Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #18

Logo credit Nate Williams

Ok, I’m not even sure where to begin on this week’s anti-bully blog. Leading up to it, I’ve been saying I know EXACTLY what I’m doing to be talking about, some of you may be aware as well. Recently there was a REALLY publicized incident, and it happened LOCALLY. The majority of the headlines we see regarding bullying aren’t in our own backyard. Is that what it takes for us to realize how VERY important a topic this is? If so, it’s hit home folks…I hate to tell you. Some people are reading this saying, bullying happens every day, these people would be right. This one has made headlines, but I bet it’s NOT the first incident this girl went through. Enough of me being criptic, if you REALLY don’t know what I’m talking about, odds are you’re getting annoyed. Last Friday, a local grade 6 girl was cornered in a bathroom by 2 other students, one held her head back, while the other cut her hair. I’m SO ready to verbally lash out in anger with profanities, but I don’t see the good in it. Instead, while this story turns my stomach, I’m trying to take a step back and have a look at the situation. These girls PHYSICALLY FORCED this girl into this. I’ve YET to hear what ANYONE is doing to handle the girls, but I hope it’s something that will get the point across that it’s BEYOND wrong what they did.

For the girl who had this DONE to her, can you EVEN IMAGINE?! How SCARED she had to be. Like I really want to hug this Kid and tell her it’s going to be ok. Thing is, she’s in grade 6. I remember grade 6, it was a rough one! I remember this was the age where I was starting to be aware of my appearance and self conscious. What’s worse, is a girls hair is a BIG DEAL! Before a girl first juts her tummy out and grabs it thinking she’s fat (I’m sorry ladies, we ALL did it, if it was true or not) she wants her hair to be pretty. Speaking personally I’m a drastic person when it comes to my hair. When I get bored, it’s dyed, or lopped off. But at HER age? I never would have DREAMED of it. At that age, my hair I guess a source of my power, when I think about it. What’s worse is she continues to be the victim…I’m sure by now, her parents have done what they could to make the evidence of what happened as invisible as possible, but she’s got a drastic change to her look, and goes to class each day with everyone knowing WHY! I’m trying to get off the topic of the girls who did it but what the HELL was going through their heads? What would have JUSTIFIED these actions? REALLY! I would like to sit them down and ask them that…”Why did you think this was ok”?!

SO since I’ve had to walk away from writing this post SEVERAL time already because I’m flat out getting REALLY angry with the whole situation, I want to mention this! Coming up this weekend, on Saturday there will be an Anti-Bully Rally and Fundraiser Called Love is Louder. I PERSONALLY hope to make it out (If my car permits). It’s at the Town of Hampton Pavilion from 11-1, with motivational speakers, a Poem reading, martial arts demo, music, and they’re releasing a dove as a symbol of peace. I write this blog because it’s something I believe in, bullying is NOT ok EVER! So I do encourage EVERYONE to get out there this weekend!

Remember if you’d like to contribute to the Anti-bully Blog series you can FB me or e-mail me

1 comment:

  1. OMG not cool at all if i were the gril that thish happened to i would have not saiyng this is right be i would beat the shit out of the retardeds that did that NOT COOL AT ALL
