SO apparently we’re supposed to eat seafood like 2 times a week. Some fish you can get enough to feed the fam for like $5, and sometimes lower. I also scoop up shrimp EVERY time I see it on sale (last week No frills had peeled and cooked shrimp for less the $5…jackpot). The recipe I’m featuring THIS week? Tuna! Canned Tuna, boo ya! So here’s the ingredient list again:
- · 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
- · 2 cans tuna
- · 1 cup milk
- · 3/4 cup rice 2.87
- · 1/2 cup each, chopped celery and red onion
- · 1 tbsp lemon juice
- · 1 tps oregano
- · 1½ cups small broccoli florets
- · 1 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered
- · 1/2 cup (125 mL) crumbled light Feta cheese
- · pepper
Pre Heat the oven to 400
Mix all ingredients EXCEPT the last 4. Once you have mixed them well gently stir in Broccoli and tomatoes. Top with Feta and Pepper
Cook for 35min and let stand for 5 serves 4
REALLY easy !
the total cost to make this recipe=8.97
Cost per serving=2.23
One thing I better mention to avoid any issues, this isn't my recipe (I wish) it's a modified Campbell's recipe. If you would like to see the original, google the title of this recipe and it will pop up. There weren't A LOT of modifications, just cost effective ones, and typically speaking, Campbell's isn't too bad to begin with.
i cant wait to try it. really sounds yummy!