Monday, April 4, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #1

Ok so this is the first edition of the Anti Bully Blog series. I've posted a bunch of blogs spouting off how much I hate bullying. That being said, I can only rant for so long before it gets stale. I wasn't a kid who was bullied much, when I was REALLY little I was, but when I got older, I was more of the kid who was the friend of the kid who got picked on. So I've sent out the SOS to people I know who had experiences with bullies. I've given the option to remain anonymous which the first person has chosen to do. So since this friend didn't even know where to begin, I interviewed them. This was one of the rare cases where I knew this friend had been bullied but I didn't know the story. So here is the interview :
Nancy: what were your experiences with bullying?

Anti Bully: When I was younger I was always the odd one out, and my family never had alot of money so I always had second hand clothes . Some kids at school and at the boys and girls club would make fun of me for that, or for doings things differently becuse I wasnt taught how to from my parents

N: W hat kind of things would they do/say?

AB: They would call me names, and put my family down saying we were poor and such, and at times they did push me , like when we were in line for something they would just cut in front of me

N: Did they all do it or was it like one main leader type and the others would just fall in line?

AB: It was mainly a group of like 3 or 4 people that all did it equally

N: How did you deal with that?

AB: I tried to ignore it, and that was it, I didnt try and do anything really

N: I can't imagine that made you feel good, did you have anyone to turn to?

AB: Not really, I always kept to myself, my parents werent always around

N: Did your Parents have anything to say about it?

AB: Not really, I felt like my parents didnt care as much as they should have

N: how old were you when this was going on?

AB: about 9 or 10

N: this may sound like a weird question to ask, but how did you feel while this was going on?

AB: I wasnt the happiest, but I didnt show it. It made me feel like I didnt belong

N: When did this change?

AB: It changed a bit when I moved back to saint john , but I still felt like I didnt belong much

N: Did you face similar things when you moved here?

Anti Bully: Not at first, wasnt until high school that I got bullied a little

Nancy: What happened there?

AB: I would get called names again for being different, and sometimes they would take my.back pack and just start kicking it

N: Had you found a new way to deal with it at this point or was it much like when you were younger?

AB: I still kept it to myself , but then I would just laugh to myself about it at how pathetic it is

N: So you had a greater self confidence when you were in High School?

AB: Pretty much, I had an i-dont-care-attitude

N: where do you think that stemmed from ?

AB: Probably from my parents attidtude towards it, they didnt care, so I didnt really think I should

N: Do you think it's effected the way you are now as an adult?

AB: Big time, I wouldnt be as happy as I am today

N: How So?

AB: I just dont care about things that effect me as much, I just laugh it off. And it made me how nice I am, because I never want to treat other people how I was treated

N: If you could say something to a kid going through the same thing you went through what would you say?

AB: I would tell them to keep their chin up, and not to let them bother you.

N: What about the bullies, what would you say to them ?

AB: I would tell them to stop it, there is no reason why they should be treating someone any different then they would want to be treated

Big thanks To that Anti Bully, and if you have a question you'd like to ask this Anti Bully make sure you post it here, or message it to me on FB, I'll be sure to ask them for you, and they've informed me they'd be happy to answer.

Also if you have a story to share let me know on FB and become an Anti Bully!

1 comment:

  1. Great thing you're doing Nancy,Keep up the great work.
