going to lie, the scene where they DO beat her up is REALLY Graphic, I had to step away from the movie for a bit because I was seriously disturbed by it ( I get REALLY into movies I can’t help it). I did go back though and it showed Haley suddenly plummeting into a very dark and depressing place, while her parents do their best to protect her as the video goes Viral. I don’t want to go TOO far into telling you all the details about it, because I want you to watch it. I want a
I say I found it disturbing, but I would LOVE to see Schools play this for their students. I remember in High School (my high school in NS) the RCMP came in and did a presentation on why you shouldn’t do drugs. That got dark, they brought in a used body bag (or so they claimed) that they said they’d RECENTLY used for a teenager who’d OD’ed. They ALSO showed us parts of Requiem for a Dream. THAT is a dark movie about people whose lives are ruined as they sink deeper into their addictions. If my high school can get away with that, what stops schools from showing Girl Fight? If parents are against their kids seeing it, then they can send in a note to excuse them from the showing. I SERIOUSLY think it’s a good movie for kids to see, to see how bad it can get, and what happens when this goes on. I’ll also point out your kids have likely watched worse than that without you knowing.
I recently blogged on bullying, and am pleased to find that it is one of my top rated posts. Really just a suggestion on an additional effort to put an end to (or at least make steps toward ending) bullying... I welcome you to drop in for a read: http://darryls-soapbox.blogspot.com/2011/12/bullying.html