Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #21

Logo Credit Nate Williams

So Wow! I can't tell you how amped I am to do this blog this week. SEVERAL reasons why! For Starters, as I mentioned there last week a friend of mine started a new FB group called "Anti Bullies Unite"...might have had a hand in naming the group. What's more, I'm an admin in the group. SO I'm crazy AMPED that we're ALREADY up to 135 members! ONE I was particularly amped to see joined (she should know who she is). If you've YET to join, here's the link:

I'm also at the BEGINNING stages of working on some workshops, that would be HUGE!

Also, today the top 5 nominees for the Salty's in each category were announced. While I DIDN'T make it, I DO know I was nominated due to this VERY blog. I'm kind of amped for that, because the series isn't even a year old yet (getting close but not there yet). So to the people who nominated me, thanks VERY much for thinking of me

So this week there were SEVERAL potential stories for my to editorialize on, but I decided to go a different route...BECAUSE there were a few. One of the FIRST posts I did on this blog pushed the idea of an "Anti-bully Pledge". It's time to touch base on that pledge again. There are several breeds of the thing they ALL share, is that they have a MAD hate on for Bullying. ANYONE can be an Anti-Bully, even if you've BEEN a bully (though if you are one, I have a hard time believing you're reading my blog).

There is of course, the person who stands UP to bullies. These are the ones who play Twisted sister's we're not going to take it in their head as they stand toe to toe with the Bully. This brand could have gotten into physical altercations with a bully, but VERY likely gave one a tongue lashing. This is also probably the first breed to come to mind.

Another would be the Bully Victim who uses the system. These are the ones who inform authority and try and have something DONE about them being bullied. In kids, they're a RARE breed, which really sucks. These are the ones who decide to put away that fear of it coming back to bite them in the ass because it's NOT right! They're not wimps like the bully would have them believe. No they're brave, and strong, and smart! They not only fight to end the madness for themselves but for others that bully might victimize as well.

There is ALSO the friend, the Bully's mortal enemy! A bully, believe it or not, is a mega coward! They don't like to lose, and THAT is why they choose to single out one person. The FRIEND is the one who doesn't care if it's "cool" to hang out with one person, they give them a chance! and in a LOT of cases can find some amazing friends and LEARN how to be an amazing friend. These individuals may NOT be bullied themselves but stand by their friend who is. then again they MAY be bullied and find friendship in some one who is ALSO being bullied, but discover when they stand together that they are strong.

Another one, doesn't fall into ANY of these categories, but sees the horrific results of bullying, finds a passion and does what they can to fight it. At ONE point they may have fallen into one of the other categories, but this breed is QUITE often an adult. This is the group who often feel powerless...wishing they could do something. they're the ones who make the phone calls to school boards, police, media, and do EVERYTHING they can to create awareness and or fight this issue.

If I missed your category, I'm sorry, but kudos to you for having a category! There are SO many options for how to BE an Anti-Bully! This is why I BEG you to choose one. If you're a kid in school who sees another kid being bullied, be that friend that could make ALL the difference! If you're BEING bullied, end it! Tell some one make it better for YOU and the others that this bully is after! It's been ALMOST a year since I started this blog, and FIRST ask you to take the Anti-Bully Pledge...It's time to renew! BE an Anti-bully! Bullying is FAR to common these days and FAR more brutal! I know it happened when I was a kid...but I didn't see kids getting BRUTALLY attacked or lit on fire! This is like nightmarish stuff that you see on Criminal minds...and some how KIDS are doing it! KIDS! It's escalated and we need to fight it even HARDER than we needed to 10 years ago. That's why I URGE you! Take the Pledge to be and Anti-bully!


  1. Nancy, I congratulate you on the great service you are providing in regards to awareness and solutions for Bullying... A recent news interview motivated me to right a part 2 to my Article on Bullying... it addresses the compound effect that Cyber Bullying has now added to the mix of challenges.. I welcome you to drop by for a read:
