Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cheap and Easy Special Edition!

      So I've been sitting here today getting ready for tomorrow's Cheap and Easy Recipe! BTW you can vote for it on my fan page HERE. I got curious, what is the most popular recipe I have EVER posted? So I looked, which one had the MOST views? The answer was #7, with over 150 views...runner up was 42...So I'm looking at this recipe thinking...hmmm well I could adapt this recipe for the warmer weather! I could do this up BBQ style! And if you're like me...and don't have a BBQ, I'm going to teach you how to do EVERYTHING on the stove top (original included the oven...but who wants that on this time of year) OR for Campers, the camp stove!

Quick refresher here are the ingredients!

So you can go Pork chops or Steak

Pork is actually $2/lb this week at Sobeys
As Far as the steak goes THIS is the time of year great cuts are CONSTANTLY on sale

Soy Sauce- a Kitchen staple, that is VERY MUCH inexpensive

Worcestershire Sauce- This is something that is fantastic for most meat you'll chuck on the grill this summer. I go through WAY more of this in the summer months


Potatoes- OTV- 5lb-.99, No Frills- 10lb-3.99 (this isn't the price from when it was first posted, this is current and in effect as of June 8th)

Broccoli- No Frills- 1.49, Superstore-2

Cheese-Superstore 500g Black Diamond-4.77



So the Soy sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, and Garlic is for a FANTASTIC Marinade. NOW if you know nothing else about Marinade, know the longer your meat sits in it, the better. I Prefer a minimum of 12 hours, for this one. You'll want equal parts of the soy sauce and Worcestershire Sauce, then about 2 cloves of garlic, or 2 tsp garlic powder in a pinch. Then you cook it as you would normally.

So NEEDLESS to say, that wasn't the part of the recipe we needed to fix up too the potatoes were. You'll want to boil them, then mash, and I usually mix in milk and margarine to make them creamier. If you're worried about going overboard with that though, I caught  a REALLY neat idea for that as well, instead use an egg. This will help make it creamy AND if it's too runny, you put it on the heat, and it will thicken. Meanwhile, make sure you cool that broccoli, and while you wait for all of that, get the cheese grated, this is to taste, if you dig cheese...go nuts! Ok here is where it changes up and depends on your method.

BBQ:  You're going to need some heavy duty foil, and probably double it up to be on the safe side. You're going to make a packet here. Get the Potatoes into the foil, get the broccoli in there too, top it with that cheese, and close the packet...this is only for melting the cheese so once it's melted you're set

Stove top and camp stove! :  use that pot you used for the potatoes Same story and cover it. If you don't have a cover, make friends with that foil for this part too.

Warmer Weather Option Complete! Enjoy!

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