SO I'm doing my blog today on the definition of a Healthy Relationship. The FINAL straw in this was some facebook posts I witnessed today regarding a messy situation with a friend of mine. Sorry no details for you but the people involved know the score on that one. No this blog isn't to bash anyone, everyone in life makes choices, and the choices are theirs to make. The thing is much like Newton's Laws of Motion with choices, To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you I always had it figured out. I was once upon a time a boy crazy little girl. When I had a guy say he liked me? BOOM, interested. Not going to say it was a bad thing either. I love my life, and everything that has happened in my past has led me to where I am today, so no wouldn't change a thing. But I WILL tell you this, I HAVE a real man!
I've been with my husband for 6 years (as of 3 days ago) and married for almost 1.
Ladies, have you ever dated a guy where it seemed to be YOU made all the effort? Not saying that's not a "Real man" but he REALLY isn't the man for you. A guy who is worth your time would climb a mountain to get to you for five min. Effort in a relationship should be 50/50, not saying it ALWAYS will be, some times it will be more you, sometimes more him. But a relationship has 2 people and 2 should be trying here.
A Real man talks to you. I'm not saying annoy the hell out of him with the "whatcha thinkin" thing. I'm saying you talk, you share, and when you're not you're not uncomfortable in the silence.
If you feel insecure in your relationship, a real man will try and help you to be more secure, in word and deed.
A real man isn't whipped, he wants to do things for you. Ladies that doesn't mean you can say "If you were a real man you'd clean the toilet for me". Nope because then, you're a manipulative woman (sorry ladies I'm trying to play fair). A real man would see you trying to do something and offer to help...unless he knows better to stay away from your temper in your frustration.
Ladies some standards need to be raised. You don't NEED a guy. You should be able to function on your own, strong, smart and confident. The whole "Before you can love some one else you have to love yourself" thing...true story. BUT you could find a guy who just meshes with you well, the ying to your yang, before you know'll feel like you need him. What's MORE he'll feel the same.
So this may all sound like it's out of a fairy tale...but to be's what I live. I know how lucky I am. So in there I hope you realized that where these are the "real man" traits, the opposite would be a little boy. OR possibly a guy who isn't into you. AND if a guy isn't into you? don't try and force it. A guy who thinks you're the most amazing person he's ever met. Doesn't that sound nice? Don't settle for less than that. If the feelings are gone (guys take notes on this one too) end it. You may feel guilty, but if you keep it going, you're not being fair to EITHER of you. If the feelings are gone you're wasting BOTH of your time, and possibly letting the other person get more emotionally invested. Some one may hurt, and you may feel mean, but it would be meaner to keep it going instead of everyone getting to move on. OH and REAL Men AND Women, do it face to face. Calls, texts and e-mails are cowardly, and don't speak well to ones character.
Don't settle. The person you're with should be the most amazing person in your eyes, and you in theirs. If relationships end, it can hurt, BAD but y'know what, it's an opportunity that BOTH parties should be taking. The opportunity is to take a step back and figure out what it is you want in future relationships. Bridges could be burned but it's an opportunity for something better, for both parties. I know when there's a break up, we like to think "he'll never find better than me". You can think that, it's comforting right? BUT the reality is you're both looking for better for you as an individual.
I'm no Doctor, so I can't say I've delved into human emotions as a science. No these are just lessons I've learned along the way, and what I've taken away. Odds are, you'll have to learn for can you learn from an others experience?To be fair, these same points could be made for guys about girls too. Anyway that's my piece, thanks for reading :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Summer Prep week 2 Day 3
Progress? Epic FAIL! LOL! SO I'd feel guilty if not for the happens. Life gets in the way of your plans. Ok so I can't say EPIC...I've been steady with ONE aspect...the 8 glasses. I'm ON the water thing. Down side? It was LITERALLY the easiest of my goals this week.
Increase exercise level? Well Maintaining probably should have been the goal...because I haven't even done that...Yeah I'll give you an excuse...the weather. Last week? It was oh yay outside...this week? We're back to bundling! THAT being said my Walk will be back tonight! So that's SOMETHING.
AND the major spring clean...the goal was one room complete by the end of the week...well progress actually has been made...but it hasn't been on ONE specific room...It's been a bit on 2 rooms. Bathroom (which was the goal room) and the living room (which wasn't even the next room I planned to tackle oddly enough). So the Bathroom Walls have been cleaned, because hubs is AWESOME. The plan is tonight I will clean ALL cabinets...perhaps more...we'll see if time permits (WHAT?! it's Criminal Minds night!).
So NOT an epic fail, but not what I would have hoped for at THIS point. Looking back at my Monday post, I will say perhaps I went TOO far with my set goal for Exercise. I DID say I wasn't at the consistency level I WANTED to be at. That consistency issue is STILL a problem...SO I guess the rest of the week I'll work at it still...but I have a feeling THAT goal isn't going to change next week.
So that's the LITTLE progress I've made...
The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #27

Logo Credit Nate Williams
Well this week's blog serves as a bit of a follow up to last week, and as such will likely be brief simply because well I'd like to AVOID being redundant. SO if you missed it here is Last week's post.
So since last week's post...there has been NEW development. Petitions have been provided including the backing of such Celebrity names as Justin Bieber...and bigger and BETTER (sorry Beliebers) Johnny Depp! As such, they have decided NOT to put a rating on this bad boy...Nope instead they MY opinion...passing the buck. It will be up to LOCAL theaters with they WILL play it or not, and they can use discretion as far as who they let in to see it. NOW there IS good news, checking on the Empire theaters site, the movie IS in the "coming soon" section of the NB Theaters. It DOES say limited release AND has no show times, but then neither does Amerian Reunion which opens the same there's hope. Considering what has been happening in our OWN back yard, it would be FOOLISH for them to NOT carry it. That's obviously MY opinion, but really, I think everyone who supports Anti-bullying would's NOT a small group, and what's more it's NOT a small problem! I stand by previous statements (so much for not being redundant) Not ONLY should kids see this SHOULD be mandatory. SO here is hoping our local theaters hear the cry for help on this one, and do what they can :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Cheap and Easy Edition #8

Logo Credit Nate Williams
So Cheap and Easy has become EVEN EASIER...for me. I have a TON of recipes! Ones off the top of my head, a ton from my nanny, aunts, mother in-law, and of course Rachael! I am the type who really likes trying new stuff in the kitchen (be good, isn't it bad enough the blog feature is called Cheap and Easy). So now that Pinterest is in existence, ya! So when I'm making up my grocery list (usually Thursday night) I'm going through flyers of course for the best deals (for this feature, and my every day groceries) and I make a menu. When I draw a blank? Hello Pinterest. Recipes are LIKELY the thing I pin most and this is one of those recipes. Quickly here are the ingredients
1lb Boneless Skinless chicken breasts
1 Can Cream of Chicken soup
1 cup Salsa
1 pk Taco Seasoning
1 cup Sour Cream
So that was what the ACTUAL recipe called for and ALL of it was on sale (bonus)
Now the recipe itself said serve with nacho chips...ok you could! I think this might make the recipe more kid friendly (just the fun factor) BUT Tortillas were on sale last I went that way, and turned this into Chicken Tacos!
So I also mentioned your typical taco toppings as well, but that's all personal preference
Here is what you do to make this
Pop out the slow cooker. Combine the soup, salsa and taco seasoning. Then Submerge your chicken in there. Cook for 5-6 hours on low. As you're cooking this, you'll notice the sauce is going to start cooking to the sides. Well in the last hour of cooking you're going to add the sour cream. This is going to get the stuff off the sides (hooray)! So if you do this taco style, you spoon it up on your totrillas and top accordingly. IF you're going the nacho route, spoon it into a bowl and top accordingly...yay dip!
So that's this week's recipe! Enjoy!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Summer Prep Week 2
SO last week we had very much SUMMER conditions and it was QUITE inspiring as far as Preparing for Summer goes. Now I sit here on a Monday...a grey Monday, and need to plan for week 2. I can actually see those flurries we were all completely aware were coming when we were sporting the flip flops last week. Can I just say how nice it was last week to have the windows open? ALL NIGHT?! Ok so lets start with a review of last week's goals
Increase Exercise levels
Start Skin Rejuvenation
Make Battle Plan for Spring Cleaning
Check, check, and check.
Exercise...still not as consistent as I would like to be, but the goal was increase...and I did...
Start Skin Rejuvenation MAJOR progress there. The majority of my Winter Skin issues are gone, or at least WAY more under control than they have been
Make Battle plan for Spring cleaning...I kind of made this one WAY easy, probably because I'm a MAJOR Procrastinator. But yes...the battle plan is in place...
SO this week's goals
Increase Exercise level...waaaait...wasn't that LAST week's goal? Yes...but like I said, I'm not completely last week it was a 45min walk and I think I did it 2-3 times. That walk, stays...BUT more to it than that. The walks weren't solidified DAILY...and they'll probably stay that way. BUT I can put more into my day. Starting tomorrow (because it's already gone for today) there will be some running added to the schedule (because I plan on doing Marathon by the Sea again this summer) AND Yoga (because I like it). If it's crappy out Yoga it is. If I have a whole week of crappy, well, kickboxing will be brought in. Before it's said, I likely will avoid dancing...I'm not a fan of I couldn't see me dragging myself out of bed to dance...
Drink my 8 glasses a day! Ok so the skin Rejuvenation from last week STAYS, but welcome to the second step. Hydration! It's good for the skin, and for you in general. I'm typically a camel...but these days...I'm not drinking as much this is my goal...8 a day...PS I've done this before...I can do it again
Get 1 room completely spring cleaned! Ok see, I'm moving forward! Though I AM starting in the easiest (because it's smallest) room in my place.
SO that's this week's goals!
Increase Exercise (again)
Get my 8 Glasses a Day
Get on my Spring cleaning (one room MINIMUM completed by next week)
There You have it!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Rude people
Ok so I had every intention of doing this post last night but just never did. I've come to the conclusion that manners are long gone. Rude people, I guess it's another on the laundry list of things that annoy me. Ok they're not gone, they are NOT common these days. I'm sure I'm desensitized to some, but in those cases I'm pleasantly surprised when some one has them. SO what brought this on? An INCREDIBLY rude experience. Ok so this is a VERY common one. You go in the Grocery store and you're trying to get down an isle, and there SHOULD be plenty of room for you and another cart or two...but ONE person is taking up the ENTIRE isle. Ok there are some who would see you coming and move out of the way. Ok, well to those people...THANK YOU! Then there are the ones who stand there, and they just don't realize you're there...ok, well there is lenience there too. If the shoe were on the other foot, you wouldn't want some one to get mad at you right. Then there are the ones who seem to think this world revolves around them, notices you and simply doesn't care. These are the people who usually irritate me...BUT I met a WHOLE NEW BREED last night. I was trying to go down an isle just me, no cart and there was a couple who had the entire isle blocked. Between the angled cart and they spread out across the isle. Well I waited like two minuets then I got tired of waiting and said said "excuse me" no movement. I said it a little louder, the woman looked at me and then ignored me. Third time, I said it while moving forward and went right through...we're talkin I was in personal space and she wasn't moving. I got through but seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! Those were some of the rudest people I've ever encountered at a grocery store. If they're reading this...this was March 23rd, around 7:15ish at No Frills. If this is YOU, that was incredibly rude, and I'm not sorry for posting this. The fact that THIS is the world we're living in now? it kind of makes me think manners are almost dead...and that's pathetic. That's all I have to say, thanks for reading
Friday, March 23, 2012
Cheap and Easy Edition #8 Ingredients

Logo Credit Nate Williams
CROCKPOT RECIPE! AMPED Ok so here are your ingredients!
1lb Boneless Skinless Chicken breasts-3.99/lb Superstore
1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup- Campbell's on sale @ Sobeys .59
Salsa-large jar 3.50 @ Superstore
1 pack Taco Seasoning- .88 @ No Frills
Sour cream-1.49 @ Superstore
Tortilla shells (1.88 @ No Frills) OR nacho chips (might be more kid friendly)
Anything here that you would add to your TACO that isn't listed here
Cheese- 3.88 @ no Frills
Tomato- cherry 2/3 @ On the Vine
Lettuce- .99 On the Vine
Recipe comes your way Tuesday! I'm pretty amped to try this!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Summer Prep,Week 1 Day 3!
SO if you missed my post earlier this week explaining what it is I'm doing it is . So Yesterday some progress had been made in...most of my goal categories. Spring cleaning was the WEAKEST of the 3, well more has been made.
So my Spring cleaning goal was SIMPLY to make the battle as long as a plan was in place...Mission accomplished...well...Mission Accomplished I came across something on Pinterest (yes latest addition) that had a Checklist specifically for Spring cleaning. I don't know about you, but for me, I operate better when I have a checklist I just tick off as I go. So this is the list . Having this list was half the battle...the other? Getting Hubs on board. FOR the record, the plan is to take ONE room at a time and a minimum of ONE job a day EACH is to be done. PS opening the window? it doesn't count! SO that's the goal, achieved...So I guess we could get started...Bathroom is first...and hubs JUST did the walls and I best step up now.
Skin Rejuvenation has continued...THIS was one that got a LOT of attention the milk and oil bath soak continued. My feet are back! I'm in Flip Flops be honest I thought they were going to be worse (yeah I know, that's gross).
And Exercise, yup walked 45min again last night so no real change there.
Just as a close, I THINK we could probably not only get the cleaning STARTED, BUT finished as well. So above and beyond this week's goal. Then pick a room for next weeks goal...but getting a head of myself on that one...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Summer Prep, Week 1 day 2!

Increase Exercise level (increasing from none, doesn't take a lot)
Rejuvenate skin (goodbye winter scales)
And Make my battle Plan for my major spring cleaning
Progress has been made! I took a 45min walk last night, and will tonight as well. Tomorrow...we'll see, but I'd like to do this AT LEAST 3 times this week.
Rejuvenate Skin...this is where I made the most progress. I have REALLY sensitive skin and in the hates me more than EVER! So last night I did 2 things and they've made a difference.
I used my FAVE home made scrub, you could LITERALLY make it right now, you may have it all in your house. NOW I've made this in larger batches, but I didn't last night because it USUALLY makes for waste. I took about 2 tsp of Extra Virgin Olive oil, 2 tsp Honey, and 1/8 cup Sugar. This is a MOISTURIZING scrub...if you have oily MIGHT wanna steer clear. So I used that, ALL OVER and it made a difference. I also SOAKED in the tub with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil (see why I love it) and some Milk...this actually CALMED my skin, and with Eczema? THAT ROCKS! Really DIDN'T need to moisturize after...but I did. Also pedied myself!
Finally the game plan...this was the LEAST fun of the 3...and I should have done what my dad used to make me do with my homework. The area I liked the LEAST got worked on first (I had the option of a BATH in one of those in my defense). BUT there is some progress. I think I mentioned a Check list I found on Pinterest that gave you the checklist for spring cleaning. It's divided into rooms. SO the "Battle plan" (which btw is ALL I was required to do) is break it down. Take that list and go one room at a time. Tick off at least 2 jobs a day (one for me one for hubs...he lives there too).
That's the progress made on the 3 goals!
More to come!
The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #26

Logo Credit Nate Williams
So If you haven't heard about the movie Bully yet, you need to. I was actually talking about it this morning with my husband, and he was telling me that there's some MAJOR controversy with it right now relating to the movie Hunger Games. Hunger Games, where you have kids hunting each other, is rated PG 13...ok fine. BUT due to the "Language" in Bully it's getting an R rating...and kind of defeats the purpose of the whole movie. Just some info on Bully. This is a documentary, a year in the life of the MAJOR issue of bullying. Now it covers the story behind a FEW kids from the looks of it, but one in particular, took his own life and his parents are now fighting against bullying. To the censors I'd like to point out, you're censoring this to the age group USING the language. I'm not trashing Hunger games, I'm interested to see it myself. BUT It sounds slightly worse than Bully as far as censoring goes...the BIG difference is Bully is TRUE. Not only should the rating be lowered so kids CAN see it, I think it should be Mandatory in schools. Will it hit the kids hard? Um YEAH likely...but unfortunately we've gotten to the point where you NEED to nail it! KIDS ARE DYING! Not saying it NEVER happened when I was a kid, but it wasn't EVERY WEEK you hear about a new kid who was bullied to the extent they were INJURED BADLY or worse...took their OWN LIFE! Put yourself in the position of the parents who have had to hold a funeral for their OWN CHILD! These are parents who looked at their kids and wondered what wonderful things their kids would do in this world, and INSTEAD, had those plans cut short, because this world was SO harsh, their baby couldn't stay in it...But Kids who are doing this TO them can't see the movie because of the language...Do you see what I'm getting at here?
Remember if you have questions about the Anti-bully blog or something to contribute, you can facebook me OR E-mail me
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
First day Of Spring

SO top floor of K100, I'm the female influence...I'm the ONLY full time lady on this floor. I can keep up with the boys...but when I decide to be a Chick (ha that worked with my pic) sometimes...there are snickers (not the chocolate bar). Well I'm prepared for the fellas to get a chuckle...because here comes Nancy...the girl!
It's Spring, and one thing I need to do...Spring cleaning! For my Apartment...and myself! In the summer, we see A LOT more skin than we do in the Winter...Shorts and Tanks...stop being a perv! But where to begin? There are SO many places to start! Well this is where I'll be recording ALL my progress, plans, and tricks!
First day of Spring = Day 1!
So that being said, I'll have goals for EACH week...and here are the 3 things for this week!
Increase Exercise level
Start Skin Rejuvenation
Make the battle plan for Spring cleaning my place
Breaking it down. This evening, I will probably start walking, and this will likely become an every evening thing. I have a way this will be amped up in week two...but I'm getting ahead of myself
Start skin Rejuvenation...sounds like a surgical procedure really...not so much. I don't know about you...BUT I have bad skin in the winter! We're talking dry, and irritable. HERE is where I start fighting that. So step 1 with this will be exfoliating, and soothing. One more thing? PEDI! No not to the spa...but really your footsies have been in the wool socks all winter! How much attention have they gotten? I have Dry/ Sensitive skin, so I have to be careful with everything I do with this stuff.
As far as the House Hold Spring Cleaning goes? Action plan comes into play tonight. I personally work better when I have a list that I can tick off as I make progress. Luckily, I'm a Pinterest addict and came across such a thing. So the Battle plan will be put into place tonight!
Oh yeah...and I have to make supper LOL! But that's every day, not so much part of my plan! SO these are my 3 goals this week. Watch for other posts, progress, and my new goals!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Mother-In-Law Contract...
for even a year yet...BUT in 12 days I will have been WITH my husband for 6 years...and we lived together for 5 & 1/2 of those years. To get off on that point really quick. It was QUICK, and my now Mother-In-Law WASN'T a fan of it, but says today she's glad it worked out. We had actually decided to be roommates before we started dating. We were good friends and BOTH needed a roommate. Ok BACK onto the topic at hand. It's not lost on me this is a dramatization. It's unlikely that she'll be THIS crazy when finally the day has come he has his OWN family...the UNFORTUNATE part is that the daughter-in-law scenario COULD potentially happen. So I guess this is me taking the Dramatic contract, and tweaking
it to what it SHOULD look like, because SOME of the requests WEREN'T completely unrealistic. Take notes Mom's and future Daughter-In-laws! I dedicate this to MY Mother-In-Law, who I feel has gotten me to the point where I am educated enough to do this blog.
- I will compliment my mother-in-law's (MIL's) cooking, her decorating, and, most importantly, the incredible way she raised her son, my husband.-Ok so this shouldn't NEED to be in the contract AT ALL. If she cooks you a great meal, yeah totally compliment her, and if not AT LEAST thank her...that's manners....same with the decorating, and yeah you love your husband? His mom played a MAJOR role in who he is. Thanking her from time to time on that? Not out of the question!
- I will marvel at my MIL's beauty and miraculously never-aging skin every time I see her.- Again should be automatic. My Mother-In-Law ALWAYS looks put together and be honest, I think I'm guilty of not doing this enough...though I will say I usually notice her new hair-do before my husband does.
- I will acknowledge that my MIL's son is on loan to me so that we can make grandbabies, which will probably look like her and have her wonderful traits, which I will mention in conversation frequently and with great fervor.- K Sorry, no, he's not on loan. The Vows are there, and it's til death do us part. THAT being said, while forsaking all others IS a vow, a
- GOOD wife wouldn't let his mom fall into this category...unless she's a TOTAL nightmare...and I mean TOTAL
- I will remind my husband to call my MIL daily, saying, "Have you told your mother you love her today? You should, she rocks." Plus, I will throw in phrases like this:
- "That amazing woman raised you! You should call and thank her... again."
- "You can truly never thank her enough."
- "Let's go over and thank her in person."
- "We should bring her a gift when we go."
- "She's so deserving of gifts."
- "Let's take her on vacation with us."
- "And get her another gift."
- "Maybe a beautiful locket with picture
- s of you and our children."
- "No, I don't need to be in the pictures; she didn't raise me... unfortunately."- WE got a little carried away on THAT one didn't we? Ok calling her DAILY? Little much, but I DON'T think Weekly is TOO much to ask...she DID give you life (sorry honey I know you HATE the phone but you SHOULD call your mom more) Again some of them get carried away, but y'know what throwing kindness in her direction, yeah, you should!
- I will tell other women that their mothers-in-law are not as fabulous as mine, and I shall be willing to throw down in the event that said women disagree.- YUP...unless again she's a Nightmare...on any degree really.
- I will take my MIL to her weekly hair salon appointment and shopping at Loehmann's, when it is deemed necessary by age.-Yeah case to case basis... If I lived closer, I see NO problem with that
- I will spend all holidays with my husband's family, because they are so awesome and gracious, and I realize how much mine sucks by comparison. -Again, case to case basis. If you're ABLE to spend holidays with family (I'm not always) it should be SHARED FAIRLY between the TWO families, because yes, there ARE 2 here. Not to get dark and depressing here, but my In-laws would now win be default.
- I will move to be near my MIL, whether she has retired to Century Village in Florida, decides to live in a nudist colony in Arizona, or goes bat-s**t crazy and moves to Alaska for the fresh sushi. She is so wise and wonderful that I'm sure her choice of habitat will suit me and my husband perfectly!-No, you and your husband are living your own life, any reasonable Mother-In-Law would get that.
- My MIL can so live with me and my husband when she's
- old and can't remember who I am.- Again case to case basis. Me personally I don't know what's going to happen down the road, but at the VERY least, we'd work to make sure she's CLOSE to us so we can be there for her.
And lastly:
Oh, and:
Ok so as a Daughter-in-law HERE is what I would add:
MIL must respect that DIL and her Son are now a family. Th
ere IS room in this family FOR her but she must realize much like when she and her husband started, these two are now a team.
When Children come into play DIL and son will LIKELY turn to her for advice, because look at how awesome her son turned out, BUT at the end of the day the final call falls upon THEM
There should be a MUTUAL respect between BOTH the MIL
and the DIL
MIL should stay out of situations that concern her Son and DIL alone. It's between the two of them, and yes MIL will MORE thank likely side with her son, it's between the two of them , and ONLY them
I think that's it. PS my Mother In-law does all of this...except the kid thing...doesn't really apply though...SO MIL and DIL can live in harmony when following these rules. MIL's remember this is the woman who makes your son happy. DIL remember this is the woman who made your husband AWESOME. When you think about it, you SHOULD be on the same side. ALSO you ARE family now.
As I mentioned, this is dedicated to my Mother-In-Law, who is awesome, and if you disagree...we have to throw's in the contract...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Cheap and easy Edition 7

So for starters there's technically 2 recipes this week because we have the main and the side. The Main is Pork or steak, whatever cut you choose, but it's like a derby style. I'm from NS and had a "Steak and Stein" and I ALWAYS got Derby Style steak, and came across THIS recipe and it's pretty similar.
So first thing you need to do it combine one part Soy Sauce, one part Worcestershire sauce and a tbsp garlic. This is your marinade and like any marinade, the longer the better for your meat.
Then cook it in a frying pan accordingly
Pre heat the oven to 350 Make your potatoes mashed, meanwhile cook the broccoli until soft. Combine the two, and transfer over to shallow casserole dish. Shred your cheese and top the potato mixture. Bake in oven for 10 min or until the cheese is melted.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Cheap and easy Edition #7 Ingredients

You can choose pork or beef, it's great with either, when I found it it was posted for pork...I'll explain how I discovered the beef thing in my story. Pork chops are on sale @ OTV 1.99/lb, and if you wanna go for stake, it's 4.99/lb there too
Worcestershire sauce
Soy Sauce
Garlic (or garlic powder works too)
Broccoli- 2 @ Superstore
Cheese-2.99 @ no frills
Technically there are 2 recipes this week, but it's a main and a side watch for the recipe on Tuesday!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Anti-Bully Blog Series Edition #25

HOORRAAAAYYY! SO I'm super amped because the Anti-bully blog is now 1 year old! PRETTY amped about this. SO as promised I'm doing a little bit of a reflection and "behind the scenes look" at the Anti-Bully blog where it started and what has happened with it over the last year. I've always been ANTI-Bully, I've shared my own stories FAR too many times. The blog started when I saw a listener of mine cyber bullying. I won't share her name, but that's EXACTLY what she was doing. Her statuses were going on about beating the crap out of some one who apparently did her wrong. They were constant and became more and more violent. I would comment on them opposing the situation, and to be completely honest, me rolling my eyes and thinking just how sad this made them look as a person. So I did an Anti-bully rant, and actually sent it to them directly...and I did a couple of these and sent it to her. I suppose looking back I was kind of giving the bully a taste of her own medicine...I wasn't threatening her or anything, I was just pointing out how...well...for lack of a better term pathetic it was that she was doing this. Pretty sure I don't have her on FB anymore. I realize in my position I WANT people to like me...but I'm not about to be all buddy buddy with some one who goes COMPLETELY against what I feel is right.
I started to look at my posts and realized, I was a broken story was getting stale. But as I've said several times, I wasn't perfect growing up, but I was often friends with the kids who got picked on. So I started calling in some favors... ok FBing. I knew some had stories that still hurt, or they didn't need people in their life today knowing, so I offered them the choice to remain anonymous. For added protection for them I actually did up a contract that I sent them this is what it looked like:
Thank you for your contribution to my Anti-bully Blog series. At no point should your identity be compromised, and your post should NEVER be exploited for financial or personal gain. IF anything should happen that violates these terms your post will be removed immediately!
For the record no names have ever been revealed and no post has ever been removed. Most of my friends actually laughed at me when I sent this to them.
The start of the following was of course family and friends. I would post EVERY post on the K100 fan page in hopes SOME one was out there reading it. After about the 4th edition I got an e-mail from the head of Bullying Canada. It was a group I wasn't aware of, but learned about them and featured them in a blog. They are a source I still have.
Our then Promotions director was contacted by Kids Help Phone, who were like my Holy Grail in the beginning of this project. I interviewed them about an event they had coming up and got myself ANOTHER contact.
It was about May when people FIRST started approaching me about the Blog, and I realized HEY! People ARE reading it! My dad was a MAJOR follower, so is his best friend (I see likes ALL the time on my posts). But at my Wedding I had people approach me! I had listeners add me on FB and send me their stories. If you're a regular follower I'm SURE if you are a follower you remember the 12th edition? it was a 10 parter, and what shared with my by Catherine Derry. Not sure she realizes how much she changed my approach to the blog at that point.
Another REALLY important person I need to mention in the story of the Anti- bully Blog is Shawn Lynch. Like I said, in the summer, it was on Hiatus...I have to come clean...another reason was the well had run dry. I thought it COULD have possibly been the end of the Anti-Bully Blog...and then Shawn showed up at a station event, and saved it. I'd NEVER met this guy before and he came up and told me HOW MUCH he appreciated the blog. That breathed new life into the blog. There were people out there reading the blog...I knew this now. And when I started it I said...if I help one person with this blog, it's worth it. I'm not even sure that I have to this day, but I knew I had a chance to still. And that's when the blog got a facelift.
Prior to that, I had relied SOLELY on the material I got from be honest, this isn't a topic people are always forth coming with. Well...I've got a journalism background...I know how to editorialize...and that's what I started doing. I'm SO open to people doing pieces and stuff for me...but if there's nothing from some one's still MY blog, and so it's my responsibility! I've yet to run out of material since...though I wish I had've (it would mean bullying was on the fall).
Somewhere in the last year I also had some one reach out from another Anti-bully type blog called Always a Chance . They focus A LOT on how things are being handled in the schools and such because it's done by a couple who used to work in the school system. One thing that has come up on MORE than one occasion with this blog series is how the School system has failed victims of bullying. Well the couple who does that blog know this FIRST hand, and in their time in the school system did what THEY could to try and make it better... For this I couldn't applaud them enough. They did what they could to improve the situation for kids, and that's a big deal, because it's rare.
This is some stuff that has been going on all year but it would SEEM most of the more recent activity has come since 2012 hit! Unfortunately, we've seen a lot more bullying here in our own backyard. As terrible as it is, it's made Bullying a MAJOR topic of conversation! We're FINALLY seeing something done about it in schools this spring...and it's about damn time!
Because of the blog I've had people approaching me asking me questions...If I can help I do, if I can't I tell them who can (much like I did when I worked in retail). Another thing about the blog? Let's bring Shawn back into the story! Shawn started an Anti-bully group on FB, and approached me about being an admin. Flattered, I said yes...and helped name it, Anti Bullies Unite ! That group has become bigger than I ever expected, a GREAT resource and an informative teaching tool. There are a BUNCH of people on there telling their stories and finding support from others who have been through this...this is an AMAZING group, I'm proud to be a part of, and it's just the beginning, it continues to grow.
This Blog series was also nominated for a Salty. It didn't make it to the MAJOR runnings, to be honest I know of 2 noms. I appreciate that I got those 2! And when I got them I was crazy flattered and actually shocked to be honest. Not in it for the glory of all of that. I do this blog with a help. If I start getting something out of it other than that I'm afraid of it going to my head and my goal changing and it being done for the wrong reasons...I really don't want that. So thanks for the noms, and it's totally cool I wasn't one of the top 5 :).
So I guess in a Nutshell (yup that was nutshell) that's the first year of the Anti-bully Blog. For starters, let me thank EVERYONE who contributed their stories, anonymous or not, it's incredible you did, and thank you for trusting me with it. Everyone who ever read're the reason I can say, mission accomplished. I know it got out there, because you told me, and that's half the battle. I need to thank Nate Williams who if you haven't noticed, created the logo. As a matter of fact, I think there's only ever been ONE edition without the logo because I asked him for one soon after and got it that VERY same day. Thanks to everyone EVER involved in the blog. The goal for the next year? Same as SOME ONE!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Dear Monday,
Is there a reason you are exceptionally sucky today? I'm not the type of person to get a case of the Mondays but're sucking my keep my eyes open! For real I'm ready to crash on my board today and smack the microphone on with my face. It's not even I don't WANT to be at work today...because I do...I just want freakin ENERGY! Now I do NOT like not having energy...if you know know I TYPICALLY and at high energy at all times...I'm Eeyore today! Not for a lack of rest either! I got to bed REALLY early last night and stayed in bed until 9am this that excuse is out! There is a Large coffee in me, along with an Emergen-c, and round two of that is coming up soon. Monday, you're KILLIN me! And I know I'm not alone! I've had listeners telling me of planned naps at the end of their work day...what a lovely dream...nope, I need productivity! I have an Apartment crying out to be cleaned...and the Hubs has been doing stuff how can I REALLY go home and look at it and do NOTHING?! No, I need to do something...that's not fair. So my request to you Monday...give me my DAMN energy back...this is CRAP!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Making it work for us

I've come to discover whenever there's change, there's typically pro's and cons. Well my my household, there's been some pretty major scheduling changes. With my old time slot people used to say "wow, do you like that schedule? You get off SO late". Ok, yeah I did, but so did the hubs. It REALLY synced up well. We both slept in to unreasonable times that the average person would curse at us under their breath at us out of jealousy. And went to bed at times a typical bar hoping 19 year old would call late. It was a working system. Then came 2 BIG changes in the schedules. The Hubs NOW goes into work later, and my schedule has changed so I'm going in MUCH earlier. SO my schedule (on a good day) I'm now up at 8am, and head to work around 10-10:30, which is roughly when the hubs gets up to drive me in. So we have a half hour there. I'm home in time to have supper made for when he takes his supper break...then we have another half hour. His typical days off are Friday and Saturday and mine are Saturday and Sunday. So yeah, far more conflict...combining that with the grossness of the grey sky...the hubs is bummed. And I'm a freak...because it REALLY hasn't hit me yet. I LOVE having my evenings, but miss my BFF! So yeah that's a MAJOR con. BUT there ARE some up points. His Friday's off? That LONG day of sitting at home in a state of boredom? It's now A LOT shorter, I'm home in the evenings so YAY! With how early I get off in the evenings, by god! this summer there is potential for 2 night camping trips! 2 FREAKIN NIGHTS! I'd by lying if I said I wasn't amped about that. BUT like I said, hubs is bummed. This is a discussion we literally JUST had and the best possible solution we could come up with . So I can't really stay up for him to get home...there would be an exhausted and cranky( more than usual) Nancy on K100...and that won't do. And he can't get up earlier because well if he got cranky...I couldn't live with he'd be a major poo head, and likely not feel well 90% of the time because he's got a job that is PHYSICALLY exhausting. SO our solution? Well the newly formulated plan! Focus on making the time we DO have quality. And (this one is still experimental) Wednesday, we sneak a couple hours. He'll be getting up an hour before I leave for work while I'll stay up an hour after he gets off. Now I REALLY don't think we could do this EVERY day, we'd be beat. But he's going to give up one hour of sleep a week, and I'll be giving up more, BUT Wednesday is Criminal Minds and SVU night...I can TOTALLY stay up for those and the hubs! He's worth staying up for! I just wanted to share the story today...if you read this and thought "Who cares" joke's on you! You read the whole thing and wasted your time with something you don't care about. Boss people! (both my and my husbands) we're not complaining, that's not what this post it about. This post is about adapting. Life is ALWAYS changing, and you need to adapt. THIS is how we plan to. I'm not a relationship expert, nor do I pretend to be. There are times I think my husband is a HUGE poo head, and I KNOW there are times I'm a nightmare to him. BUT we make it work as best we can...and I think that's WORTH sharing :)...I love you stink head!
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