Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #24

WOW so I almost forgot ALL about the blog today! And what a shame it would have been! I've been talking with a listener over the last couple days about an issue she's having RIGHT NOW! So typically speaking when a listener talks to me about their issues with bullying, I'm kind of nervous, mostly because they typically ask for advice...and I'm not qualified to do that. I don't want to give bad advice, so usually I tell them WHO they can contact. Well this was an exception to the rule. I've gotten to know this listener well enough I don't mind chatting with them, and she wasn't so much looking for help as much as just needing some one to talk to. So I promised not to say her name or where she goes to school but she DID say I could use the story.

So she started out by telling me, she had been really stressed in the last while, and she did something stupid (her words). She tried weed. And somewhere in there her mom found out, and called the school, in turn the school called the other girl's parents. Pretty standard stuff if the rents find out right? And NOW I guess this other girl is bullying the listener I talk to, threatening her and verbally attacking her mom too.

Now how the parents handled it I'm not sure and to be honest, it's really none of our business, that's between them. BUT I guess since then it's been harassment for my listener, so bad that she'd had enough and flat out told the other girl "Y'know what, just hit me"...and apparently she did.

Since then Her mom has been looking into a transfer to get her daughter out of a situation where she is being harassed. Her daughter has also told me she feels she has no close friends there anymore so of course she's miserable.

BUT the school will not support the transfer apparently...because she instigated the "fight" when she said hit me...REALLY?!

PS her mom has called the school and they've guessed it...nothing!

This is going on RIGHT NOW! These laws against bullying CANNOT come into play soon enough! I really don't know WHAT to say about this at all. Granted I'm getting one side of the story to be fair...but really? I've said it before I'll say it again...School is supposed to be a SAFE place, and this girl is being denied that. It's really the same old song and dance, the school fails the student...I wanted to share this story with you. It's not making headlines, but y'know what, it's happening, and shouldn't be!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

K100's IWK Radiothon

So tomorrow is the IWK Radiothon we've been talking about FOREVER! I call it K100's, it's not just K though, Big John AND CFBC are in on this. I've mentioned on air how much behind the scenes stuff there has been. I've chatted with SEVERAL people HERE in OUR community that have had to use the IWK, and know that above and Beyond Care that the IWK gives, and how VERY appreciated it is. If you've missed me talking about this in the past, I myself am a former patient. So no, I'm not JUST SAYING that because I'm in the studio, in front of a Microphone and told to say that. I've lived it. I often wonder if the people who work there REALIZE that the level of PERSONAL care they provide DAILY is considered above and beyond, because it seems to come naturally. Leading up to this Radiothon, I've learned how much further that above and beyond care goes. There are so MANY local families touched by the IWK! I'm not sure how many people realize just how VERY lucky we are to have a place like the IWK to give that care, and while families are going through treatment (because you effect one in a family, you effect the WHOLE family) how much they do to make it easier on parents, and other siblings as well as the patient! There is SO much going on with the Radiothon over the next few days, we'll hear stories from people in our OWN community who know how the IWK does EVERYTHING they can to help you not just with care, but with other aspects of your life that are impacted by a child's stay there. THIS is why we're doing what we're doing. THIS is why we're asking you to come out to McAllister Place at SOME point tomorrow or Friday and help us help the hospital that has done SO much and saved SO many Children from right here at home. The MAIN goal is of course to raise money for the IWK but if the meeting I was in today is ANY indication, it's going to be and INTENSE and FUN 2 days. So make sure you pop out! Can't wait to see you!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cheap and Easy #6

logo credit Nate Williams

Thanks again to Nancy Delong for sending me this AWESOME dinner recipe, here's this week's Cheap and Easy Recipe

Mexican Rice

8 ounces boneless chicken (I use breast)
1 can chicken broth
1 cup salsa
1 1/2 instant rice (I use brown)

Cut chicken into bitesize (or smaller) pieces, cook in frying pan with a bit of oil or spray. Once chicken is cooked add can of chicken broth and salsa. Bring to a boil. Add rice, bring to a boil again. Once boiling reduce heat and cover. Simmer on low-med until most of liquid is absorbed. I usually stir a couple of times. Enjoy!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #23

Logo credit Nate Williams

So you may be seeing this and thinking..."hmmm did I get the day wrong? Is it ACTUALLY halfway through the week? " and start dancing a jig...sorry to burst your's Monday. So what is an Anti-Bully Blog doing up? Well some times you need to colour outside of the lines...what that means, is there was something I needed to talk about RIGHT AWAY pertaining to the blog, and for that reason you're seeing the blog today.

So I've mentioned in the past how friends help me with the blog, in a few different ways, one is sharing stories with me. One literally hit my inbox 15min ago, that turned my stomach. Unfortunately in SEVERAL posts I've done over the year there have been a LOT of cases where the school FAILED the kid getting bullied...well it's looking like it may have happened again. So there's this kid, he's 16, and his name is Brenden. He and his family have been getting threats amd harassment since October. It was time for the family to take some DRASTIC measures. Brendan is no longer going to GO to that school, or ANY OTHER school in this province, he's headed to NS. It hasn't been released where he's headed, but to be honest in this case it's good it hasn't (not to mention, it's no ones Business). He's not getting a simple transfer...LEAVING THE PROVINCE! It has to be PRETTY bad to go that far. Now his family is HOPING that he'll be able to come BACK to NB by the Fall, because well it's his HOME! By then there will be some new bullying laws being put in place.

It's taken FAR too long for Anti-bullying legislation to be brought in, but in the case of RECENT events it IS supposed to be coming THIS SPRING, so there just may be a better place for Brenden to come back to. The Problem is it should have happened BEFORE a kid got Harassed and threatened for Months, or had their hair cut, or lit on fire, or a parent had to hire a freakin BODYGUARD for their child. There is a comedy movie based around this idea (Drillbit Taylor), so the thought of it being NECESSARY is RIDICULOUS! What has taken us THIS FAR?! Anyway, I wanted to share this story and my TOTAL disgust with the situation. I should still have your Wednesday edition of the Anti-bully blog (because unfortunately something will likely pop up to talk about).

Remember any time you have questions or something you'd like to contribute to the Anti-bully blog you can FB or e-mail me Everything is confidential until I have permission from you!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cheap and Easy #6 Ingredients!

Logo Credit

SO this week I WAS going to do another recipe, but only 1 ingredient was on sale, and well it's a cheap recipe sales or not, so I can save it for another week. SO this was given to me by Nancy Delong! Thanks Nancy, I'm amped to try this one out over the weekend! Here are your ingredients, and where you can get your deals

Chicken Breasts 3.77/lb @ Sobeys
Can of Chicken Broth 1 @ Sobeys 10 for 10!

That's REALLY it! nice huh?! Watch for the recipe Tuesday!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

SO a couple months back I'd talked on air about a restaurant in Vegas called the Heart Attack Grill. They have a burger on their menu called the "Triple bypass burger" and the menu claims their food is "A taste worth dying for". almost came to that, I guess a man ordered this burger...and had a heart attack. Now when I talked about it a couple months back, it was kind of a light story, one of those "Really"? stories...well my circumstances have changed slightly because of this. I'm going dark dad had blockages in his arteries...and it killed him. One thing my family is pretty good being blunt so we're all aware that it was a combo of his diet, and his smoking. What's more, dad would have admitted that too. Because he has 3 close blood relatives left (myself, my brother and my uncle) we were told to watch ourselves because this stuff is genetic. So needless to say we're all looking at topics such as this FAR more seriously. I think of the 3 of us I was...or even could still be the least healthy of us. Something like this DEFINITELY puts things like taking care of yourself into perspective.

I'm not getting preaching and telling you "NEVER EAT HAMBURGERS, ONLY EAT HEALTH FOOD", that would make me a hypocrite...I was eating a bag of chips on my way into work today . What you eat is your business. But I would hope if you're making food choices, you know HOW to make the right ones. This is where I'm like, what is the deal with this restaurant? See that pic at the top? That's from their business! The Single bypass? Ok, that looks kind of cool, but past that one? they start to look like, "we're just going to make you stuff your face and look like a pig, oh don't worry if you drool it adds to the image"!

While I think the idea of the restaurant is flat out STUPID, why is it THEY are the ones under fire for this? The guy ordered a burger called the TRIPLE BYPASS BURGER! How the HELL is THAT a good idea?! Hope you enjoy your boiled tofu and lentils, because that's LIKELY what you'll be eating the rest of your life dude.

I really hope no one thinks I'm being preachy here...I'm not saying nix bacon...good lord, I could NEVER say that...I'm just saying there's indulgence... and then there's ASKIN for it...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #22

Logo credit Nate Williams

Is it just me or is this getting WORSE?! We're now hearing of kids who are lighting other kids hair ON FREAKIN FIRE! Kind of starting to wonder if there is like an underground bully conspiracy going on! Now more than ever the time to fight AGAINST bullying is SO important! In my edition last week, I forgot to mention another Anti-bully...supporters. I have a few of my friends who fire me off stories ALL the time to help me with the blog. These are also Anti-bullies, because they're helping with this awareness. ONE sent me a story here earlier this week that I REALLY need to talk about today!

Apparently there is something called a "Bully circle" (confirming further my conspiracy theory). And that's apparently the LITERAL term. A group of bullies (Or more likely a bully and their little minions) they haul in a kid, and start pushing them around and stuff until they're hurt and or down...This could be COMPLETELY there may be no "Warning signs". I know my stomach just turned too.

I DO however have some GOOD news, not all doom and gloom. Well it's good, but unfortunate it got to this point. If you've read some of my EARLY posts on the Anti-bully blog, the interviews, there was a VERY unfortunate trend. When I asked them, what did the school do, most times the school system FAILED that person (I don't think any of the schools were local but still). While you're dealing with kids, I would THINK we'd like to keep it at a school level...but with things getting calls for slightly stricter measures.

I guess earlier this week the Saint John Police spoke at a school about this issue. They went in and told kids where they could turn and I guess that if the bully is over 12, it will be looked at as a criminal offence. Sucks that it's HAD to go there, but good that something is being done!

For the Kids who read this here's a bit of an explanation for you

Pushing, kicking, hitting, etc= Assult
Cyberbullying = Threatening, and/or harassment
Name calling= Harassment

Police are apparently saying that these criminal behaviors will not be tolerated by the school, the police, OR the community! This is actually REALLY good news, as harsh as it may seem to some. So this is the news I wanted to share, because the unfortunate reality of this blog is typically, it's not good news on here...

QUICK reminder, if you have questions or something you'd like to contribute to the Anti-bully blog you can FB me Or e-mail me Everything is confidential unless you give me permission to use the info and or your name.

Also Join the movement, I'm an admin on an Anti-bully group on Fb. We discuss, inform and do our little bit to stand up against bullying Anti Bullies Unite

How I modify a recipe's Ingredients

PROMISE the Anti-Bully Blog is coming today! I'm not at work yet...actually I'm sitting here watching Rachael Ray. I kind of love her! I'm little, loud and a terrible baker but I LOVE cooking (ok I could be a better baker if I wanted...but I really don't care enough). I personally find I get bored with food easily, actually my hair is thankful for that, it used to be what I experimented with, length, color, etc...I'm a natural long haired jet black brunette (with some silver sprinklings). Back to food (no I don't make a habit of it overlapping with my hair...eww), I VERY rarely eat the same thing twice, I usually change SOMETHING every time I cook. I come by that honestly...My Grandma did the same thing. So I take a LOT of my inspiration from Rachael. HOWEVER, I'm on a budget (is it just me or is this starting to look like a cheap and easy post) so I modify the recipe to be more financially friendly. I ALSO have some food Allergies, so I modify for that too. SO Rachael is over now, and I'm still rambling. I thought maybe I'd show my modifications, so maybe you can look at the recipe you've wanted to try and think...wait...I could do that if I just changed...

So today's recipe was called Spicy Maple-Mustard “Cleveland Style” Chicken or Chops with Brat and Cheddar Potatoes

These are the ingredients:

  • About 2 1/2 pounds potatoes, peeled and cut into large chunks, 4 to 5 potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
  • Salt
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup shredded sharp white cheddar
  • Pepper
  • 4 tablespoons butter, divided
  • 1/2 pound bratwurst, diced
  • 4 bone-in chops or skin-on, bone in chicken breasts
  • 2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
  • 2 Honeycrisp apples, skin on and sliced
  • 2 onions, sliced into thin wedges with root end attached
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1/2 cup cider or hard cider
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/4 cup really dark amber maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup spicy brown mustard
If I were to modify this recipe it would look a little more like this

5 Potatoes
Skim Milk (what I have on hand all the time)
Whatever cheese I have on hand OR is on sale (which is typically what I have on hand)
Whatever sausages I have on hand (I usually stock up my freezer when it's on sale)
Either the Chops or Chicken breasts (I usually have chicken breasts but then quite often chops go on sale so I could go either way)
Olive oil (because I'm a Rachael fan I always have this on hand, I use extra virgin, and use it as an added moisturizer for my skin, eye makeup remover, and in a facial scrub...there's versatility)
Due to my allergy, I'd leave out the apple
Chicken Broth (same as the oil...I keep this on hand)
Worcestershire sauce
Maple syrup
spicy mustard

SO because of what I HAVE in my house RIGHT NOW I would need to pick up Cheese, Sausages and cider...just work around what you have on hand, it helps!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Simon Pegg Day!

Yeah it's Valentines day, and I COULD be crapped on for what I'm about to say from a friend of mine...I don't celebrate Valentines day...I'm kind of not a big fan. Can't even TELL you how freakin thankful my husband is for that. I dug it when I was a kid, that's when it was fun! You went out and grabbed your FAVORITE Valentines (I sported the X-men one was awesome) and did one up for EVERYONE in your class! Then on Valentines day in the afternoon you had a party at school and didn't do any work. Instead parents would send in cup cakes and chocolates, and the teachers would have the kids long enough to give them that sugar high and send them home (yeah parents didn't think that one through did they). As I got older, it became this depressing day, where if you were in the "friend zone" with anyone, it was WAY more excruciating that day. I kind of grew to hate it. This all being said, the card from my mother in-law was MUCH appreciated because it brought back some of that innocents from the childhood Valentines day. I'm not judging anyone who celebrates it, if you like it, do what makes you Happy right? SO I'm not celebrating that...but I AM celebrating...SIMON PEGG DAY!

I'd be a pretty crappy fan indeed if I didn't recognize the fact that my FAVORITE Actor is celebrating his birthday today! I'm a loud and proud self proclaimed geek...and really...this guy should be the King of geek land! He's a short skinny guy who came into the spotlight with his late 90's comedy Spaced where he played a Skateboarding comic book geek who could probably quote episodes 3-6 of Star Wars with out hesitation. He worked with his BEST friend on that, and 3 live action movies, one that has a cult following (shaun of the dead) another that if it hasn't REACHED that's close (Hot Fuzz), and one with a FREAKIN ALL STAR CAST (Paul). He has lent his voice to Video games (ie Fable), and family movies (Tin tin and One of the Ice Age movies). This Guy is like the Gene Simmons of the geek world (reference to another hero of mine). And seriously this guy's geek dreams have come true...he played Scotty in the 2009 Star Trek Movie, and will be reprising the role in the upcoming film (currently shooting). These are some of the reasons I idolize the guy.

So like I said if you're Celebrating Valentines day, whatever makes you happy...but I'll Celebrate (unofficially) Simon Pegg Day!

Cheap and Easy Edition #5

Logo Credit Nate Williams

Alright so This week's cheap and easy recipe is one VERY special to me. This is my FAVORITE meal, it's chicken (or turkey) Divan! When I was little my mom's side of my family would gather together on boxing day and it would almost be a potluck type meal. One year my Nanny made THIS with left over turkey (we're making it with chicken but yeah). I think I ate the majority of it. After that Nanny made it EVERY year. Jump ahead SEVERAL years, and I was at my now In-law's place for dinner, and my Mother in-law made something VERY similar. So this is neither of their recipe, this mine...which just happens to be a combo of the two. SO this is one of those meals that has memories for me, I thought that seemed like an odd thing, but in reality we all have those meals I suppose. Quickly again here are the ingredients :

1lb Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts (or left over chicken or turkey work REALLY well here too)
2 Bunches of Broccoli (you can also use a full bag of frozen)
1 Can of Cream of Mushroom, and 1 can of Cream of chicken (or 2 of Cream of chicken)
1 Cup Mayo (yes 1 cup, I use the stuff made with Olive oil...some how that's less offensive in my head)
Lemon Juice (it'll be just a couple splashes)
Curry Powder (to taste, but you'll want at least a tblsp)
Cheese (shredded a cup or more, your call)
Bread Crumbs (yay a use for the heels)
Rice (according to box, however many people you're feeding)

Pre heat the oven to 350

You need the chicken cooked and cut up into pieces. Once that's done layer it in a casserole dish

Cook the broccoli (if it's frozen it needs to be thawed and drained) and layer it over the chicken

In a large Bowl combine the soups, mayo, curry powder, and a couple splashes of Lemon juice. Pour over Chicken and Broccoli

Top with Cheese and Bread crumbs

Bake for 30min, or until the crumbs are golden, cheese is melted and the stuff is bubbly

Meanwhile cook the rice

To serve, serve up rice and top with the Divan

makes 6 servings

Total cost of recipe- 9.92

Cost Per Serving- 1.65

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition #5 ingredients

Logo credit Nate Williams

Alright! SWEEEEET week! So this week we'll be making my FAVORITE Meal of ALL TIME! Here are your ingredients!:

1lb Chicken - Chicken Breasts are on 2.49/lb @ On the Vine
2 Bunches of Broccoli- ALSO on sale @ OTV .89
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup & 1 Cream of Chicken OR 2 Cream Chicken- I know mushroom is on for .45 @ Superstore
Mayo (least healthy part of the recipe)
Lemon Juice (just a tad)
Curry powder
Bread Crumbs

Watch for that recipe Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #21

Logo Credit Nate Williams

So Wow! I can't tell you how amped I am to do this blog this week. SEVERAL reasons why! For Starters, as I mentioned there last week a friend of mine started a new FB group called "Anti Bullies Unite"...might have had a hand in naming the group. What's more, I'm an admin in the group. SO I'm crazy AMPED that we're ALREADY up to 135 members! ONE I was particularly amped to see joined (she should know who she is). If you've YET to join, here's the link:

I'm also at the BEGINNING stages of working on some workshops, that would be HUGE!

Also, today the top 5 nominees for the Salty's in each category were announced. While I DIDN'T make it, I DO know I was nominated due to this VERY blog. I'm kind of amped for that, because the series isn't even a year old yet (getting close but not there yet). So to the people who nominated me, thanks VERY much for thinking of me

So this week there were SEVERAL potential stories for my to editorialize on, but I decided to go a different route...BECAUSE there were a few. One of the FIRST posts I did on this blog pushed the idea of an "Anti-bully Pledge". It's time to touch base on that pledge again. There are several breeds of the thing they ALL share, is that they have a MAD hate on for Bullying. ANYONE can be an Anti-Bully, even if you've BEEN a bully (though if you are one, I have a hard time believing you're reading my blog).

There is of course, the person who stands UP to bullies. These are the ones who play Twisted sister's we're not going to take it in their head as they stand toe to toe with the Bully. This brand could have gotten into physical altercations with a bully, but VERY likely gave one a tongue lashing. This is also probably the first breed to come to mind.

Another would be the Bully Victim who uses the system. These are the ones who inform authority and try and have something DONE about them being bullied. In kids, they're a RARE breed, which really sucks. These are the ones who decide to put away that fear of it coming back to bite them in the ass because it's NOT right! They're not wimps like the bully would have them believe. No they're brave, and strong, and smart! They not only fight to end the madness for themselves but for others that bully might victimize as well.

There is ALSO the friend, the Bully's mortal enemy! A bully, believe it or not, is a mega coward! They don't like to lose, and THAT is why they choose to single out one person. The FRIEND is the one who doesn't care if it's "cool" to hang out with one person, they give them a chance! and in a LOT of cases can find some amazing friends and LEARN how to be an amazing friend. These individuals may NOT be bullied themselves but stand by their friend who is. then again they MAY be bullied and find friendship in some one who is ALSO being bullied, but discover when they stand together that they are strong.

Another one, doesn't fall into ANY of these categories, but sees the horrific results of bullying, finds a passion and does what they can to fight it. At ONE point they may have fallen into one of the other categories, but this breed is QUITE often an adult. This is the group who often feel powerless...wishing they could do something. they're the ones who make the phone calls to school boards, police, media, and do EVERYTHING they can to create awareness and or fight this issue.

If I missed your category, I'm sorry, but kudos to you for having a category! There are SO many options for how to BE an Anti-Bully! This is why I BEG you to choose one. If you're a kid in school who sees another kid being bullied, be that friend that could make ALL the difference! If you're BEING bullied, end it! Tell some one make it better for YOU and the others that this bully is after! It's been ALMOST a year since I started this blog, and FIRST ask you to take the Anti-Bully Pledge...It's time to renew! BE an Anti-bully! Bullying is FAR to common these days and FAR more brutal! I know it happened when I was a kid...but I didn't see kids getting BRUTALLY attacked or lit on fire! This is like nightmarish stuff that you see on Criminal minds...and some how KIDS are doing it! KIDS! It's escalated and we need to fight it even HARDER than we needed to 10 years ago. That's why I URGE you! Take the Pledge to be and Anti-bully!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition #4

Logo Credit Nate Williams

Ok So Last week on my PERSONAL Fan page I put it up to a vote, if we wanted my Nanny's Recipe, OR a pasta Sauce. I mentioned the sauce WAS the healthier choice, and in the end the sauce won (clearly these people have NEVER had my nanny's cooking lol). So what's REALLY cool about this sauce is it's actually the FIRST recipe I served to guests. It's PRETTY packed with Veggies too, which I love, and my husband the anti-veggie? He liked it too! So REALLY quickly here are your ingredients

1 Onion
Green Pepper
1 Tomato
Ground beef
2 Cans Canned tomatoes
1tblsp Onion Soup mix
1 Box Of Pasta
And sorry I discovered one other OPTIONAL ingredient, but I used it, Flour.

Chop up the first 4 ingredients. Cook in a skillet or a deep frying pan until soft over medium heat. If you have a garlic press, use it (I wouldn't be without mine now) And I RECENTLY READ somewhere that if you let the garlic sit for about 5-10 min prior to cooking you're going to get more of the benefits from it (and this time of year, get those benefits as MUCH as you can)! When they're set add the Ground Beef to the pan and brown. Drain the fat. Meanwhile get that pasta set to go according to the directions on the box. Back to the sauce! Add the canned tomatoes, don't drain. You need to now bring everything to a simmer. Stir in the onion soup mix and let it continue to simmer for another 3 min. IF you choose to use the flour it's for thickening. Ladle out some of the liquid (about 2-3 scoops with the typical sized Ladle) and wisk it with 1/2 a cup of flour, then stir back in WELL (you can also use corn starch whatever you have on hand) let it go about another 2 min to allow it to thicken. Combine the Pasta and Sauce and enjoy! Serves 8 and the portions are GOOD sizes!

Cost for the recipe=9.98
Cost Per serving= 1.25

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cheap and Easy Edition #4 Ingredients

Logo Credit Nate Williams

SO After a rather Fun/busy/tiring weekend I'm here to post the ingredients for cheap and easy...and the recipe comes out tomorrow. This recipe was REALLY welcomed when I got home last night, and it's JAM PACKED with goodness. So here is your ingredients list!

1lb Lean Ground beef- 2.29/lb @ Superstore
1 Onion-2.99 @ Superstore (bag of organic)
Green Pepper- 1.49/lb @ On the Vine
Tomato-.99/lb @ On the Vine
2 Cans Canned tomatoes
Onion soup mix (1 pouch is like .70 @ Superstore and you won't need the whole thing.)- This is my secret ingredient.

I had this last night for supper and am AMPED I have more today! My husband, who is a picky eater, and really shouldn't have liked this, DID like it! I know that with him though I couldn't do mushrooms, but I bet they'd be amazing in this! Recipe comes tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #20

Logo Credit: Nate Williams

The 20th Edition! WOW! I can't believe it's gone this far already. I was thinking reflective piece today, because 20 is a big deal (especially when you consider there was the hiatus there for about 4 months and factor in that follow ups share the same # as the actual post) BUT we're coming REALLY close to the 1 year anniversary of the Anti- bully Blog so I thought reflective piece might be more appropriate there. SO instead, I thought I'd do more of a behind the scenes dealy here today, just give you a heads up on what I've got going on in relation to the blog.

So 2 weeks ago was my post on the young lady who was cornered, and held down by one student while another cut her hair. I went right off on my typical rant (I'm sorry it's really a family trait, we rant and rave), but it's kind of funny when you've cooled down and can kind of sit back and reflect on a situation how much more clearly you can look at things. When I went off it was mostly bashing the two bullies who did this to the young girl...and unfortunately I didn't touch too much . To Madison, I'm sure EVERYONE has been talking to you, bombarding you with advice and their two cents...sorry I'm being added to the list. I'm guessing, you probably had BEAUTIFUL hair, what's more you will again! Can I tell you the INSANE stuff I've done to my hair over the years? I've had like CRAZY short hair, I've have red streaks, there's been A LOT crap going on on top of my head, and it's always grown back. One day your hair will come back in all it's glory, and those pathetic girls who chopped it WILL have to live envying you again. Yeah, I called them pathetic. Bullies SUCK! I said this in my FIRST EVER post, and will continue to say it. You are probably pretty upset with those girls, and I can't say I blame you, but you should also have some pity for them. They're SO lame that they have to do something awful to some one else to make themselves feel better. I don't think I need to tell you, you're not alone. A TON of people have been rallying together to back YOU! That's kind of incredible. Can I also add what YOU have done? Since this has all gone public, it's brought the issue of bullying BACK to that front burner for people...When you stood up and said, ok this happened to me...and I'm not going to just stand here and be did that! Hang tough lady, you rock!

That's the stuff I wanted to say specifically to her. And I'm glad I got that out. BUT it's very true that this incident has brought bullying to all of our attention again. It pops up ALL the time in the media, so I'm not sure it's ever REALLY gone from our minds, but when it happens in our own backyard, we wake up. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I'm a radio announcer, I'm not trained to properly advise on any cases of bullying. My blog is more so there for people DEALING with bullying to either vent, or discover, hey I'm not alone. Luckily BECAUSE of my blog, I've made some more connections in the way of people who CAN advise. Just because I'm a radio announcer, I happen to have a soap box that's all. However I've also been bombarded more recently. People asking me to get involved in groups, rallies, events. Being involved? TOTALLY on board (if you're one of the people who have messaged me and I haven't gotten back to you, I will I just haven't had a chance to yet). What's REALLY kind of funny is as I was typing this I was made admin on a FB page too. There is a specific Anti-bully I've been working behind the scenes with on some projects and promotional stuff since his post hit the blog. NO joke, as I was typing I was made admin on there. SO on that note here's the link for that page (which I MAY have had a hand in naming):

So I guess that project is now underway, and there has been talks of involving some of our contacts in this one go...join!

Alrighty well I think I've covered A LOT today, so I'll wrap it up for now. BUT ESPECIALLY coming closer to the 1 year mark I'd like to remind people, if you have any questions about the blog, or think you could have a story for it, DO NOT hesitate to message me via FB or e-mail If you look back to older posts you'll notice that there are some without names....that's because I DON'T use them without permission. There's actually a document I send out to protect confidentiality.