Monday, March 14, 2011

Gilbert Gottfried, you are a Pathtic little man!

Two blogs in one day? AND on a MONDAY no less! Well this was worth ranting about. I REALLY don't like the part where I'm giving him ANY of my time, but I think from a therapeutic stand point, this needs to be said...or typed. I'm case you missed it, Gilbert Gottfried apparently came to the realization no one remembered him, and needed to get himself a quick fix so once again people would think his existence was relevant. So like all celebrities, he took to Twitter, and posted so DISGUSTING jokes at the expense of the victims of the Tsunami and Earthquake in Japan. Here's just SOME of the pathetic ramblings he posted:

*Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them.

*Japan had put out this urgent plea...." PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!"

*My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day.

And it goes on like that. Yup the world had forgotten about him, and I think many of us would like to again after this...

PS How much do you wanna Bet we'll be seeing the Episode of Family Guy Airing this week where Gilbert played a Horse...anyone need some glue?

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