Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #5 Bullying Canada

So I got an e-mail on Tuesday from Bullying Canada. I admit, I’d never heard of them but I’m glad to learn they exist. They’re based right here in NB, and a MUCH needed organization. Am I biased, totally, am I wrong? Absolutely not! If you’re not familiar with their work , I had a look at their site, and it looks like they’ve done a BUNCH of work in Moncton and Fredricton (and I HAVE e-mailed about upcoming events in our neck of the woods). Hopefully my doing this blog on their group will help out with them out there, because they’re in place to help. Like I said I’ve been checking out the site, I guess I’ll start with the “What is bullying” Tab. You may be sitting there saying, the majority of us KNOW what bullying is. Yup the stuff you’d expect to see is there, BUT it goes above an beyond. It includes things like the effects of bullying for both the victim AND the bully (neither are really good),some statistics, it dispels myths, AND in my opinion MOST importantly has the “Symptoms” (for lack of a better term) that a parent might see in a victim of bullying. The Find resources tab helps you to find local resources. My FAVORTIE tab is probably the talk to Some one Tab. This one has tips, that were ACTUALLY done up by students from Bathurst High. Stuff for the victim, the bystander (and might I point out potential Anti-Bully), and the Bully themselves. There IS also a button, that I found interesting. I know when you’re being bullied you can be secretive about it, and maybe hesitant to check out the site an your options because you’re nervous some one may find out. There is ACTUALLY a button that says leave this site quickly, and sends you RIGHT to google. While I hadn’t been aware they were out there prior to their e-mail, I will be interacting with them and utilizing their site for my own use in my blog, and getting involved as best I can. And I encourage you to do the same. Thanks again to the Co-founder of Bullying Canada for reaching out to me, you will be hearing from me, hoping we can team up here to fight back against this growing issue.'
Check out the site, even if bullying isn't an issue in your life now, if you know how to find them you know you have somewhere to turn

Logo credit to Nate

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