Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Epiphany

WHAT a Monday! Is it just me...or are Monday's harder when they're grey?! Just continuous Yawning! So thanks for checking out my blog, and my upcoming ramblings...or I just gave you your warning...and you're about to log off and save yourself these upcoming moments of things that are in my head at the moment...

Still here? Well... you were warned. So as I type this between on air breaks (PS JUST butchered caffeine...COME ON) this could POTENTIALLY go ALL over the place.

So I had an epiphany yesterday. Background story...I was sitting at home, and I was thinking, and planning...and I'm a pretty major planner...I love making plans and making lists and imagining and getting excited for those plans. SERIOUSLY when I have a camping trip coming up, the closer we get the more annoying I must be to my friend Amanda. She seems to be the one who gets the redundant "I CAN'T WAIT TO GO CAMPING" messages in her inbox. My Husband has said when I get excited for something, I'm like a puppy on crack. While I LOVE getting excited for all these things, and LOVE being an enthusiastic person (and am REALLY lucky to have a friend who just laughs every time she gets the same message over and over), there is a MAJOR downside. I tend to live in these plans...and the moment is lost on me. As a matter of fact if I'm sitting in the moment, thinking of this plan, it can get me down that I'm not there yet. Do I expect to be in a fabulous mood ALL the time? No...that's crazy...but really I'm bringing this on myself. People always in the moment...that's not that easy! It really sounds SO simple...and I'm here to tell ya... no it's not. ESPECIALLY if you're dealing with something that may not be what you want to deal with in that moment. You tend to let your mind go to upcoming exciting things, and really it could potentially make that moment even worse...because it's not that exciting moment.

What's interesting is when I was say, 15, I thought I'd have it all figured out by now. I'd be who I am for the rest of my life and everything would be set. Here to tell ya, at 25, no, I don't. Also here to tell you, I don't expect I will at 35 either. I think I'll be older, wiser, and still just doing the best I can with what I got. I think I'll continue to grow as a person, and I think I will until the day I die. That sounds like a plan to me. My Epiphany? Instead of always looking ahead, perhaps I need to focus on where I am. I'm not going to stop planning, it's part of who I am. But I can't live in those plans, until the plans are now. Something my dad taught me, your best  is all you can do. So in my personal growth, I'm going to attempt to live a little more in the moment...and do my best in that moment.

So that's it...Couple min of your life you'll never get back...but you were warned. Oh and another thing...I don't just plan a lot...I analyse too...Just sayin

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