Monday, April 11, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #3 Follow up

Ok I totally 100% remember when Melissa went to the harassment officer at the school. Talking to some people here at work, I’m not sure any part of this program is in local schools or not. Ours was a branch of the Peer Helper group. I was involved in this program because while it was great to have a guidance councilor at our school, some times kids want to talk to kids. This program was run by our guidance councilor and about 3-4 other faculty members. About 6 students from each grade went through the training and when called upon would talk with students who requested them. The harassment officer was one of the other teachers involved in the program. The PROBLEM was that the majority of the student body WERE NOT aware we even had one, Melissa was informed by me because I was a peer helper. Thinking about that program, I think this is the day and age where we need it most. I encourage young people to go to their guidance councilors and ask if such a program exists at their school. If it doesn’t ask if there is a way you can start one up. If there is, you needed to ask so CLEARLY it’s not publicized enough, encourage them to do more to educate the student population that this program is there for their use.

As far as standing up for yourself in a situation with a bully, I agree with Melissa, you need to be able to stand up for yourself in live in general, but make sure you’re not putting yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. IF you can just walk away do it. Walk home with or sit on the bus with your friends. Believe it or not bullies tend to be mathematicians…basic math…they know they and their 2 friends is a larger number than just you. Bullies don’t like equal to or greater than their #. Avoid letting them into your world. If you don’t get along with some one, they don’t sit at your table, they don’t get on your Facebook account…avoid them as best you can. I’m not telling you to go get a HUGE group of friends and confront them, because lets face it, you do that and you’re no better than they are. I AM telling you to surround yourself with the right people, the ones who think you’re awesome, because guess what…you ARE awesome!

Alright so remember if you'd like to get more info on getting involved in the blog, either with a piece or even a logo, AND if you want to reach one of the Anti Bullies, you can e-mail it to me Big thanks to Nate for our current logo. I DO need to give a heads up on tomorrow's blog. It comes with a disclaimer because it deals the risk of sounding like one of those TV disclaimers, Mature subject matter. I don't want to censor posts too much basically because the mature subject matter, kind of hammers home the message of this whole series. I will also add the disclaimer when I post it tomorrow, and WILL NOT be posting on the K100 page. While I work for k100 this is not a k100 project, it's mine, and I will take responsibility for the posts. Some of the story is Disturbing, because I know the person I found it particularly disturbing. They will remain anonymous as well. Disclaimers WILL be posted with tomorrow's edition as well. Thanks

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