Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #4 Follow Up

Well yesterday’s edition was a harder one to read. I won’t go into detail about how I know that individual because they chose to stay anonymous. With a story like that, I can’t say I blame them. While it’s a story that NEEDS to be shared, to be the person in the story would be hard. Because this is some one I know, I’m glad they didn’t succeed in trying to end it all, however I wish that their sister hadn’t either. This sounds like a story you’d see on TV on the crime shows, the one when it’s over, you can go back to the real world where it doesn’t happen. Well I’m no TV writer, and neither is this friend of mine, this story is VERY real. I knew bits and pieces of this story but never the ACTUAL details. It scares me to know some one I’m friends with went through this. Or anyone for that matter. I know this person to be a VERY strong individual, and this proves it, Harassed DAILY, problems at home, sexually assaulted by some one they trusted, losing their sister to something that THEY had been going through? And surviving. I’m not sure I would have. While this story is a sad one, it’s an important one. I DID have to put a disclaimer on it, but I hope most people looked past that and DID read it. I think this is a story with a STRONG message. Please spread the message. Bullying, it’s stupid, and pointless. People get hurt and people die, and people get left behind. I’m an Anti- Bully, I say it with pride, and I know I’m not alone, don’t let their victims think it either.

Remember if you want info on the Anti-bullying blog series, including but not limited to how to get involved in the series e-mail me Tomorrow's Blog, well something a little different. Yesterday I was contacted Via e-mail by Bullying Canada. I'd never heard of them before that, but since then have learned they're a fantastic resource, and they're based out of NB! So details on them tomorrow!

Logo Credit to Nate

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