Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Anti Bully Blog Series, Edition #6 Follow up

For starters want to apologize that this post wasn't out yesterday, but Sunday night I got CRAZY sick and well I wasn't in yesterday, mostly because I could barely lift my head let alone go on a computer. ANYWAY While I'm on the mend (not 100% but w/e) I DO have the follow up for Friday's post. Am I starting to sound like a broken record yet? That blog Friday was a hard one. Quick reminder that my interview was with my younger cousin. The relationship she and I actually have, we’re more like sisters than cousins, and it’s been like that since we were kids, when this was going on, PS I knew NOTHING about this. I remember going to her birthday parties and the majority of her class was there (and with a 6 year age difference they mostly drove me nuts). Carolyn saying she was sensitive, maybe one of the biggest understatements of the year (no offense lady I love you). Her insecurities were evident, and making her cry was EASY. This being said it’s NOT a reason to bully some one, and if you go back to one of my earlier posts where I mentioned I was in the principal’s office once for hitting a guy who was shoving around my little brother… if I’d known about this, it would have been the same story. I DO have to say she has an incredible way of looking at it, and is VERY positive. I’m kind of blown away to be honest. I’m glad she was able to find a “safe place” while at school, because really not a lot of people are that lucky.

Remember if you have any questions or would like to contribute to the series you can e-mail me at nancy.wood@mbsradio.com

Logo credit to Nate

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