Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Anti Bully Revolution!

So recently I've seen, with my own two eyes, Cyber bullying. I've never liked bullies. I grew up, being the short kid in class, and bearing a striking resemblance to a Cabbage Patch Doll. Oh yeah I got picked on. But I was also quick to snap back and pretty much shut them up, and even with my small stature showed no fear, and stood up to them, and often made friends with kids who were bullied. Another advantage (aside from a fantastic group of friends who also showed no fear) I had was I could leave it at school, home was a safe place. Due to Cyber Bullying, the bullies can now get you when you get home. I STILL get angry at bullies. I know a lot of kids listen to my show (they've added me on FB and call in etc) so I feel like I have a responsibility to make a point of saying, THIS IS WRONG!Bullying in GENERAL is wrong. What makes one person think they have the right to make some one else feel bad is beyond me. If you're being bullied, know it's not right and the unfortunate reality is,you're not alone. ALSO keep in mind your bully, had to learn this from some where, they're likely a victim of bullying as well. BUT don't let yourself be the next bully. Think of how you feel, why would you EVER want some one else to feel like that. As for you bullies out there...I don't like you!I don't like how you make people feel bad, I don't like how you think you're SO MUCH BETTER you have the right to lay your hands on some one. I think the fact that you pick on people is SAD. If you were picked on, then I feel bad for you, but it doesn't change the fact that you SUCK for being a bully. NOW I said all that stuff what are you gonna do about it? A AM the Anti-bully, and that's never gonna change. To the bystanders, I propose a challenge. We'll call it the Anti- Bully revolution. Next time you see a bully picking on some one, pick that person up, dust em off and you'll have another anti bully. Then you both follow behind a bully, and pick up some one else and dust them off, then you'll have 2 more anti-bullies. See where I'm going with this? Bullies SUCK! They're not Cool, their weak! Oppose them!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

HO-LY WOW! If we could JUST break double digits in the temp, I'd be stoked! Seriously, am I the only one who thinks Mother Nature is a HUGE TEASE this year?! What's funny is I'm TYPICALLY the person who is excited for when the Snow comes *ducks to avoid objects being thrown at my head*. BUT in more recent years, I seem to LOVE to get outside in the sun and warmness! I went on a hike over the weekend and it's had me on a high ever since, but I SO wanna get outside some more. More Hikes, adventures and I'm DYING to go camping. Mother Nature, give it up already! I want to smell suncreen! I wanna need to jump into a pool to cool down! I'll settle for not needing a coat but dude, I'd LOVE some summer. Anyone else finding it to be an EXCEPTIONALLY long wait this year?!

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Spring...Now Get Out...

Of the house I mean. So this had been my first NOT ridiculously busy weekend in a long time, and what it the first thing I do? Spring Cleaning! Well some anyway that was a chunck of my Saturday, and then I got to go to Canterbury (nearly lost track of time at one point...ooops). Since it kind of sucked I spent my day INSIDE on Saturday my posse (Cale, Amy, Justin, Amanda & Josh) and I decided to get outside. So after a bit of FB chatting, we all piled into Josh's truck and set out on an adventure...not before the necessary stops on the way (Walmart, McDonalds and Tim Hortons). We hit up the Irving Nature Park, which BTW the roads are not open for yet...with good reason. About 3 min into the walk 3 of us discovered the addidas shell style shoes were a BAD choice. There was a lot of ice (and at the beginning, crap). For starters when I get out with these people, there is NEVER a dull moment. BUT it was also kind of cool to see the paths (yup we went in the trails in the woods) at this time of year. We got a BUNCH of pics, and Justin got a video. ALSO it was Justin's first time ever there, so we let him have the telescope longest to see the seals, lol. There was a lot of slipping and sliding, actually the way out was a sheet of ice, and I followed Amy. I get very vocal with stuff like that so she turned around a lot to try and help me. For falling, well I was down once, Josh fell like 30 seconds after I got up. BUT I think my Fiance, Cale fell the MOST, I have a pair of muddy jeans to wash now actually...he was playing with a tree and fell...yup that's the guy I'm marrying... LOL. Since I've mentioned EVERYONE else except her, I need to mention, Amanda was there too...she's just usually the quietest one there (none of us are REALLY quiet but yeah)BUT it wouldn't be as much fun without her. :D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day!

SO Today is St.Patrick's day. Today I'm decked out in a green t, green nail polish and green Eyeshadow! When I came in, Deborah, our promotions director, had a BUNCH of rub on tattoos, and got me to give her a crash course in application. I'll admit, I AM a pro at the rub-on's, that's why my dad wasn't shocked when I told him I was getting a tattoo on air, I've always liked them. Tonight people everywhere will be getting drunk off green beer (no worries I will air them during the Requesta Fiesta). This is what it is for adults now. BUT I remember when I was a kid what this day meant. Dad would tell me to watch for the leprechauns, because if I caught one, I'd get his gold or some wishes or something. I had the eyes of a hawk on St. Patrick's day...never caught one for the record, BUT I remember scanning EVERY INCH of my Grandparents house one year. I'll be here @ the station this evening, watching for Leprechauns and drinking my "green juice". Happy St.Patrick's Day!

So today my Fiance, Cale got up and took a walk with me, he likes to pick at me,so he'll fake giving me a hard time...he SURE did today, but it's a step in the right direction (no pun intended)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011 WANT Salad?!

So last January/February, I decided it was time to start making healthier choices. I felt AWESOME, but I didn't live happily ever after with it. NOPE I didn't stick with it. The plan was to get back into it in the new year and well my friend Amy and I decided to go for a walk on a day that the weather was like CRAP, I got hurt, and well it was discouraging and stopped. ALSO in the Winter months it's easier to go for the "COMFORT FOOD". Well I went grocery shopping yesterday and made my healthier choices. The same ones I was making over a year ago. So it's all in my house along with the crap my fiance typically eats. WELL today I get approached by my fiance, and guess who wants to jump on the bandwagon. I NEARLY had a heart attack! He'd already improved his situation when he quit smoking in January. The thing is this typical diet consists of Cereal (think the sugary ones) Frozen dinners, Granola bars, POP, and whatever I make for supper. So we've established that we are now a TEAM in the healthier living deal, he has dubbed me team captain, which means I'll likely get a fight every so often LOL. BUT this will make my quest FAR easier on me as well because having the crap in the house makes it MUCH harder to stick to it...goodbye crap! Hopefully I'll be able to give you updates as we go along!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

100 Fans?!

So Today my Fan Page on FB has hit 100 fans, and my face hurts from smiling. I want to thank EVERYONE on the page, it makes me feel like I must be doing something right. I'm still a baby in my career but have learned some stuff along the way in my expearience. For starters, my personality on air is the same as off air. There's a little more professionalism on, and far more of a potty mouth off but WHO I am doesn't change. THIS is why it's kind of weird to think I have fans. Growing up I wasn't that perfect cheerleader who everyone loved. I was the hopelessly flawed little rocker chick, and still am, but apparently you guys like that, and it makes me feel good that you do :D. I really feel like amazing that you guys like me, and really appreciate your listening. I still can't believe 100?! Just wow. At this point I would like to mention the Favorites pages I have on my fan page. I'd say the majority of you are already on the k100 page, but if you're not, well it's the station that lets me work so make sure you go join it. DJ Fire's page, again I think most of you are probably there, if you're diggin on Fire at 5 and the live to air from Canterbury lounge, you should be on it. The ANGO Page, this guy is another DJ, with a little something else mixed in, if you're looking for a unique sound, go to his page and OH YEAH, he's my big cousin! The moment TV Show on Eastlink. In NB we don't actually get this show, but you can stream it online. It's a VERY Maritime proud show, they check out different places and stuff to take in while you're there, you'll discover stuff that's driving distance away you never even knew existed, the 2 girls on the show I went to college with and the guy was my Digital Film teacher in High School. Oceans of Ink, well these folks took good care of me and of my listeners if you missed my show where I got my tattoo. I'm REALLY Happy with the results of my tattoo, and if you're looking for more than just getting a tattoo, I'd recommend them, I REALLY enjoyed getting my tattoo...yes lots of needles was enjoyable! The Exploritiorium, I grew up JUST outside of Halifax where we had the discovery center, and for many kids growing up in that area, there was always a trip there for march break and AT LEAST one during the summer. We'd ALWAYS have a blast and were fooled into learning while we were at it, well the Exploritiorium is very much like that expearience and it'll be just down the street at Harbour Station, I 100% without a second thought back this event! And finally Melissa Bowe. I knew her back when she was Melissa Mack and she's an artist. She does some great work, she actually painted a pic of her son from when he was first born that hangs in her home, and is expecting baby #2! So since I'd reached a Milestone, I thought I shuold pay it forward to my faves! Thanks again guys, now if you'll excuse me, I have a show!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Gilbert Gottfried, you are a Pathtic little man!

Two blogs in one day? AND on a MONDAY no less! Well this was worth ranting about. I REALLY don't like the part where I'm giving him ANY of my time, but I think from a therapeutic stand point, this needs to be said...or typed. I'm case you missed it, Gilbert Gottfried apparently came to the realization no one remembered him, and needed to get himself a quick fix so once again people would think his existence was relevant. So like all celebrities, he took to Twitter, and posted so DISGUSTING jokes at the expense of the victims of the Tsunami and Earthquake in Japan. Here's just SOME of the pathetic ramblings he posted:

*Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them.

*Japan had put out this urgent plea...." PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!"

*My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day.

And it goes on like that. Yup the world had forgotten about him, and I think many of us would like to again after this...

PS How much do you wanna Bet we'll be seeing the Episode of Family Guy Airing this week where Gilbert played a Horse...anyone need some glue?

The Random Ramblings of Monday Brain

Hey folks, So I'm going to fake it on air, but I am so mentally ALL OVER the place today lol. You have those days? Where you coffee cup isn't NEARLY big enough, you feel like there are a million things going on around you that you should be in the loop about and you're struggling to focus on just ONE? Yup I'm there. I do randomly have "mondays" but not typically on a Monday oddly enough, however it's a true Monday today. Partly because I'm getting the season sickness,you know the one I mean. The transition from one season to the next? When you're not sure if you should be wearing a jacket or a hoodie, and well Mother Nature is having her mood swings? And then in all that insanity you pick up an illness? That is MY most common illness, and it's all chest grossness, suppose I'm due for that though I had the head cold ALL of January. But On the upside, it's a beautiful day and while it's not warm yet, it's getting there. My 5 year anniversary with my Fiance is quickly approaching, so that's on my mind right now too. It's just under 2 weeks away, so I'm pumped for that, and coming up with some plans. I Mentioned some today, I'm not sure if I reminded him of it or he remembered, but last year on our anniversary I got my ring :D. Not much on my mind other than that, which is good, my show is min away. For people reading this she DRUNK?! No, but the Title for this blog post is BEYOND perfect.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Villain

So last night I was admiring a FAB pic my friend's husband drew and posted on fb, it was awesome. ANYWAY, they some how got on to the topic of my favorite villain of all time Darth VADER! And well my friend's husband started talkin smack. This is where I came in, once upon a time Darth Vader did hold the title of #1 Villain of all time. So I googled it. He now ranks#3, Beat By Hanibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs and Anthony Perkins from Psycho. I've never seen Psycho, but I think the intellect and humanity in Lector is what earned him that position. PS Joker was #45.

BUT in my google search there was also another list, a list of the top COMIC BOOK Villains of all time! Here's where I get REALLY Geeky. This one got my attention FAR more because A, it gave you the reasoning WHY these characters placed as they did, B, I'm a total comic book geek, and c, on the top COMIC book Villains, I would side with Corey, #1 SHOULD be Joker. HOWEVER DC's Joker was in fact beat our by Marvel's Magneto. Insert ongoing Marvel VS DC battle here!As I mentioned earlier, this list DID have it's reasoning behind it posted.

For those of you who DON'T know the story behind Magneto, here's a little info. Magneto is a villain in the X-MEN Comics. His REAL name is Max Eisenhardt. His Villainy stems from his childhood. He was a Jewish Child in the HEIGHT of Hitler's reign. He witnessed the terrors of the time, and he survived life in a concentration camp (If memory serves me, his family didn't). As most of the characters in X-MEN Comics, he is a mutant with magnetic guess where his name came from...ANYWAY the storyline in the X-MEN comics features "regular people" living in fear of the mutants, either wanting them controlled or eliminated. The X-MEN fight to live in Harmony while Magneto, has taken the things he has endured in his childhood, and turn them on Humanity. He's also commands the spotlight in the story line, and he IS a legendary Character.

The Joker, he is probably one of THE most complex comic book characters of ALL time.A point my friend's husband mentioned in our talk last night, Joker has no motive, which adds to his complexity. ON THAT note, Dark Knight, LOVE that they had Alfred NAIL that point (his talk about in the jungle, watch it). Something I took away from what the site that posted this, is that typically the primary character is the hero, in the case of Batman and Joker, Batman tends to play second fiddle. THAT ALONE is why I feel Joker should have had that #1 spot.

I got really into this list so here's just a few more highlights

Top 10

1. Magneto (Marvel)
2. Joker (DC)
3. Dr. Doom (Marvel)
4. Lex Luthor (DC)
5. Galactus (Marvel)
6. Darkseid (DC
7. Ra's Al Ghul (DC)
8. Loki (Marvel)
9. Dark Pheonix (Marvel)
10.Kingpin (Marvel)

Top FEMALE Villain

Catwoman took #11, Some MIGHT Debate that Pheonix is the top female, however, the Dark Pheonix is an ENTITY that basically possessed Jean Grey, Jean is a female but Jean is also not a Villain.

To have a look at the full list visit:

Thus concludes the blog where I out myself as a HUGE Geek. I'll end with this Villains, without them our heros are Pointless

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Charlie Sheen LOL...yeah not so much!

So today Steph maid a comment about how she had a Charlie Sheen free day with the entertainment report. I of course have found a bajillion things to talk about that pertain to Mr. Sheen. We've talked about other celebs on air spiraling out of control, made jokes and the fact remains for me personally, there isn't a damn thing funny about Charlie Sheen's public antics. I go on air and I talk about it, might make a little joke about it, but that's for you our listener. If I were to mention what I REALLY think of this on air...well people may not enjoy me talking about it so much. I'm freakin pissed. As a fan of Two and a Half Men and Charlie Sheen in General. The guy has let his fans down a lot, but we've always come back because point blank the guy is talented. Remember when he rocked the thick rimmed glasses in Major League? one of my favorite moments in cinematic history is when he walked onto the field sporting the glasses, the fans went insane, and they played Wild Thing. It was a triumphant moment and kind of epic and feel good. Now he has convents trying to cast spells on him to keep him from calling himself a Warlock, and drinking a mango drink and making people think it's Tiger Blood...yeah it's a MANGO BEVERAGE! I'll continue to talk about Charlie because well it's my job, but I will also continue to be a fan, and a rather angry fan at that.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wedding Dram!

So when I post on my blog, I post what's on my mind. Right now, it's me coming to the realization that it doesn't matter what I do with the upcoming wedding, SOME ONE is gonna be pissed off. I'm not naming names, mostly because I don't want to out anyone who I'm referring to, but man! I've had the majority of people who talk to me about it say "it's your day, if people don't like it too bad", that's what I've gotten from most people. BUT then there have been the few, people who when they talk, I listen, and they've told me, yes for the most part,our day, but we're celebrating with a bunch of people and we want to make sure they enjoy themselves as well. So I've taken it into account. If there is something I can do to make some one happy and it doesn't interfere with the happiness of myself or my fiance on our day, yes, I'll do what I can. But MAN! There has GOT to be a limit. I've seemed to have a few, that I can do a dozen things for them, and if I don't do that 13th, well I'm a pile of $#!%! No one has literally called me this, but I've gone vast periods of time without hearing from people and gotten people being very short with me when I haven't told them what they want to hear. What's going to change from here on out? maybe how I take it. In my everyday life, I go through it knowing I'm never going to pleas everyone, but can't seem to apply the same mentality to the wedding. At the end of the day I'll do what I can to please people, without compromising what I want or what my fiance wants, and realize, while they are celebrating with us, it is about us. I'm gonna put on my dress and get married to the guy I love, and that's that. I know I'm not the first to face this, nor will I be the last...Any survivalists out there in the ways of weddings?!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well a BEAUTIFUL day today, and for some reason it prompted me to go to my blog. Will I get BETTER at my blog, well 1 blog post is better than 0 so yeah there's already an improvement. :P. So on a FAB day like today it's freakin sweet when we realize we're ACTUALLY less than 2 weeks from Spring. It makes me think of the AWESOME outdoor stuff I can do in the coming weeks! Hiking, Camping, of course my upcoming nuptials, and the END OF THE WINTER DRY SPOTS! You know what I'm talking about. Those areas of skin that it DOESN'T matter how much you moisturize, you're going to have em. The Thermostat, your woolly winter wear, and of course the negative temps coupled with the windchill, they've done a number on many of us. My 2 spots are my right hand, and it's only in my ring, and pink finger oddly enough, my assumption is it's due to the fact I take a lot of notes in my job and when I write those are the fingers that rub on the paper. Then my other spot is right above my nose, between my brows. I've been sticking to good old vaseline for the hands. As for the face this winter, I opted for the Avon, Anew line. Believe me my skin would be MUCH worse otherwise. Odd that this would cross my mind on a day that is so spring like, my winter skin. It's very Charlie Sheen of me. BUT what is on my mind at the moment is what to do to remedy this winter skin. I'm partial to home remedies. A) I have Sensitive skin and then I know ALL the ingredients, and B)Odds are I'll find the stuff in my cupboard. I had a pretty good moisturizing scrub that I used last year, but at the moment I don't have ALL the ingredients in my house. SO I plan on googleing it today and try some stuff out. As I said, upcoming nuptials, I need Winter skin GONE! For all of you who are suffering from the dry spots, I'll let you know how it goes. PS To remedy winter feet, and get em ready for the flippeh floppies, there was a product called Desinex I believe? Back in the day ( I was like 7) I used to get messed up feet in the winter, this stuff in spray form used to fix me up...if it's still out there...I'm just sayin