Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Anti Bully Revolution!

So recently I've seen, with my own two eyes, Cyber bullying. I've never liked bullies. I grew up, being the short kid in class, and bearing a striking resemblance to a Cabbage Patch Doll. Oh yeah I got picked on. But I was also quick to snap back and pretty much shut them up, and even with my small stature showed no fear, and stood up to them, and often made friends with kids who were bullied. Another advantage (aside from a fantastic group of friends who also showed no fear) I had was I could leave it at school, home was a safe place. Due to Cyber Bullying, the bullies can now get you when you get home. I STILL get angry at bullies. I know a lot of kids listen to my show (they've added me on FB and call in etc) so I feel like I have a responsibility to make a point of saying, THIS IS WRONG!Bullying in GENERAL is wrong. What makes one person think they have the right to make some one else feel bad is beyond me. If you're being bullied, know it's not right and the unfortunate reality is,you're not alone. ALSO keep in mind your bully, had to learn this from some where, they're likely a victim of bullying as well. BUT don't let yourself be the next bully. Think of how you feel, why would you EVER want some one else to feel like that. As for you bullies out there...I don't like you!I don't like how you make people feel bad, I don't like how you think you're SO MUCH BETTER you have the right to lay your hands on some one. I think the fact that you pick on people is SAD. If you were picked on, then I feel bad for you, but it doesn't change the fact that you SUCK for being a bully. NOW I said all that stuff what are you gonna do about it? A AM the Anti-bully, and that's never gonna change. To the bystanders, I propose a challenge. We'll call it the Anti- Bully revolution. Next time you see a bully picking on some one, pick that person up, dust em off and you'll have another anti bully. Then you both follow behind a bully, and pick up some one else and dust them off, then you'll have 2 more anti-bullies. See where I'm going with this? Bullies SUCK! They're not Cool, their weak! Oppose them!

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