Monday, March 5, 2012

Dear Monday,

Is there a reason you are exceptionally sucky today? I'm not the type of person to get a case of the Mondays but're sucking my keep my eyes open! For real I'm ready to crash on my board today and smack the microphone on with my face. It's not even I don't WANT to be at work today...because I do...I just want freakin ENERGY! Now I do NOT like not having energy...if you know know I TYPICALLY and at high energy at all times...I'm Eeyore today! Not for a lack of rest either! I got to bed REALLY early last night and stayed in bed until 9am this that excuse is out! There is a Large coffee in me, along with an Emergen-c, and round two of that is coming up soon. Monday, you're KILLIN me! And I know I'm not alone! I've had listeners telling me of planned naps at the end of their work day...what a lovely dream...nope, I need productivity! I have an Apartment crying out to be cleaned...and the Hubs has been doing stuff how can I REALLY go home and look at it and do NOTHING?! No, I need to do something...that's not fair. So my request to you Monday...give me my DAMN energy back...this is CRAP!

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