Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #24

WOW so I almost forgot ALL about the blog today! And what a shame it would have been! I've been talking with a listener over the last couple days about an issue she's having RIGHT NOW! So typically speaking when a listener talks to me about their issues with bullying, I'm kind of nervous, mostly because they typically ask for advice...and I'm not qualified to do that. I don't want to give bad advice, so usually I tell them WHO they can contact. Well this was an exception to the rule. I've gotten to know this listener well enough I don't mind chatting with them, and she wasn't so much looking for help as much as just needing some one to talk to. So I promised not to say her name or where she goes to school but she DID say I could use the story.

So she started out by telling me, she had been really stressed in the last while, and she did something stupid (her words). She tried weed. And somewhere in there her mom found out, and called the school, in turn the school called the other girl's parents. Pretty standard stuff if the rents find out right? And NOW I guess this other girl is bullying the listener I talk to, threatening her and verbally attacking her mom too.

Now how the parents handled it I'm not sure and to be honest, it's really none of our business, that's between them. BUT I guess since then it's been harassment for my listener, so bad that she'd had enough and flat out told the other girl "Y'know what, just hit me"...and apparently she did.

Since then Her mom has been looking into a transfer to get her daughter out of a situation where she is being harassed. Her daughter has also told me she feels she has no close friends there anymore so of course she's miserable.

BUT the school will not support the transfer apparently...because she instigated the "fight" when she said hit me...REALLY?!

PS her mom has called the school and they've guessed it...nothing!

This is going on RIGHT NOW! These laws against bullying CANNOT come into play soon enough! I really don't know WHAT to say about this at all. Granted I'm getting one side of the story to be fair...but really? I've said it before I'll say it again...School is supposed to be a SAFE place, and this girl is being denied that. It's really the same old song and dance, the school fails the student...I wanted to share this story with you. It's not making headlines, but y'know what, it's happening, and shouldn't be!

1 comment:

  1. A Solution to End Bullying:
    With all respect, I would rather take all this energy of expression and put it to effective, constructive use. I know an Non-Profit youth organization, that can make a difference and end bullying- Saving Lives! But, has not start-up due to politics and the control factor of programs even if their programs are not effective. Learn More about this organization at
