Monday, January 30, 2012

Operation Christmas Preparation

So I don't typically do pieces like this on my K100 blog, but I have more followers on this one. I typically stick to my "blog features" on this account and post randomness on my personal blog. This is one that COULD potentially benefit people though. I was on the phone with my uncle last night and well my uncle is where I get my "Christmas freak"ness from. We were talking about how we typically don't get stressed about Christmas...yes I said the C word in January. My uncle is more of a pro than I am, I'm still a rookie. If you find yourself always stressed at Christmas and rushed, well consider this your crash course on how to...not...

When should you start planning for the next Christmas? December 27th...seriously. Hit those Boxing day sales...At the boxing day sales this year, I got my mother in-law DONE, my father in-law started, about 8 other people on my list started, AND a little something for BOTH my brother and his GF. I have 2 people on my list I have absolutely nothing for still and that's my husband and his brother...

Ok SO we missed the boxing day big deal...just because they were there doesn't mean you WOULD find something, it's just a good place to start. ACTUALLY the first place to start, is a list. Who will you be buying for this year? And assume this list will LIKELY get longer, but they'll be more of your last min giftee's.

Here is your goal. Every month during the year, you either finish some one on your list, or have set amount you will save per month for shopping (pay in cash not credit). Why I keep the option of saving instead of shopping, is because we all have those people who we can't buy for until MUCH closer to the big day. So I save $ instead so then I have no worries about affording it later. You're also going to find stuff at the odd time where you'll just think "wow that would be great for..." Get it! and save it for Christmas! ONE other thing to think about THIS time of the year, is when the day planners are on clearance grab one (unless you have one already)! This will come in handy for the next part.

September, time to step it up. Reassess that list of people. Has anyone been added...or taken off (It happens). Start brainstorming who you have left, and ideas for them. You also need to make another list, a "To Do" list.

Your to do list should have LITERALLY EVERYTHING you have to do before Christmas. We're talking wrapping, decorating, baking, visiting, your traditions you have...EVERYTHING! On that list, check stuff you can do sooner rather than do you make your own cards? you could start on them pretty early, when it comes to craft stuff, christmas comes early. OR could you start wrapping early? I think my uncle ACTUALLY keeps his wrapping paper handy ALL year, and just wraps as soon as he has a gift. HERE is where that day planner will come in handy. I suggest using a pencil. Start planning out what you have to get done. I say in pencil...because it may have to change, so give yourself a bit of wiggle room and start budgeting your time. Another KEY thing to do, is make a tentative menu. What are you having from Christmas Eve right through to Boxing day! You'll be coming back to that list sooner than you think so get ready.

Beginning of November is when Christmas throws up in EVERY store. Prepare yourself, because THIS is when I start to consider it crunch time! REALLY! Time to have a look at that shopping list again. My Goal is typically to have ALL my gift shopping done by the 15th (it's my goal...I've never done it yet). I have done a blog on my personal blog about last min christmas shopping, but it's also true for Christmas shopping in general, you can check that one out here

Another thing to start in November? Grocery shopping...well some of it. Don't go out and get your broccoli now (if you have broccoli) but if you have something that is no perishable, like say canned corn, or stuffing mix (yeah we often do stove top), or something frozen if you have the room...maybe not the turkey if space is limited. But stuff like that, pick them up randomly on your typical grocery trip. This way you spread the expense and that's less to worry about later.

And I think that's it. Like my uncle said, it comes the same time EVERY year. Don't let it creep up on you. :)

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