Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #20

Logo Credit: Nate Williams

The 20th Edition! WOW! I can't believe it's gone this far already. I was thinking reflective piece today, because 20 is a big deal (especially when you consider there was the hiatus there for about 4 months and factor in that follow ups share the same # as the actual post) BUT we're coming REALLY close to the 1 year anniversary of the Anti- bully Blog so I thought reflective piece might be more appropriate there. SO instead, I thought I'd do more of a behind the scenes dealy here today, just give you a heads up on what I've got going on in relation to the blog.

So 2 weeks ago was my post on the young lady who was cornered, and held down by one student while another cut her hair. I went right off on my typical rant (I'm sorry it's really a family trait, we rant and rave), but it's kind of funny when you've cooled down and can kind of sit back and reflect on a situation how much more clearly you can look at things. When I went off it was mostly bashing the two bullies who did this to the young girl...and unfortunately I didn't touch too much . To Madison, I'm sure EVERYONE has been talking to you, bombarding you with advice and their two cents...sorry I'm being added to the list. I'm guessing, you probably had BEAUTIFUL hair, what's more you will again! Can I tell you the INSANE stuff I've done to my hair over the years? I've had like CRAZY short hair, I've have red streaks, there's been A LOT crap going on on top of my head, and it's always grown back. One day your hair will come back in all it's glory, and those pathetic girls who chopped it WILL have to live envying you again. Yeah, I called them pathetic. Bullies SUCK! I said this in my FIRST EVER post, and will continue to say it. You are probably pretty upset with those girls, and I can't say I blame you, but you should also have some pity for them. They're SO lame that they have to do something awful to some one else to make themselves feel better. I don't think I need to tell you, you're not alone. A TON of people have been rallying together to back YOU! That's kind of incredible. Can I also add what YOU have done? Since this has all gone public, it's brought the issue of bullying BACK to that front burner for people...When you stood up and said, ok this happened to me...and I'm not going to just stand here and be did that! Hang tough lady, you rock!

That's the stuff I wanted to say specifically to her. And I'm glad I got that out. BUT it's very true that this incident has brought bullying to all of our attention again. It pops up ALL the time in the media, so I'm not sure it's ever REALLY gone from our minds, but when it happens in our own backyard, we wake up. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I'm a radio announcer, I'm not trained to properly advise on any cases of bullying. My blog is more so there for people DEALING with bullying to either vent, or discover, hey I'm not alone. Luckily BECAUSE of my blog, I've made some more connections in the way of people who CAN advise. Just because I'm a radio announcer, I happen to have a soap box that's all. However I've also been bombarded more recently. People asking me to get involved in groups, rallies, events. Being involved? TOTALLY on board (if you're one of the people who have messaged me and I haven't gotten back to you, I will I just haven't had a chance to yet). What's REALLY kind of funny is as I was typing this I was made admin on a FB page too. There is a specific Anti-bully I've been working behind the scenes with on some projects and promotional stuff since his post hit the blog. NO joke, as I was typing I was made admin on there. SO on that note here's the link for that page (which I MAY have had a hand in naming):

So I guess that project is now underway, and there has been talks of involving some of our contacts in this one go...join!

Alrighty well I think I've covered A LOT today, so I'll wrap it up for now. BUT ESPECIALLY coming closer to the 1 year mark I'd like to remind people, if you have any questions about the blog, or think you could have a story for it, DO NOT hesitate to message me via FB or e-mail If you look back to older posts you'll notice that there are some without names....that's because I DON'T use them without permission. There's actually a document I send out to protect confidentiality.

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